September may have been short on major Astrological happenings, but the intensity of the multiple Retrogrades have us feeling like we are a roast in a slow pressure cooker, and I was very concerned with so many possible health implications in the Astrology, especially with Virgo being the overall Ruler of our health and wellness; physically, mentally and spiritually. Virgo Rules the 6th House of Health, Daily Routines, Nutrition, and how we care for our total wellbeing, Service to Others, and our small animals, to name a few of the main themes of the 6th House. This would be especially alarming for anyone that has planets in Virgo and prominent Mercury or Chiron aspects as they are the Rulers of Virgo. Even if you do not have any planets in Virgo, the transiting planets can trigger whichever House Virgo may be in your natal birth chart. This is true of all the transiting planets as they move around the Astrological Wheel. As planets pass through different Signs and Houses, they turn on and turn off or activate our charts. But Virgo, specifically at the core of our wellness, I did have some additional concern since the Nodes of the Moon shifted into Aries and Libra, shifting health concerns for all. The Moon manifestation card for the New Moon in Virgo is perfect and it reminds us that we need to Trust All Will Be Well. We have an opportunity for a fresh start, an opportunity to heal up any physical, mental or spiritual ailments that have been holding us back or slowing us down. The Retrogrades assist, rather than hinder, in giving us a retrospective look into these areas of our body, mind and soul to see where can we make adjustments, change our daily routines and incorporate more healthful choices and bring all aspects of our day-to-day into balance, also asking us to look at how we treat ourselves as that is reflected in our Service to others, whether that be in our employment/jobs or in the way we nurture our friends, families and small familiar companions (pets); when we are not good to ourselves, we cannot be good to those we care most about or even to a common stranger.
September has always been such a stimulating time for many of us growing up. It marked the end of the Summer and the beginning of a new school year, when we would return to the classrooms to learn something new, see our old friends, make new friends and be more social. New books, new pens and pencils, new book bags and lunchboxes and crayons; who did not love back to school shopping and all the new supplies? It was a time of getting back to an organized schedule and a routine; there was something comforting in that and so September, Virgo Season and the New Moon in Virgo are a perfect time for all of us the revamp our days, get back into or start a new routine for better health, and more balance. I will be talking about balance soon enough with the upcoming Libra Season following on the heels of this New Moon.

The New Moon in Virgo becomes exact on September 14, 2023, 21 ° 58′ at 9:40 PM ET. This holds a few meanings; the 21 exudes the energy of our emotions and ourselves equaling how we relate in our relationships based on how we feel and treat ourselves. Also, the nearly 22 degree of this Virgo Moon is in the third decanate of Virgo, which picks up the flavor of Taurus and the planet Venus. The Dwad or Dwadasamsa of Virgo at 22 ° equates to Taurus and Venus as well. Therefore, this New Moon will be Fixed and Stubborn, focused on appearances or possibly glamour and material finds versus solid and grounded common sense. There could be some resistance in us seeing what we need to make changes in or the inability to see how big these changes need to be in order for us to bring back a total mind, body and spiritual balance. We can see that the Sun and the Moon are the in 4th House (from my perspective of this reading). The 4th House represents the Home, the family, the end of the matter, the Mother and Father, those will be a base theme for many of us during this New Moon in Virgo. Mercury is preparing to Station Direct, but is still in Retrograde until 4:21 pm ET the following day, therefore we enter this New Moon with a need to look back before we move forward. There could be themes of the Home and Family that we need to revisit for this New Moon. There is a Trine to Uranus in Taurus (remember, this New Moon in Virgo is taking on the flavor of the Sign of Taurus), there could be an eye opening epiphany regarding what we value, what is important to us and it is hidden in the past, in the recesses of our mind, it is possible that the Opposition to Neptune in Pisces unlocks the clues while we are dreaming. A Yod (known as a Finger of God or Hammer of Thor) takes place between the Rising Sun in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces and the South Node in Libra; what about ourselves is often clouded by others, by our relationships, the need to keep the peace and over do for others at the expense of our own wellbeing? Giving up of the Self versus the Other is the 18 month lesson of the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra. It feels as though there have been clues from that South Node in Libra and the Retrogrades lately and now is the time to act. The New Moon in Virgo asks us to fill our cups first, to take care of our needs first; we do not win any medals when we neglect our own wellbeing. With such a Taurean flavor to this Moon, we next look for the Ruler of Taurus. Venus is that planet, it also Rules Libra, ironically. Venus’ previous Retrograde in Leo had us taking a look at our values; both materially and immaterially. Leo, the Sun and Life Force, our passion, play and folly was asking us to put more creativity and romance into our lives. Find value in the little things that light us up. To go back and find that inner child that used to play, laugh and imagine. Venus in Leo is still in Post Shadow of its Retrograde until the first week of October, therefore, we are still incorporating those themes of true value in with this New Moon in Virgo. There is no need to rush off on to the next adventure until we can master these few simple things. Think of this New Moon in Virgo as the beginning of a new school year and we are just starting to put a new pen to fresh paper and learn some new and important lessons. It will take the next 9 months to learn and incorporate an entire new set of routines, values and knowledge; similar to the gestation of a new baby.
This Moon Manifestation Card is from the deck with the same name from Yasmin Boland. Here is her reading of the card for the New Moon in Virgo:
Sometimes we want everything to happen yesterday, but Divine timing is a real thing. Sometimes we need more pieces of a jigsaw to fall into place before we can get what we want.
Slowing down now is the key for you to get what you want, so take your time and allow events to unfold.
See what you can do for others as a really quick and easy way both to distract yourself and to boost your good karma while you wait for your dreams to manifest.
There’s a reason why you pulled this card so make sure you pay attention!
This card is an especially good sign for matters related to a job or health situation.
Go out of your way to help someone; helping boosts karma. Be reliable. Don’t overthink things. Be modest.
• Call in Archangel Metatron, who works to clear away and heal any lower energies that might make you feel rushed. Ask him to clear your energy and the energy of wherever you are.
• Call in the planet Mercury, which guides Virgo, and ask for help with reasoning and accepting Divine timing.
‘I help others and others help me.’
The best time to work your magic is when the Moon is in Virgo, on a Wednesday (Mercury’s day) or during Mercury’s hour.
The New Moon in Virgo takes place when the Sun and the Moon are on the same degree in Virgo and knows that what goes around comes around.
Here is your Pick A Card video for this New Moon!!!! en-JOY!