Groundhog Animal Totem Medicine is quietly powerful, they set their boundaries and they will protect and stand up for those boundaries tooth and nail; do not mess with those embodying this totem as they know who they are, and they know where they belong; they stand their ground. February 2, we honor the Groundhog;
a day of the Master Aquarian (most likely at 13 degrees =net 4, but sometimes a 12/3) he/she must have a Cancer Ascendant as they are good Mothers and Fathers, they take good care of their brood and their home but love to retreat into their burrows for alone time. Their Moon may be that of the Leo as they can be ferocious, and they will call out a tiny roar as a warning similar to their feline friends. They carry the motto “live and let live”, but often take risks they and wind up getting themselves killed. Other than the Easter/Ostara Bunny, the Groundhog is the only Nationally (USA) celebrated animal with one single job; predict the coming of Spring or the lingering of Winter. In the Mythical World, he creeps from deep under the ground on this day, pokes his snout out, he sniffs the air, a bitter chill in the air, he may take a look around; should he see his shadow he runs back into his hole saying 6 more weeks of Winter. If there is a warmth and cloudiness about, he creeps around outside of the burrow, he may take a few bites of sweet grass and declare an early Spring! Here in Pennsylvania, in the infamous town of Punxsutawney, Phil as we like to call him is pulled from his warm and comfy dark burrow (better known as Gobbler’s Knob), by men in 19th Century garb, among the thousands that flock there each year amid the camera lights and flashes; held up for the world to see as the council reads his declaration and prediction of the next six-weeks weather forecast. Just take a look at those gloves the handlers are wearing; they know that these Groundhogs are no joke and probably pissed off at being woke from a long Winter’s nap… don’t they know the golden rule (never wake a sleeping beast?) This year marks the 131st celebration and If you should ever care to venture for this huge event, you will have to book 3-5 years in advance! I prefer to wait for my own garden hog to emerge from the ground, in his own timing to let me know when Spring Has Sprung!
——Groundhog’s Medicine and Message——-
A very difficult and powerful totem to have,
Groundhog is the symbol of opening fully to the dreamtime.
Of exploring altered states of consciousness more deeply and fully.
Dreams will have great significance.
Lessons associated with death, dying and revelations about its processes will begin to surface. Groundhog can teach its people metabolic control.
How to go into the great unconscious without harm.
People with a Groundhog totem need to have definite
boundaries in their life and let those around them know those boundaries.
Groundhog’s power is strongest in Winter and two years is an important time period.
Two years of intensive studying might be required to achieve
true trances or alter states of consciousness.
This is often the totem of Shamans and Mystics.
– taken from Linsdomain.com –