This week’s Weekly Wisdom includes an extensive Pick A Card reading and my take on what we can expect during the Pluto Retrograde.
Since Pluto is such a distant planet, the Retrograde energy does not have much different energy than when it is Direct; he still brings his energy of Death, Endings, Disruptions, Transformation and Rebirth into something new. The focus is on Capricorn between 25-22 degrees. Pluto in Capricorn will go back over this area and the events that occurred between December 22, 2019 to April 25, 2020. Much has changed in our world during that period of time. Think about it, this was around the time that the novel Coronavirus or Covid-19 was breaking out. I am trying to pinpoint the actual dates and it is difficult because China held back the disclosure of this epidemic, soon to become a pandemic, to the world until December 31, 2019; following the Lunar Eclipse on December 26, 2019, when secrets from the shadows leak out. It is reported that the first case in China may have been as early as November 17, 2019, but that Chinese officials did not disclose to the WHO (World Health Organization) until just before New Year’s Day 2020.
We know what Pluto brings, in Capricorn, the changes would be surrounding the energy possessed by Capricorn, such as, Governments, Organizations, Business, Banking and Finance, Work in general, safety, security and our sturdiness, materialization, success and achievement, goals and gaining, money and career. Capricorn is Ruled by Saturn, and whom I refer to as The Rule Maker, Kronos Father Time, the Karma Police. Saturn was in his home Sign of Capricorn during this time, Conjuncting with Jupiter as well. They were only missing Neptune at this party as he left two decades ago in 1998 and has since been hanging out at home in Pisces. Mythology taught us that Saturn (Kronos) was the Father of Pluto (Hades), Jupiter (Zeus) and Neptune (Poseidon) and ate them and the rest of his children Ceres, Juno and Vesta, with the exception of Jupiter (Zeus) to put an end to the prophesy of one of his children overthrowing him from his throne. Fortunately, Jupiter’s Mother, Ops, hid him away on the island of Crete and he came to force Saturn to vomit up all of his siblings and they overthrew Saturn from his throne, in which Jupiter (Zeus) became king of the gods. One item to note, mythology also indicated that during the Golden Age, Saturn brough prosperity and abundance, without labor, to all that celebrated him; providing the fruits of the Earth, like all good fathers do or maybe I should say as all good Rulers do as he was not good to his own children, but to those that worshiped him, which ultimately conjures in my mind how we as humans worship the almighty dollar and toil away for the Rulers of Business and Government and allow our material desires and the need for recognition and success to put us in chains and become slaves to the wage or is it really to Saturn?
OK – I went off on a tangent – but I am trying to make a point that these brothers have once again come together to overthrow Saturn. Now, Pluto is going back over a significant point in our human history so that we can dive down into the dark depths of these current events and take a look at how they have affected us, how we will react, how we can change our lives and how we can change and transform our lives and the areas of our lives that are really not fulfilling and serving us in a truly pleasant way. Many of us are being given an opportunity to slow down and reconsider what is truly important to us now.

Remember, the Sun is in Taurus (our values) Conjuncting Uranus in Taurus, the Father of Saturn. Venus, the goddess of Love and Beauty, Ruler of Taurus is preparing to also take a backward journey and turn Retrograde in Gemini May 13-June 25, 2020, giving us an even deeper opportunity to reconsider matters of the heart and our values and our thoughts, bringing our minds and hearts into sync and this is where I am leaning towards for my Pluto Retrograde prediction; we are reconsidering many matters. We will also need to take a look at how 2020 is going to play out considering that will Retrograde this year! Yes, all of them. It is as if Mother Earth, Gaia, is putting us into a time-out corner and asking us to look at what we’ve become and look at what we have done to her. Saturn goes Retrograde and will slip back from Aquarius and into Capricorn May 11, Jupiter May 14; it is Clash of the Titans all over again? Anyone pushing to return to their conception of “normal” will have a rude awakening.
Most effected will be Capricorn (obviously); poor Capricorns have taken a beating this past year. Take a look at where Capricorn falls within your own chart (7th House/Relationships for me) as that is the area that will change and transform. Conversely, Cancer in opposition will also feel the tension. Virgos and Taureans will have the most to benefit as they will form a lovely Trine to Pluto.
My best advice is to take advantage of the backward rolls and change and transform those shadows within; become the person you have been dreaming of becoming.
Now enjoy the Weekly Wisdom and Pick a Card!