Oh what an energetic week we have ahead of us; it is time to make our New Moon wishes!
I have cards for each Sign to give us something to focus on while we learn and grow in the Sun of Sagittarius.
Hightlights for the Week:
- Tuesday, November 26 New Moon in Sagittarius @ 4 degrees exact at 10:05:55 a.m. Eastern Standard Time
- Wednesday, November 27th Neptune stations Direct at 7:32 a.m. EST at 15=6 degrees
- Thursday, November 28th- American Thanksgiving – Gratitude to You!
With Jupiter crossing the Galatic Center this week (a once every 12 year occurrence) and followed by Venus crossing the G.C. – it is time to expand our hearts and minds and open up to infinite possibilities!
Here is your Weekly Wisdom – en-JOY! xoxo Kim