The beginning of a new year floats on the glimmers of hope, new beginnings, fresh chances and resets. Resolutions, promises and goals. Some of us just need a long nap to rest and recover. Winter reminds me of Retrogrades and 2024 begins with Mercury coming out of Retrograde and giving us a fresh mind that is back online. When January 1 hits the turning of the calendar page, we are merely 10 days into the Winter Season in the Northern Hemisphere and Summer in the Southern Hemisphere; the changing of the Seasons, the Turning of the Wheel, Yule and Litha, when in the natural order of the sky, it is the Spring Equinox that marks the new year and beginning. In the NH (Northern Hemisphere) where it is Winter, it is a time of recuperation, contemplation and a time to take stock of the previous year. Plans are put on hold in nature during this time and it is not until Imbolc or Mid-Winter (the mid-point between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox) that the planning for the year begins. Ostara, known as the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere occurring approximately March 21st when the Sun ingresses into Aries (the first Astrological Sign) marked the new year for millennia, prior to law and order and new calendar systems were introduced by controlling governments steeped in religion for a means of control. Prior to these changes, there were actually 13 months in a year that consisted of 28 days; similar to that of the Moon and its cycles during 1 complete year. The good news is that by going back to ancient ways and living by the Seasons we give ourselves the grace and time to think over and plan out our year ahead in a slower, more methodical way.
We may want to slow down during Winter, but the planets never stop moving, changing Signs, changing directions, making aspects to each other, creating equal beauty and chaos in the world. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is credited with the idea that the only constant in life is change. Only fragments of his writings remain, one in which he says: Everything changes and nothing remains still; and you cannot step twice into the same stream.
2024 is chock full of the continued beginnings of changes that carry us through 2032- 2044; the majority of those changes occurring from 2023-2026. When I look for big changes in the world, I focus on the big outer planets of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus as they stay in their Signs for long periods of time. Jupiter and Saturn also show theme changes, but for shorter periods of time. Jupiter for 1 year and Saturn about 2-2 1/2 years. 2024’s big mover and shaker is Pluto ingressing back into Aquarius.
Pluto entered Aquarius for the first of several times on March 23, 2023 giving us a glimpse and opening up the world of A.I. (artificial intelligence.) The ingress of Pluto into Aquarius indicates initiation of irrevocable tectonic changes in the world at large. Pluto, the furthest planet from our Sun, takes about 248 years to orbit. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was around 1777-1798. Marking the American Revolution against Great Britain and the French Revolution. Both marking the uprising of the people against the establishment and the clergy which are typically established during Pluto in Capricorn transits. Pluto in Aquarius is a revolution and an uprising of humanity against the Plutocracy. Pluto is considered to be one of the most challenging cosmic influences in Astrology. It’s known as the Lord of the Underworld. Pluto rules the Zodiac sign of Scorpio and the 8th house of occult, death, taxes, loans, finances of others, sex and deep intimacy. It represents what’s hidden beneath the surface, our deepest, darkest fears and desires. It is no wonder our world is in the shape and discord that it is in currently as it prepares to leave Capricorn, the Sign of old structures, foundations, governments, religion, and control to enter into freedom loving, humanitarian, and social Sign of Aquarius. In those final degrees of Pluto in Capricorn, we have all witnessed the old clinging on to any tiny fragment of power possible, disrupting the lives of all creatures that inhabit the Earth.
Even though Pluto is one of the most difficult planets to deal with as it marks change, transformation, death and birth wherever it passes over, there is a freshness of clearing out the old to usher in the new. If you are curious to what Pluto could be bringing you over the next 20 years, look to see what House occupies Aquarius in your chart. Those will be the main themes playing out in your life during this transit. Refer to the chart below for some overarching themes and possibly the people in your life that will be effected.

Other happening in January 2024 include:

- Jan 1-7 Slow Start – it is ok to be lazy
- Jan 8-14 The Midas Touch with Mars in Capricorn Trining Jupiter in Taurus
- Jan 15-21 Monumental Shifts –The Sun and Pluto both enter Aquarius
- Jan 22-28 Good time to examine relationships that need to be discarded and released in the Full Moon. If you are walking on eggshells around anyone, that is your single to cut and run.
The charts of the month:
January 1st ingress of 2024

The New and Full Moon charts of January 2024. Using the same concepts above, we can look at the House placements and aspects and look into our own charts for where these planets fall for us personally:

New on the horizon for Expressions of the Universe is a new booking calendar. I am in the process of changing over to a new book system that will allow the users to select and product for the type of reading you are looking for and book on the date and time of your choice based on availability. This requires proper programing and set up and is taking me longer than expected. The last time I upgraded my booking calendar was over 10 years ago. I also plan on expanding my Astro-Fertility Services this year along with expanding Medical election timing readings.
Also new on the horizon for me is a new baby coming into our family very soon. My first grandchild is due in 30 days if all goes well. I pray to my Ancestors, Guides, and the Arch Angels everyday for safety and protection of her. As some of you know, I spent the last three months of 2023 painting a mural for her nursery . Here is a photo of the finished product (below) or you can head over to my Instagram page for close ups and progression photos and reels so you can see how it all went.