
“Stop watching those ghost hunting shows, don’t you know they attract ghosts into your home? That is why you have so much activity in your house Kim, you are too open to them and watching those shows opens you up even more”, my Mother scolding me repeatedly when I would complain of the disturbances. Some things never change and now she visits me regularly.
People have had a fascination with contacting the dead on the “Othe Side” since the beginning of time. It is driven by the unknown, but mostly grief or is it that people have had glimpses and signs from their loved ones that has them seeking more evidence and information of the truth?
Our loved ones are always with us, live is ever lasting and they are always reaching out to us and trying to connect with us, but are we listening? Are we seeing all the signs they are sending us to let us know they are standing right next to you guiding you along the way in this physical life?
Last year I wrote an article entitled “Thinning of the Veil” you can read it here: The Veil is Thinning are you ready? this article covered many tips and recommendations for how to make safe contact with the Other Side during this time of the year when the veil is at its thinnest; when Spirits can cross easily into our parallel universe. What is this mysterious Veil that I speak of? Some like to call it the Other Side, Heaven, the pearly gates, Utopia, Nirvana, the After Life, Moksha, Realms of Light and from a scientific point of view- Albert Einstein tried to prove his String Theory of Quantum Physics and how there are at least 12 other Universes or Worlds all lined up next to each other. This Veil is the space between these “strings” – the space that keeps us separated, yet it is so close. I remember reading one of Sylvia Browne’s books and she described the veil between our world and the world in which our loved ones reside as being about 3 feet off the ground from where we are and therefore gives the appearance of apparitions to be floating and not touching our floor and that is because their world is slightly above ours. I don’t know because I have seen many “my world” ground touching spirits and maybe that is when they could punch through the veil and enter our world? We may never know. I have personally had the theory when contemplating Quantum Physics and String Theory that when we see Ghosts and Spirits it is due to them bumping into our world for a split second and a piece of them pierces through; they are whole on the Otherside, but when they pop through they appear transparent to us? Conversely, who is to say that we are not Ghosts in their world and we also bump into the String and appear as Ghosts to them. This loop plays repeatedly in my head.
Let me throw up a disclaimer: NEVER, I REPEAT- NEVER EVER USE A OUIJA BOARD OR SIMILAR ORACLE OF DIVINATION- this and any purposeful contact could and will invite Spirits in from the Dark Side and not of the Light – you want to use extreme caution about what you are inviting into your space. When I was 8 years old, my Mother the Witch and my Uncle the Warlock decided to conduct a séance in our home with a homemade Ouija board. It was a warm summer Sunday night, all my family members gathered around the dining room table, lights out, candles lit and the stage was set. They wanted to contact the Otherside and most specifically Eddie, the love of my Mother’s life and brother of my Uncle George. I remember laughing and saying that my Uncle George was tapping under the table and making it rise and making spooky things happen even though he promised that it was not him. He and my Mother were controlling the planchette as we sat around watching. I do not completely recall what was said, but the events took an ugly turn very quickly when the skies opened, thunder and lightning rolled in an 80 to 90 mile per hour wind swept through the property causing the patio umbrella to become dislodged from the table outside and fly through the second story living room window and smash everything in its path. My Mother fell to the floor, doubled over in pain and began throwing up violently. She was in such pain that she could not stand, she could not walk. The séance was abruptly ended (they never closed the gateway either) and my Uncle George had to carry my Mother to his car where he drove her to the nearest hospital. My Mother was in the hospital for several weeks trying to recover from a mystery illness that no doctor could diagnose and an additional six weeks in bed until she fully recovered. We were banned from every brining another Ouija board into our home again let alone ever speak of this evening…. this is the first time since that I have spoken of this and you are the first to hear this story… that was 43 years I have been holding onto this night.
Fast forward 30 years from that eerie night, I found myself living in a duplex apartment, occupying the second-floor apartment with my teenage daughter. This neighborhood was built directly across the street from what used to be a cemetery. A cemetery that was moved a mile up the hill to accommodate a newer housing development (has no one ever seen Poltergeist- you do not move a cemetery to build houses on?) Strike one against us. Strike two comes when my lovely neighbor on the first floor loses her beloved father at an unexpectedly early age. In her desperation and grief, she purchases several books on contacting the dead, a Ouija board and other elements to assist her in contacting her father. Unbeknownst to me and my daughter she begins her attempt to conjure. She put up no protection and truly does not know what she is doing. Crazy things started happening in my home and increased daily as the weeks and months passed. Our televisions, fans, computers and lights were turning on and off by themselves day and night, mostly around 3 am. Cabinets and closet doors were opening on their own, items were missing and then we started to see the manifestation of the Spirits standing all over our apartment. Guests to our home were also seeing and experiencing the phenomena. It took me quite some time before garnering the courage to ask my neighbors if anything crazy was happening in their apartment downstairs. I just could not imagine that it would only be happening in mine as both apartments occupied the same building. My neighbor’s husband screamed with a resounding affirmation that it was occurring in their home as well and that they sleep with the lights on each night as that keeps the Ghosts away; their 3-year-old daughter was being attacked by a Shadow Man that was living in their closet at 3 am every night. He ratted out his wife and blamed her lack of knowledge of the Underworld, her grief over the loss of her father and wanting to contact him to be the cause of this activity. I did my best to clear the building after that with sage, candles and prayer. I called in several of my Medium friends to assist in the clearing; it was picked up there were 10 Spirits occupying our building 3 of them were not human. Within a month, my neighbors moved in with family as they could no longer take the attacks and my daughter left for college. I was left in the building by myself while I decided what to do. I would come home at night and all the lightbulbs in my home and the building would be unscrewed, I have witnessed glasses flying across the room and shattering in midair; I needed to get out. The spookiest was when I was in the basement laundry room and could hear people walking around above me, which was the unoccupied first floor apartment. I could hear what sounded like a ball bouncing on the floor overhead. I hated doing laundry. Within three months I purchased the home that I am living in now and I do my very best to keep this home ghost free. That still does not stop the occasional visitor from popping in every now and again.
So, if those two stories don’t deter you from purposely wanting to contact the dead, you are either fearless or stupid. The Spirits and Loved Ones that are closest to you will find and contact you on their own without any prompting if you just look for the signs…chances are they do it all the time and you just do not know or are not aware of what to look for…Trust me – you are not crazy if you experience any of the following:
So, how do we safely and purposely make contact with Spirits in the After Life?
- Always protect first and foremost. Crystal grids are my favorite forms of protection as are prayers of intention and a good sage smudging. I choose Black Tourmaline, Smokey Quartz, White Selenite and Rose Quartz for my grids. I have quite a bit of Amethyst around the house as well and in each room, but not specifically in the grids although you can do that too.
- Set the stage. Clear your space and make it conducive to visitors of all realms; in other words, clean your house as a messy place invites Spirits from the Dark Side.
- Turn off the electronics unless you are using digital voice recorders, Ghost Radar, an Ovulus, thermal camera or night vision or red light cameras.
- Meditate; calm and center yourself for about 15 minutes.
- Call out to your loved ones and ask specific questions so you know without a doubt If it is them or not. If you are trying to capture EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena) you will have proof and a record of your questions and answers. I have found that the use of you Smartphone recorder works perfectly for this and we have caught EVPs at Gettysburg Battlefield using a Samsung Galaxy.
- Turn out the lights in your home and light some candles.
It may sound corny, but I like using a phone app called Ghost Radar Legacy during the week leading up to Halloween. I know it technically is not real, but I have had some weird experiences with it and so has my family and friends where specific answers to specific questions have been answered. When I have used it during other times of the year randomly I get one word periodically and nothing makes sense, but something different happens when the Veil is Thinning and if you know anything about Ghosts, they love to manipulate electronic devices and they draw energy from electronic devices as well to manifest and speak and I believe that this is the one time of the year that you just may get intelligent communication. Just last Halloween I was using the Radar and wanted my Mom to contact me. I had a series of answers that not only made sense, included her name and words related to the name of her business and other events in sequential order and directly right after my questions. Is it coincidence? Was I reaching? I do not think so – it never makes sense or works like this and like it does during Halloween week. Plus, I believe that there are no such things as coincidences, everything is Divinely guided, you would have to also and have had strange coincidences and serendipities otherwise you would not be reading this right now. I could also tell you about the time that my Niece was sitting at her breakfast table and the Ghost Radar kept repeating her name and the name of her deceased Father-In-Law; she turned it off and never turned it back on again. Give it a try. The Legacy version that I have found to be the best is Legacy and it is on .99 cents.
Before I leave you with a list from James Van Praagh of all the ways Spirits make contact with us every day, I will contest to the fact that when we are the most relaxed we are the most receptive and that is when we are sleeping. Whether we experience Spirit visitations in our dreams when we sleep or physically in our homes while lying in our beds it is hands down when we are sleeping and is it usually after 12 Midnight and 5 a.m.; mostly between 2-4 a.m. So, pay attention to your dreams and pay attention to the clock if you are awakened in the middle of the night around 3 to 3:30 I would have to say that someone is there and they are trying to get your attention.
Good luck and Happy Halloween and may the Other Side visit you this week and you get the comfort and excitement that you were hoping for!
Now for a little JVP wisdom:
The dead try to connect with us every day. To receive guidance and comfort from them, we only have to be open and aware of the signs they send us. Here are 10 of the most common ways spirit contacts us:
- Dream Visits
The dead often speak to us, clearly and vividly, in our dreams. There is nothing frightening about these visits—they are a wonderful way for the departed to spend time with you, providing guidance and support.
- Visions
You might see a loved one or pet in the room, or in your mind’s eye, when you are fully awake. They may look transparent, semi-transparent, whitish or in full color. A vision might come in the form of a loved one’s face in the mirror, a window, or even briefly superimposed on another person’s face!
- Scents
Unexplained scents or the aroma of anything that you associate with the departed person—their favorite flower, perfume, even cigar or pipe smoke—is their subtle way of letting you know that they are near!
- Sounds and Music
A sure sign from beyond is hearing your loved one’s voice calling your name either “internally” inside of your head or “externally.” You might even hear a voice warning you of something. Music is a sign, too. Musical signs can come in the form of a meaningful song being played in your head or a song being played on the radio at an opportune time that is very meaningful to you.
- “God-Incidences”
Lucky and amazing coincidences are what I call “God-incidences,” meaning that the coincidences or synchronicities are really special blessings from God in answer to your prayers and/or your loved one’s prayers for you. Your loved one may very well have helped in setting up the God-incidence for you.
- Sensing a Presence
Sensing a strong or heavy energy presence in the room or a breeze going by you can be a sign that a spirit is reaching out to you. Some people feel a sensation of love and peace, a sudden weight on the bed, or wake up at the exact time that a loved one has passed.
- Butterflies, Dragonflies and Birds
Your loved one may have sent a winged messenger from the other side as a sign that they are always by your side.
- Rainbows
Rainbows that appear after you have asked for a sign from your loved one, or on a significant date, are beautiful, light-filled signs from beyond.
- Numbers
Look out for meaningful numbers that show up on license plates, sales receipts, food checks, etc. It may be your loved one’s birth date, anniversary or date of passing showing up. When you see one, take comfort in that fact that your loved one is reaching out to say “hi.”
- Recognition
Seeing someone who looks like your loved one when you have been thinking about them and needed to see them is a sign that they are near.
These are some of the most common ways the dead connect with the living, but they have countless other ways of making their presence known. Open up your soul to receive these signals, and you will always feel your loved ones nearby!