Mercury Retrograde in Cancer 14° to 5° June 18-July 12 joins the Rx bunch of planets; Venus, Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter and in a few days Neptune leaving us in an emotional quandary. We are diving deep into an emotional abyss as past memories resurface so that we can clear it out and move on fresh and new. We are integrating a lot of energy during 2020. Washing out the old guard of Capricorn hierarchy and incorporating a new Mothering type of love.
Childhood traumas and memories bubble up. Cancer is a watery and emotional Sign. Mercury is the planet of communication, however, Cancer the Crab likes to stay at home, crawl into his or her shell and guard itself from the commotion. We will become more intuitive during this time and it will serve us well to understand that communication with others may not be verbal. We could expect others to know and understand how we feel during this time and that is a sticky catch 22 because we can never expect others to know what we are thinking or feeling without fully expressing that to another. This assumption causes issues in relationships on a normal day let along when we have a Mercury Retrograde; best to say what you feel and stop assuming others should know.
Look to see where 14° to 5° Cancer falls in your own chart to see where this will have the most impact. Keep in mind that the Sun will moving into Cancer on June 20/21 and will be joined by a New Moon, Solar Eclipse and the Solstice -all at 0°.
Globally, it will appear in the 2nd House; the House of Values, Money, things we own, the Earth and the Land, safety and security. As a collective we can expect the unexpected in those areas and where ever Cancer lives in your own personal chart. Mercury Rx at these degrees will have us integrating our thoughts together with our hearts, whether we like it or not as these two must no longer be separate. Our thoughts go out the window as we tap in to our intuition and gut instincts steeped inside of our emotions.