I remember the first time I saw a real, live hummingbird with my own eyes; I thought it was a large bumble bee hovering over and around my ruby red snapdragons that I had planted in the weathered wooden troughs on my kitchen deck in hopes of bring a touch of color to the drab early spring days and seemingly never ending Winter in my Mid Atlantic home. It was my first Spring in this house and the garden possibilities were endless. Noting the snapdragons attracted the tiny birds I most coveted, I have planted them every year since. I stood in amazement, looking out the kitchen window, not really knowing or sure of what I was seeing; rushing out to the deck, the minute ruby throated hummer flew right between my eyes so that I could confirm the sighting and dashed off as quickly as he came. I was hooked. I attempted placing hummingbird feeders around the property and the only creatures they attracted were large amounts of ants; telling me team work makes the dream work. So I planted and continue to plant flowers to attracting my Lilliputian beauties.
It was through my Shamanic practices that I discovered the magic and medicine behind the symbol of the hummingbird were not just a part of my fantastic imagination. If one were so lucky as to have them visit, they would be blessed beyond belief; or so I believe anyway.
“In numerous cultures, the hummingbird has powerful spiritual significance. These magical beings are most often viewed as a symbol of joy, happiness and love and come to awaken us to the beauty of the present moment. Many people develop a mysterious bond with this tiny creature”, as described by Manataka.org. According to Grandfather Aduvir, the last Tiger Dancer of the Quechua people in the Andes of Peru , ” the hummingbird is a symbol of resurrection. This is because each hummer becomes lifeless and seems to die on cold nights, but it comes back to life again when the miraculous sunrise brings warmth”
“The hummingbird is the creature that opens the heart”.
“When we assume hummingbird consciousness, our life becomes a wonderland of sensuous delights. We live for beauty, delighting in flowers, aromas, fine mist, and delicate tastes”.
I have always been taught that the hummingbird is brought to remind us to slow down and enjoy the sweet nectar of life; to savor each moment and enjoy it to its fullest.
“The hummingbird teaches us to laugh and enjoy the creation, to appreciate the magic of being alive, and the truth of beauty”.
“Hummingbirds awaken us to the beauty of the present moment. As they dance the four directions, they awaken us to the medicinal properties of plants. Hummingbirds teach us how to draw the life essence from flowers. “They can teach us how to use flowers to heal and win hearts in love.”
“Hummingbirds teach us fierce independence. They teach us to fight in a way where no one really gets hurt. They teach us simple courage”.
“The twittering, vibrating sounds of the hummingbirds bring us an internal massage that restores health and balance”.
“Hummingbirds also inspire us to protect the environment and to preserve old traditions that are in danger of being lost. When American Indian ways were being destroyed by the expanding Euro-American culture, the Ghost-Shirt religion was established to try to bring back the animals and old ways through dancing. The leader of the dance was a hummingbird”.
If there is anything the hummingbird can leave us with it would be to laugh, play, seek the beauty in life, persevere, be loyal and grateful; this is the way to heal the heart that connects everything else within us and outside of us. They also show us that no matter our size or strength, we can accomplish impossible feats, as they can travel thousands of miles each migratory season in search of what they require to sustain them. Their tiny wings flap in the formation of an Infinity Symbol and they hold up and propel them along the tireless journey. They will do anything to reach their destination. They are fast, swift, independent and most of all, resilient.
Call upon hummingbird to whisk away any negativity and uplift your spirit with joy and laughter. See a hummingbird and know that happiness and blessings are on their way. One cannot look at a hummingbird, whether in a book, on a screen or in nature and not smile.
If you have stumbled upon this page and this Animal Totem, Good Luck and Good News are coming to you very quickly!