It’s that time of year again when the stars align into the Lion’s Gate Portal and as this becomes the 6th LGP that I have written… some of the articles can be found here:
This particular New Moon in Leo comes in at 9:50 am EST and is sure to pack a wallop as both the Sun and Moon will be at 16° Leo, opposing and triggering Saturn in Aquarius, squaring Uranus in Taurus, Libra will be Rising and we should pay attention to the North/South Node opposition in Gemini/Sagittarius and an opposition between Venus and Neptune in Virgo/Pisces as well. This to me is talking about balance with so much opposition; the Leo energy is Heart-Centric and living from our heart space. I have to also think about Shadow and Light with the polar energy and knowing that everything requires balance, dark and light; it is something we all have, but how it shows up and how it plays out in our every day is very interesting. Some good question we may ask ourselves would be, where are we repressing or resisting change? Where are we blocked from living from our own heart? How can we surrender to what is in our outer world and focus more on our inner being?
As you will see in the chart displayed, we have a Grand Fire Trine when The Sun and Moon in Leo, the South Node in Sagittarius and Chiron in Aries are aspected (you will have to imagine the line to Chiron), it is there just the same. This Fire energy is helping to open the heart. There is also a Kite aspect when we add in the North Node in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius; all of this asking us to open up to other people’s view points, releasing the shadow of the South Node in Sagittarius and those righteous, old, stuck beliefs and convictions, the need to be right over being kind, searching for a new truth and questioning and embracing the beginner mind and curiosity of the childlike quality of Gemini. To get a flavor for how this is portrayed in our own lives, you will need to see where Leo, Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aries, Taurus, Pisces all fall within our individual charts. You can watch my Weekly Wisdom video (below) to see the example I give of my own chart, then you can go ahead and pull your chart at Astro.com and see how it looks. If you do not have your time of birth you can leave it out or use 12 Noon as a reference point. Sometimes even knowing the part of the day you are born in helpful; such as morning, afternoon, evening or middle of the night. This energy is healing on the deepest levels of the Self. Anything that is triggering us lately is a very poignant Sign that there are wounds within ourselves that need this healing and clearing to opening ourselves up to differing points of view. It may very well be difficult as Leo, Aquarius and Taurus are Fixed Signs, meaning fixed in their ways (Scorpio is also a Fixed Sign). Fixed Signs often dig their heels in and do not budge from their mind set; they can be stubborn or ridged even if they discover they are wrong. This is not about wrong, right, black, white, but something in the middle and I feel it is called Kindness.
I am really hoping for a huge shift with this energy, the massive amounts of Global and Healing Meditations going on around the world on the topic of Global and Local consciousness. It all starts within, minding our own business, listening to the sound of our own inner voice, minding our own business, stop pushing agendas and bullying people into someone else’s beliefs, minding our own business…. LOL get my point ? The world has gone mad and the only thing we can control is ourselves, our thoughts, our actions and our own energy we put out into the world. Namaste’
Now here is your Weekly Wisdom Video and Card Reading for all Zodiac Signs…. please allow video to fully process