Finally a glimmer of hope as the Water Rabbit is about to hop in and take over as the World’s symbol for the next year!
The Lunar New Year marks the first New Moon of the Year; the first New Moon of 2023 will occur on Saturday, January 21st at 3:53 p.m. in the Astrological Sign of Aquarius at 1° 32′. This New Moon asks us to get out of our comfort zones and explore new horizons. It is filled with passion, confidence and the enthusiasms of new beginnings as this Moon is in an out of Sign conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn, Sextiling Jupiter in Aries and Trining Mars in Gemini. The 1° of this New Moon is also symbolic of a new beginning. Let’s take a look at the chart set up for New York, NY. Where does this New Moon fall in your chart?

This New Moon is highlighting the 7th House of Relationships for those on the East Coast and Mid-West of the United States. However for example, in London UK, this falls in the 5th House of Pleasure and Creativity. For Los Angeles and my friends in Boise ID, this New Moon falls in the 8th House of Public Affairs and Other People’s Money. I believe it is important to know your own chart and where this will fall for you personally; for me it is my 10th House of Career. We should all be feeling good as Mercury will Station Direct on January 18th followed by the Sun entering Aquarius on January 20th and Uranus Stationing Direct on January 22nd. All Planets will be in Direction motion until April 2023; a rare occurrence to have all Planetary bodies moving forward; a symbolization of our need to push ahead as well.

The Year of the Water Rabbit – what does that mean exactly? Based on the Chinese Zodiac, The Chinese zodiac is a traditional classification scheme based on the Chinese calendar that assigns an animal and its reputed attributes to each year in a repeating twelve-year cycle. We can get a flavor of the year’s energy based on the animal and element that is assigned to a particular year. Rabbits symbolize fertility, abundance, good luck and joy. Water is typically connected to our emotions and intuition. Years of the Rabbit include 2023, 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927. The luckiest Chinese zodiac signs in 2023 are Oxes, Tigers, and Snakes. Then, with not quite so much luck, come Dogs, Horses, Goats, and Pigs. Rabbits’ and Rats’ fortunes will be influenced by ‘opposition to Tai Sui’. Roosters and Monkeys will have to work especially hard to make headway.
Years of the Rabbit typically are lucky, abundant, gentle, kind, and amicable, however, the Water Rabbit brings a weak mindset and weak set of principals, therefore I recommend checking ourselves before we wreck ourselves. Nothing good comes from that type of negativity and then there is always Karma. It is best to be humble this year and according to Chinesehighlights wearing red underwear and socks will bring extra luck. (credit to some of this information to Chinesehighlights.com)