Jupiter, the planet of hope, optimism and expansion is gearing up to charge into the Sign of the Bull on May 16, 2023 at 1:20 pm EST increasing all that is ruled by Taurus and Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus. Beauty, abundance, money, but mostly self-worth and values. I love that this ingress comes on the heels of the Mercury in Taurus Retrograde giving us the opportunity to think of what we truly value, not only in the world, but in our individual selves. Have you all taken the time to contemplate what it is you value? What within yourself do you value most? How do we honor ourselves in a world where many have no value for another? Do we value beauty and riches or are our values placed in the deeper, truly important qualities of kindness, compassion, generosity and gratitude?

I have written of previous Jupiter transits, explaining that although Jupiter is known as the benefic planet of good luck and fortune, he also has another side that may not be as pleasant. Jupiter aka Zeus or Thor dols out equal blessings and ills accordingly . We can look back through our lives in 12 year increments to gain a flavor of how this may show up in your life. We can also look into our own charts for the House that will be highlighted during the next year from a personal perspective. For previous articles about Jupiter https://www.expressionsoftheuniverse.com/?s=Jupiter

The ingress chart for my location shows the 8th House highlighted. The House that rules other people’s money, sex, death, that we must let go of, secrets, and intimacy. We could expect themes in the world around those topics. Look at the above wheel and match it to where Taurus falls in your own chart. We could earn money more easily, but spend it just as fast, so beware. As we search for the value in this life, it is easy to focus on the physical and material versus the esoteric sweetness of that which money cannot buy.
Taurus, as ruled by Venus, likes luxury and opulence; good food, good drink, beauty, nature, art, music. The pleasure to fill the senses, all of the senses is set off to expand! Being intoxicated by delicious smells, tastes, sights, touches, and sounds will be in demand. Being in nature is home to a Bull or Cow and all of the sensual delights can be found there. There is a warning though when Jupiter is present and a reminder that too much of a good thing can turn rotten. Overindulgence of the spoils could be at hand. We may expect to see our wallets expanding as well as our waistlines. Yes, this is a time where we could pack on the pounds even if we are watching what we consume. Taurus is slow and methodical and sometimes lazy, so maybe it is a combination of over consumption and lazing around that has the scales tipping?
Historically and from personal experience when I think of previous Jupiter in Taurus transits, we are so exuberant, hopeful and joyous that we often miss important matters of the lesser pleasing or serious until it hits. The level of positivity can be sky high that we do not see a pitfall approaching until it is too late. Ignorance is bliss? Previous transit years in the 12 year cycle are 2011-2012, 1999-2000, 1988-1989, 1976, 1964-1965, 1952-1953, 1940-1941. Think back to these times for a flavor of what this one year transit may have in store for you. As always with Jupiter, it is a mixed bag.
There will be T-Square to Pluto in Aquarius and Mars in Leo; a Grand Square if we include the South Node in Scorpio within orb all in Fixed Signs, echoing the previous Fixed Sign Eclipses full of long lasting changes that we have yet to discover what they are, however, the T-Square/Grand Square gives me anxiety of war and recession driven by power hungry greedy leaders. Jupiter could act as a benefic mediator that could temper the flames and fight between the two hot heads of Pluto and Mars. Interest rates and the cost of consumer goods may continue to grow and expand as Jupiter sweeps through the year.
Remember the motto of Jupiter: More, More, More. AND Be careful what you wish for.