Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Mothers and Fathers out there celebrating today!
Edit—Jupiter is going Direct today NOT Mars! Sorry for that mistake, must have been the Mercury Retrograde that had me giving you a miscommunication. It is still GREAT news as Jupiter is our Luck and Fortune. All of the seeds of wishes and hopes that you have planted over the last few months will now be coming to fruition! That is why the last New Moon over the weekend was so important. Did you make your wishes? Let’s hope so. Also too, what was your energy and vibe like over this past weekend with the New Moon? I want you to think about this because if you carried a lovely and joyful attitude, then that is what you will be or become the rest of this year. Conversely, if you remained in a lower vibration that is what you will reap and sow for 2016.
This week’s energy is all about Mercy; the Mercy and forgiveness that you give to yourself and to others. Kindness and compassion for you and your fellow man and beast. It is o.k. to not be 100% perfect; allow Mercy to take over and soothe you when you are feeling like you are falling short.
This week you get to pick your own message and card(s) – (Yes, you can pick more than one)! If you happen to pick more than one, let me know and I can interpret it for you if you like; just comment on the video either here or on Facebook. Here are your weekly messages-Enjoy! xoxo-Kim