The Heart Chakra, the center that divides the lower 3 and the upper 3 Chakras; it is the center of our being that radiates our emotions to other living beings, great and small and radiates our energy back out to the Universe. When our Heart Chakras are clear, open and flowing, we are loved and we are loving; unconditionally. We are trusting, joyous and happy and love is given and received freely. One of the greatest benefits of a clean Heart Chakra is the ability to Love OURSELVES!
When there is a block or imbalance you feel heartbroken and unloved; your relationships are or have fallen apart. This imbalance often turns into jealousy, control and suffocation of another, anger, bitterness and fear of everything and untrusting of others.
From Deepak Chopra:
Some people choose to live in the place of grievances. They’ve been hurt in the past by parents, siblings, classmates, or loves. Maybe you’ve been there too. It’s impossible to avoid situations where someone may try to hurt you. But you get to choose what to do with that hurt. Some people might try to hurt the other person back. Yet, that is not living from a place of Anahata. The person who inflicts pain on others is coming from a place of fear, ignorance or hatred, all of which represent a closed heart chakra.
When you encounter hurt feelings from your past or present, you can choose to feel them fully and let them go or hold onto them. By letting them go, you’re able to open your heart to new people and new experiences with compassion, love, and understanding. Holding onto hurt harbors negative feelings and cuts you off from opportunities to love and serve. Letting go is as easy as making a choice. Your mind and your ego may tell you otherwise but it’s as simple as choosing to let go and move on.
Walking in another person’s shoes is not easy to do, but can be helpful in fostering a sense of empathy. To help create empathy and compassion, I like to play a game called, “the what if scenarios.” When encountering a person who is being unpleasant or who has treated me poorly in the past, I quickly take my mind through a host of what ifs. For example, ask yourself, “What if that person is just having a bad day?” or “What if that person just lost his job?” “What if she just learned her husband was having an affair?” “What if he was just diagnosed with an illness?” As you create these stories, of which the possibilities are endless, you begin to empathize with the other person and his or her situation. This method takes you away from yourself and self-pity and places compassion onto the other person.
Now, let’s suppose that there’s a family member or close friend who just repeats a pattern of inflicting hurt on a constant basis. You can still offer love and compassion either from a distance or by setting boundaries. In any case, know that when someone chooses to hurt you, it’s almost never about you. It’s about them.
The best way to receive love is to give it. Author and motivational speaker, Leo Buscaglia, used to teach that we should give and receive 12 hugs a day for optimal health. So give hugs and kisses. Other ways you can give love:
Smile at everyone you see daily, even if you don’t feel like smiling. It’s contagious.
Forgive and move on. Life is too short to hold grudges.
Give friends, family and co-workers positive affirmations and feedback.
Try to go one day a week without criticizing anyone or anything, including yourself.