A clear, open and balanced Throat Chakra gives us the ability to speak our truth freely and without fear of judgment and ridicule. We tell the world who we are through our Throat Chakra; what are you saying or not saying? Can you express yourself or do you hold back? Did you know that your nose and ears are also connected to the Throat Chakra? An open Throat Chakra also allows the ability to hear clearly and sniff out a situation. You may also experience the ability to hear and smell “Spirit” when this Chakra center is flowing.
If this are is blocked, clogged or imbalanced, you may experience physical issues, such as; a sore throat, coughing, dental and mouth issues, ear aches, sinus problems. This blocks your ability to communicate properly, which also afflicts our ability to hear others clearly.
From Deepak Chopra:
Authentic expression is not something that comes easily. There’s a delicate dance between saying what you mean and staying tactful or diplomatic. Often it’s easier to say what the other person may want to hear instead of speaking your truth. Fear of not being accepted, or judgment from the other may hinder your truthful verbal expression.
Work on the lower chakras will help prepare you for this level of communication. For example, when you align the first and second chakras, it helps with overcoming fear. Opening the third chakra helps you to feel your personal power and have the confidence to express yourself. Knowing what’s in your heart comes when you align the fourth chakra. Then, when it comes to verbalizing your needs, desires, and opinions you’re better able to determine how to be truthful to yourself and others.
Dr. David Simon often refers to the following ancient wisdom. He says that there are three gateways you should cross before speaking.
First, ask yourself, “Is what I am about to say true?”
If so, proceed to the second gateway and ask, “Is what I am about to say necessary?”
If the answer is yes, go to the third gateway and ask yourself, “Is what I am about to say kind?”