There are so many avenues this topic could take and today I am only exploring one; the connection between our current Prenatal Lunar and Solar Eclipses and how it can link us back to a Past Life. Because I have personally experienced coming into this life, recalling and articulating my last life to my Mother before I was 3 years old and remembering all of the events she took to verify the information- I have been obsessed with past lives. Short of my experience that my Mother was able to verify the information that I gave to her in 1967-1968 pre-technology and pre-computer world; she had to physically go to the location and manually look up records. I gave her information that no 3 year old could possibly fabricate… it is a really laborious and unverifiable task in most cases. This is where Intuition and Astrology can help to chart out who or where you were.

First steps and clues- Before we start digging into our Astrology Charts I am going to point out some questions and clues to ask yourself:
- What were your favorite games as a child? What you enjoyed playing as a child could be a clue into who you were in a previous life. Think about all of the things you loved and disliked as a small child. Things we loved or hated are windows into not only who we were, but what type of life we may have lived.
- What period of history most interests you? This is always a Big clue. If you are obsessed about particular times in history and find yourself watching certain movie genres from those time periods – you may possibly have lived during that time period. The same goes for time periods that you detest- you may have lived during that time as well and it may not have been a pleasant existence.
- Have you ever experiences Deja Vu? Have you ever traveled somewhere and felt like you knew the city like the back of your hand or were just completely drawn to the buildings and landscape, the food and the culture? This is also true when you first meet someone and feel like you have met them before or in some instances – have a complete love or hatred for someone you have just met? They could be a soul from a past life.
- What countries would you like to visit? Same as above, countries and places that you love, hate, obsess about including certain cultures and peoples that you love or hate could tie you back to past life roots.
- What talents do you have? If you are exceptional at something that you really took to quite easily and without much education…could be a past life gift? I have a friend that can hear music, turn around and play it on almost any instrument…he never took a music lesson in his life other than typical elementary school music class. The same goes for languages that you may have picked up very easily either by sound or being able to read it fairly easily without having spent years learning it.
- What marks, aliments and scars do you have? It has been said and studied that birthmarks are signs from past lives as are unknown scars and chronic illnesses. I have heard of and seen some people with chronic illness take a past life regression, discover the root cause of the ailment from a past life and the Doctor tell them (under a hypnotic state) that the illness does not belong in this life and I have seen this work…the person is relieved of the past life ailment shortly after returning to waking life. As many of you know, I have a prominent birth mark on my face. My first pediatrician was from Persia and in his culture was said to signify a past life, prominence and importance. He said that I was the blessed child. I have read of a Doctor Ian Stevenson (now passed) that did extensive reincarnation studies on children, one of them being on children with birth marks and how they signify a past life wound that could connect to the past life death.??? I do not know, but I will say it was not an easy childhood for me as I was ridiculed by mean children and adults for the way I looked, which I feel was to overcome past life Karma of rejection that I brought to this life to overcome?
- What fears and phobias do you have? If you have any fears and phobias with no plausible link to a trauma that you experienced here in this life…it could be from a past life. I have one friend that is terrified of birds- of any kind, with no known reason. My Mother had an absolute fear of water, any type of water with no true root cause of any trauma occurring here in this life. If you can think of anything that you are petrified of without really having a bad memory of it, it could just be from a past life; usually having to do with your past life death to be more specific.
- Have you ever dreamed of a historic time? Reoccurring dreams of places, times and people all could be linked to past life memories. Pay attention to your dreams, especially if they feel very real, you just cannot shake them upon waking – you never know.
Let’s explore our Prenatal Lunar and Solar Eclipses- this is where you will get much of your information and a point in the right direction. When I say Prenatal Eclipses – these are the Solar and Lunar Eclipses that occurred while your Mother was carrying you and prior to your birth. Here is a handy link that will allow you to look up and jot down this information. https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/list.html
I suggest that you keep the location set to Worldwide and then you can select the range of dates of your birth. The reason why you should keep this on Worldwide is so that you can see where on planet Earth the Eclipses occurred – this will be clue #1 as to where your past life took place!
We will use my DOB (date of birth) as the example – I was born June 4, 1965 so my Mother was carrying me from approximately August 1964- June 1965 – I expanded this to 10 months only because I was expected to be due May 10th and was 3 weeks late so I assume conception was August ’64.
This is what my time frame looks like: Sorry for such a poor photo, but it would not save properly. When I copied

Kim’s Eclipses
the original jpg it is missing the locations of the eclipses. I am just trying to show you an example of what you will see. These eclipses are profound windows into your path and your past life Karma. The Solar Eclipse shows us the gifts that we brought into this life to teach and share with the world. The location is where you learned these gifts. The Lunar Eclipse are our lessons, blind spots in our lives and left over or past life Karma that we have chosen to deal with here in this lifetime that was not resolved and cleared up in the last life.
Most people will have 2 Eclipses prior to their birth – one Lunar and one Solar – I however have 2 Solar and 1 Lunar. You can click on the above photo or go to your own eclipse calendar. My first Solar Eclipse occurred in East Asia and the Pacific on Dec 3-4, 1964 – so the gifts I am bringing are linked to the Sun Sign of Sagittarius, half man/half horse, dual thinking, creative dreamers. My 2nd Solar Eclipse May 30, 1965 the Sun Sign of Gemini (my own sign) the energy of the thinker, the learner, the expert in everything, the communicator, the writer- in the Southern portion of North America; when I saw this a light bulb went off. Not only am I obsessed with the Civil War in the South, but I have had many astral journeys were I believe I was an African Male running through the woods with several other gentlemen; both white and black. I clearly remember a campfire and food, being thirsty, being dirty and hot and hiding from I do not know who. And we all know that writing is my passion. This was a direct confirming connection that this could possibly be true! When you look at your calendar expect an A-Ha moment, maybe not immediately, but if it gnaws at you…pay attention and connect the clues, connect the dots.
Now, my Lunar Eclipse – my lesson, my Karma and my blind spots also happened in Sagittarius on Dec 18-19, 1964 in the areas of Europe, Asia, Africa,North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic,Indian Ocean, Arctic. I could be carrying a lot of Karma and a lot of past lives??? I know one thing, Winter…not my favorite. I even have a fear or phobia of falling through the ice – always did, since I was a very very small child. No, I have never fallen through the ice nor have I ever witnessed anyone falling through the ice. Yet whenever I would ice skate I was always afraid. Europe – I feel was medieval- at least I have dreamed of such a time, a love triangle cursed with tragedy and heartbreak. North America makes sense too as my guide during Shamanic Journeys is a Native American male, I think he is Me, but I am still not 100% sure. I have been exploring past lives for 50 years and I still have yet to figure it all out, but I do know that I have had many many past lives and I know of many of them and have had some of them confirmed.
Go have fun and explore the beginnings of discovering your past lives. I have so much to write about this and there are many more lessons here that I will save for Part 2.
Please comment and share with me what you have discovered. Let’s explore your findings together!
xoxo Kim 🙂
Hey Kim! It’s Mary from IG (Four the health of it). So…. I have 2 total lunar and 2 partial solar. I used Nov ’74- Aug ’75 (B 8/8/75). Do I count the solar? If not, that just sounds so bad… LOL
And girl we need to discuss reoccurring dreams that I have had since I was very little. Dreams and ghost stories… I can entertain you for days!
Let me check out your chart and I’ll let you know Mary!!!
WOW!!!!!!! You have 2 Total Lunar Eclipses and 2 Solar Eclipses- and I thought I was special with a total of 3!! I would say that you have lived many many lives…probably more than me or you may have A LOT of Karma to clear… Your 2 Lunar Eclipses are in opposite signs Sagittarius and Gemini – these are your blind spots, your lessons and the Karma you are continuing to clear. Being that they are both Dual signs I would suspect you need to master Balance and juggling multiple tasks, communication and your thoughts are also key. Organization is also important. I feel like your Yoga and IG definitely help on both of these. Your Solar Eclipses are in Sagittarius and Taurus…so you obviously have lived the Sag lessons before and are now teaching them (it would be good to look up the attributes of all of these signs so you can get some additional insight into them) where you teach the Taurus lessons have to do with manifesting what you want, beauty, relaxation, home and family life and enjoying the beauty of every day. All of these Eclipses occurred all over the World, mainly pointing to Europe and North America, but really every where…boy you have gotten around. I would just look again at the locations and see what triggers you the most and sit with this information until some memories bubble up and develop!
Let me know if this sounds like you and if you have any questions. Have a great day and thank you for reading my article xoxo Kim!
Thanks for breaking this all down. Some of it makes SOME sense. I will be charting all this out and diving deeper into it.
Excellent! ! I