The elusive Happiness; joy overflowing from our pores appears to be evaded by roughly 80% of the world’s population and that remaining 20%, surprisingly mainly contain those living in third world countries.
I continue to repeat that love, gratitude, our thoughts and the energy that we carry is what shows up on our doorstep. Our perspective, our point of view in the world is what controls the Happiness Barometer of our lives. Anger, grief, anxiety, fear, hatred are all part of our thoughts and feelings; as too are joy, happiness, abundance and prosperity and love. Being present, living in the moment is a proper attitude to adopt as THIS IS IT! This is your only shot, here, in this life– TODAY! We only have THIS moment, so what are you going to do with it? What are you going to do with THIS moment? Will you be pissed, be angry or change your point of view and be happy? If you are not living in the moment, you are wasting it. This is the only day you have.
We revel in limitations and negativity. We revel in and celebrate sickness, illness, victimization; it is all celebrated, sympathized and supported. We complain and our friends and family support us and make us feel entitled to boast about our trials, tribulations and limitations; it is a perpetual pot of shit we are stirring for ourselves and others. We see it on social media, all of the complaints and the finger pointing – he did this, she did that, they did it too! If you are blaming ANYONE for the way you feel, you need to change your point of view and perspective. The truth is, we create our thoughts, that then feed our feelings, that then boil up within ourselves because we are telling ourselves that so and so did or did not do this….. and I am angry, I am sad, I am…… you fill in the blanks. But, if you take one moment to realize that it is only the way you are THINKING about the situation that is causing your emotions; going round and round, in your head, that are now hitting your heart – you are the one that created the mess. So stop it, change it. That same injustice that was “done to you” can easily roll off your back with the thought of sending out thoughts of love, peace and joy to those who surely need it. If someone disappoints you, they are not physically standing there, holding a gun to your head telling you to feel like shit; your own mind is saying “time to feel like shit because………” we precondition ourselves to revel in crap. Stop it. Change it. We all do it to ourselves and that is the bottom line.
I am not discounting feelings, or terrible “things” that happen to all of us. I am not discounting illness and dis-ease that many of us carry, I am merely pointing out that it is the way we react to our problems that make the difference. I have my fair share of trials, tribulations, losses that most have never experienced and I too live with a debilitating illness, but I do not let any of that get me down. I do my best, every day. I do not allow these limitations ruin my day or my life. I look for the beauty in what remains, the beauty in this moment, in this day. I am grateful for what remains – because that is all that I have; THIS moment, this day. I do what I love. I surround myself with people that I love. I say NO often. I only do what pleases my heart. I don’t over extend myself. I self nurture. I do everything I can in a given day to please ME. This is how I stay happy. Oh sure, there are blips of moments that trigger me, but I will consciously roll it away. I have thousand of pet peeves that could get under my skin, if I allowed them, but I don’t – I acknowledge what is going on then I look for the beauty in the moment and I move on.
In this week’s video, I explore this further and why we may not be as happy as we were 50 years ago and how we can be happier!
Here is your Weekly Wisdom; sort of my soap box, my public service announcement, if you will, to create more happiness and joy in my own life by assisting you to create the same — en-JOY! xoxo Kim