Over the last few years we have experienced a Stellium (cluster of planetary energy) in Capricorn. This is a male dominated energy, traditionally. These energies had been opposing its opposite or Cancer, which is traditionally considered to be feminine energy. Intuitively, I kept picking up that we as a global society would be moving toward this softer, more feminine energy. Staying at home (even though I could not see how that would happen), and putting more focus on the feminine rising up to reclaim her power in society and the home once again. Yes, this has been occurring over the last few decades as women have stepped into the more male dominant roles and it always tickled me how the shattering of the proverbial “Glass Ceilings” has been such a big deal and as if women never held prominent positions in society before and as in ancient times.
Let me be clear – this is not a masculine or male bashing blog – by no means. But more of a celebration of the women that came before us and were held and still in some cultures as beacons of strength, honor and light.
Eons ago, the divine feminine, the Mother, the female had ruled villages, ruled the home; their words were the wisdom that was sought out and the Moon guided these women and their intuition, in addition to a softer and more nurturing sided of the polar Yin/Yang energy.
Centuries ago because of their connection to Divine Wisdom, they became feared. Their gentle power was taken away and bastardized as was many of their stories, either taken away or twisted into something we should all fear. This created a stigma surrounding women in general.
I decided that I would give light this year to the Power Goddesses of mythical lore and provide them a little spot light so that we can educate ourselves (me included) and embrace these qualities within ourselves and in others. This is not just for women or females, men and non-binary peoples can learn much about these mythical and mystical Goddesses just the same. As long as you hold a sense of curiosity and thirst for knowledge, you too can tap into the power these goddesses offer to us all.
Each week, I am pulling a new Power Goddess from the Colette Baron Reid Oracle Deck Power Goddess and providing insight to who she is and how she can help us. Utilizing both a little bit of the Guide Book’s message and a little information from my Guides as I channel in the messages, in addition to other bits of research I pick up along the way. Each Goddess will be featured on Expressions Facebook and Instagram accounts and now I have decided to include them here in a perpetual blog that I will update each week with a photo of the card and the channeled message!
Nyx the primordial/embodiment goddess of night and darkness is the perfect Goddess for this and the upcoming weeks as the Astrology and the World are heating up. Tomorrow, Pluto (the Planet of Death, Endings, Transformation and Rebirth) Square (Argue) with Eris (the Astroid of Creative Chaos and Discord) at 24°, she is fighting for justice and the voice of all inhabitants on the collective Earth, not just the select few. Mercury in Virgo (the Planet of Communication, Commerce, and ally to Pluto) is forming aspects with Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and the Moon; this could be seen as heated arguments going on in the World on many topics. Nyx brings out the Shadow or Dark side or could have the ability to squash it all and silence everything. Zeus (aka Jupiter) was fearful of Nyx and her power of control and maybe justice, working in concert with Eris (sister of Mars- the warrior) for her ability to wipe out all light in order to actually reveal the light. Mental and Emotional manipulation is indicated when Nyx appears.
Staying grounded, staying off anything media (Mercury)platforms or devices that would feed fears, cause mental and emotional manipulation is recommended for the next 3 weeks. Watch something jovial or entertaining versus turning on the news if you are easily triggered. Great time to step away and go within, get out into nature, go for a daily walk or meditate, take a salt bath or get to the Ocean as something is coming to a head when the Sun in Virgo moves to 24°, which is the Jewish Yom Kippur; the day of atonement. There will be some sort of massive atonement somewhere following this. Stay tuned for more information on this.
Epona is ushering in the energy of Wise Leadership which feels perfect for Virgo season.
Epona is the fairy queen goddess who oversees and protects horses. Temples were build in her honor during Roman and Celtic eras where horses were essential to everyday life. Epona is also a protector of the environment and nature spirits. You can call upon Epona for help of any kind involving animals; or to help you commune with nature, fairies, crystals, or the environment.
One caution, being overzealous, pushy, or bossy is not your best interest right now. You don’t need to take on the WHOLE world all at once… “even the best leaders know when to take a break” or chill out. Being true to who you are and placing integrity and humility equal to enthusiasm makes you a wise leader indeed, one that the goddess Epona is so proud of.
The Sun in Virgo at 1° opens us up to a more grounded energy. Handling the day to day with accuracy and precision. It’s time to get our acts together and in order for the next 30 days. Communication is key. Expect the unexpected.
The Incan Goddess Mama Qocha comes trickling in the wash over us, and teach us the ways of the tide; the ebb and flow of life, the ability to move around obstacles and empower our emotions. Think of all the forms water takes on, from the oceans, rivers, lakes, to humidity rising up to the clouds and returning as rain or how it can boil over on a stove or freeze in the Winter’s cold. Now think of what form our emotions are in right now. The answer to our questions lies within the form or condition of our current experiences. Are we boiling over in anger? Flowing like a gentle river? Retreating like an ocean wave? Or possibly rushing through in a flood? Contemplate this for a moment.
Every form is temporary and all we need is a little patience. If we are frozen in our current state, that too will soon melt, shift and change. Mama Qocha always reminds us that we are in the perfect form at all times and that we will evolve. Unlimited potential is revealed when this Goddess appears.
The alignment message indicates overwhelm an empathy overload may have opened up a tidal wave of emotion that feels like it is threatening to engulf us. Feelings are unruly now, and we may discover that it is difficult to control them as we project our shadowy fears onto the screens of our lives. The goddess Mama Qocha says our task now is to detach, step back, and allow our feelings to pass through us like water, without judgment or disapproval. Let our fears be washed away with self-love and understanding. The world can be a chaotic place of uncertainty and can create instability where people will act out in incomprehensible ways. Move to a higher ground, say no to engaging, and wait. Now is not the time to respond or react in the heat of the moment. Now is a time of the observer. A time of contemplation.
AINE – Adaptability
Celtic goddess of summer, wealth and sovereignty. She is associated with midsummer and the sun; As the goddess of love and fertility, she has command over crops and animals and is also associated with agriculture and the faery realm. Having to bend with weather and energetic fluctuations.
When you’ve set intentions for how your life could be different — better, fuller, juicier, prosperous, creative, more meaningful, etc. — adaptability is the power you’ll need to rely on. The old familiar you, the one who is used to your comfort zone, is now invited to dance in uncharted territory. The questions to ask yourself as you step into the unknown are “Who do I need to become in order to experience this life I desire? What in me needs to shift so I can welcome this amazing abundance?” Know you have everything you need right now. You are aligned with the Celtic shapeshifter goddess Aine, who could move effortlessly between our world and the world of Faery. Her power of adaptability is sparkling within you. Magic is afoot.
Now is a good time to either pull a card for yourselves to clarify what needs to shift inside of you or take the previous card I pulled for today which is the Two of Pentacles; equally asking us to be flexible and discerning with everything that is coming our way. Since both cards pulled have similar meaning, I feel that is a good indicator that we all need to stay very open minded and fluid during the next few months of transition. A rigid mind or attitude is the old Capricorn ideology that we are moving away from when Saturn and Jupiter moved into Aquarius on the Winter Solstice and an energy that will carry for the next two hundred years. Also, too, remember, we are moving away from old belief systems of the Sagittarius South Node. I hear that we may need to forget what we have previously learned; a mind dump so we can start fresh. Remaining open to not knowing, new ideologies, ideas, perspectives with every aspect in our current way of life. I think of the Willow Tree that can bend in high winds and storms; she withstands the chaos, whereas an old rigid Pin Oak is likely to break under the duress and pressure.
SKULD the Norse Goddess of Future brings her sisters, Belldandy and Urd to map our life. Skuld has her origins in Norse mythology. Skuld is one of the three Norns (the shapers of destiny) and represents the future (while Belldandy represents the present and Urd the past). She asks us to set our intentions now and she will give us a glimpse into our futures! She carries the energy of Water and Innovation, very similar to the Aquarius energy and that of the Full Moon this week. She can craft anything her heart desires and helps us do the same. With the Sun in Leo and Moon in the opposite Sign of Aquarius, we can be sparking new ideas and coming up with new creations. Our desires and what we can manifest are always limitless.
Message from the Oracle- As you set your intentions for the life you desire, the Norse goddess Skuld comes to show you glimpses of your future. You experience these magical journey markers as flashes of insight and moments of inspiration, like an echo of something that exists in another dimension. It’s fun when things turn out exactly as you predicted, but remember that the essence of your intention means more than its form.
The goddess Skuld, who rules the destiny of gods and men, says remaining true to the moment is your greatest power. Allowing the self to evolve as you go and discovering new things today sets the path for destiny to unfold. The power of the present and how you respond to life’s potential is the potent fertile seed of the future. In order to claim the future, you must attend to the now. Even then, nothing is guaranteed, and everything is infused with magic.
Power Goddess Elen leads us onto a new and safe path towards our goals and dreams this week. Dawn follows darkness; shining day gives way to starry night – cycles of change and flow.
Elen of the Ways is She who guides us on these paths of change. Like so many Celtic Goddesses, She is elusive, shimmering, changeable.
Elen was the Guardian of the Leys, the ancient track ways. In Her guise as the Horned Goddess, She led the way on the migratory tracks of the reindeer, the only species of deer in which the females have antlers. Later, after all the reindeer migrated further north and out of Britian, Elen opened the pathways the red deer followed in the ancient forests of Northern Europe.It is Elen who reveals the lost ways of Shamanism in Britain. Those who study Earth Mysteries attribute various functions to ley lines. One function is that of shamanic flight paths, connecting Elen to shamanism as the Guardian of the Leys. This connection also places her as Goddess of the Dreamways, the paths our souls take every night on a journey of self- discovery and revelation.
Call on Elen of the Ways to protect your in your journeys as She rules the essential element of motion and change. From the stillness, from the void, as life emerges and flows, Elen of the Ways guides us on the pathways. She guides and protects us on our physical paths and on our spiritual paths. Call on Elen to lead you down the ancient pathways to a revelation of the mysteries of the deep, wild wood, where our hearts reside.
Gula is the Babylonian goddess of healing and patroness of doctors, healing arts, and medical practices. Healer of the lands and of the people also known as an early day herbalist, magician, medicine woman, possibly Shaman. Always depicted with a dog close to her side, the Sun, Moon, and Plants growing beneath her. Often sitting on the high rung of a ladder above the patient or in a high throne. Gula, the Babylonian goddess of medicine and healing, has come to guide you as a blessing and for your well-being. You’re being invited to address the areas of your life that need healing. Perhaps you have moved so quickly through your life that you’ve forgotten about self-care. Perhaps the stories you’ve told yourself about who you are need healing. We don’t always see that we are hurting ourselves or others.
Take heart, for Gula comes into your world as your ally, saying that now is the most auspicious time to focus on healing in all aspects of your life. Only good things will come from your actions here.
Natural and holistic approaches are recommended such as, meditation, sleep, healing nutrition of herbs and plants, rest, salt baths or trips to a salted body of water, the ocean breeze, disconnection from technology, silence and quiet, exercise just to name a few.
It became evident with the Full Super Moon of late and the other planetary aspects that we would be entering into a time of healing. It feels like a slumber to me that could last until at least the remainder of this year or one full year from now.
LEIZI Revelation
Now is a time of revelation. A moment where we may very well experience the “aha” moment you’ve been praying about. Allow for the miracle to sweep through you. We will know when this moment is upon us.
“There are moments when synchronicity brings all the elements together for a flash of insight to rise up in you in a glorious epiphany. Whatever was not clear becomes crystalline in an instant. It’s as if we are able to simultaneously perceive every facet of a diamond. We know, without a doubt, that we are on the right track as deep understanding sinks into our very soul. In this moment, change and transformation take place, and a transcendent moment is offered to us as an extraordinary gift. Now is one of those times. The Chinese goddess Leizi, mother of lightning, brings revelations into our lives with the flash. She gifts us this as a result of all the hard work we have put into dismantling our old selves and making space for who we want to become. This is a very auspicious time.”
With Mercury Stationing Direct, Jupiter and Pisces Stationing Retrograde, it feels like a lightning bolt is striking down and illuminating something that we did not see before, maybe we see something differently, new information could be coming through that we did not know before. Intuition is heightened, chance encounters and synchronicities are possible. Veils are thin due to the Solstice and the Sun moving into Watery Cancer with a Scorpio Moon and a Grand Trine in Water; expect emotional turbulence.
IsIs – Rebirth Empowerment Message:
The process of soul retrieval, resurrection, and rebirth is the theme recurrent through the stories of the Egyptian goddess Isis, and one that she invites you to address now. This is a powerful moment to see some of what you thought you’d lost go through a process of regeneration to live again!
Like magic, the pieces of you that were considered lost in old wounds and stories are ready to be reclaimed in a healthier, more mature version. Where you were hopeless, now there is hope; where you lost faith, you have the capacity for even more now; where there was inequity and injustice, now you can see a better way; where you were abandoned, now you can choose you. You are ready to face these parts of yourself and to gather them together as you step into a newer, more powerful version of yourself, your work, your relationships, and your creativity. Have courage! Let go of blame, claim your accountability, and then co-create something better. You can do this! The goddess Isis has come to help you as a potent supporter in your growth.
She also wants to remind us that we are not broken. We are not wounded beyond healing, and opportunities are not necessarily lost forever. Our insistence on defining ourselves by our losses and wounds are not serving us now. Our alignment task is to fully accept things as they are, choose to find a way to put the pieces back together, let die what does not serve us, and focus on what works. There is so much goodness to come from this situation, even if in this moment you feel trapped. The goddess isis wants only the best for us. As our fierce ally, she will challenge us when to go off track. So, pick up the pieces, tell a new story, and find home again. We will be amazed at how beautifully things come together when we reject the trap created by the stories we tell ourselves. We have the key. Now it’s time to use it.
This is an especially intense week, astrologically. We are on approach to the Solstice and the changing of the Seasons. Now is the perfect time to slow it down and align with these energies.
Yuki Onna the Power Goddess of Stillness is asking us to sit in the quiet stillness; slow it down right now and stop pushing, stop creating and producing as our wheels are turning and we are currently akin to a stripped screw, we just keep spinning and spinning and we may have lost our grip. In the stillness, we can discover truth, newness, a renewed freshness in the world around us possibly.
The approach of the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini (6:54 am EST June 10) we should be sitting in the stillness, clearing our minds and agendas in an attempt to allow the current truth to emerge. The North Node of the Moon in Gemini will be squaring Pluto. Pluto, the planet of death, endings, transformation, and new beginnings is asking us to let all the old stuff go, old structures, old foundations, maybe old beliefs? The most interesting aspect would be the Cazimi between Mercury and the Sun following this apex of the New Moon and Eclipse. Cazimi is when a planet is within 17 seconds of a degree away from the Sun therefore burning away and brightening the energy of that planet. So, consider how Mercury is Retrograde in Gemini right now, the Sun will be burning away old thought patterns and clearing out the cobwebs of the mind and psyche. This subsequent event begins to take place around 4 pm EST and will last through the wee hours of Friday.
Ishtar- Communion – known as the first Goddess to have a written and recorded history from about 4,000 BC. She was most commonly known as the Goddess of Love and War in the Mesopotamian culture. Associated with the planet Venus as both a morning and evening star and perfect as Venus, the planet of love and beauty moves into emotional and nurturing Cancer. We are able to connect and commune with the Divine and the Universe, not through our minds and thoughts or desires, but through our hearts and emotional base. This planetary placement can be a roller coaster ride of emotions as Cancer is Ruled by the Moon and the Moon changes Signs every 2 to 2 ½ days, as will our emotions change every few days. We will have our ups and downs during this time period. This could be a blessing as we are trying to connect to what our hearts truly desire, and we are seeking out the Signs along the way. Exploring the gamut of our emotions will open us up to and discern what makes us feel good and brings us joy versus the other end of that spectrum. Always choose love, joy, happiness and pleasure.
Ishtar being the Goddess of both Love and War also shows us the polar opposite of our potential emotions. With Mercury, Saturn, Pluto and soon Jupiter and Neptune all Retrograde, we can go through past experiences of our lives and decide what we will accept and what we will not. There is no need to rush toward any final decision; we are merely exploring. Pay attention and look for Signs and Synchronicities along this journey; those that will guide us on to our next path. Do not choose what the mind wants unless you are willing to repeat a past lesson. Follow the heart and ask for those Signs to show up and they will.
Iris – Master number 22 bringer of Clarity and Communication comes in perfectly (as always it seems) right when the Sun entered Gemini (Communication) and right before Retrograde Season, where we are reviewing our conversations and messes since the beginning of the year. This Goddess is very much like the feminine version of Mercury (Hermes), which is another reason why this card is perfect as Mercury will play an important role over the next few months.
Clarity in communication is called for as your words will have great impact on others right now. It’s a wonderful time to start writing that book, telling new stories, and sharing your experience, strength, and hope with others. You have everyone’s ear, so choose your message wisely. Others will also desire positive and fruitful communication with you, so get ready for some amazing new opportunities to come from these discussions. Just remember to stay open and be clear about expressing your deepest desires, always speaking with integrity, kindness, and respect for yourself and others. The Greek messenger goddess Iris is thrilled to help your words take flight. Communication improves in all your relationships when she comes to visit.
Most important, however, Iris reminds you of the communication you have with the universe. You are in a mutual dialogue, and now is the time to pay attention to the signs and omens in your life. Trust this important yet subtle communication. It will never lead you astray when you listen and act accordingly.
You are facing a moment when communication between you and others may have become disconnected. Perhaps people are withholding information from you or are not being clear about their motives. Now is the time to ask for clarity and to get clear yourself. If you are sitting on the fence and are ambivalent about your direction, say that. Your alignment task is to say no to playing games, no to coercion, manipulation, and covert intentions. Take a straightforward attitude. Do not be afraid to hear what might disappoint you. Be clear and demand the same from others. The messenger goddess knows the importance of clear communication and she urges you to speak up for yourself. If you have come from an environment, family or cultural history where you have not had a voice, this might feel like you are yelling, when this all comes to light. Times are changing and this is not the time to be shy. It’s OK to feel awkward or flustered, but the goddess Iris brings her powers for clarity and says it is your turn now, so gather your courage. The people who are important to you in the long run will listen and witness you, and then you can engage in positive conversations that lead to solutions. Even if you are coming from a victim mentality, you must still speak what is inside you in order for you to heal or change it, or to find a way to truth. When you speak up, the great Goddess will send powerful teacher and allies to your aid.
The Myth: “Iris is the daughter of the sea god Thaumas and the nymph Electra. She is Hera’s personal messenger, able to travel freely through all realms. Represented by the rainbow, Iris is said to provide water to the clouds, and she carries a pitcher of water from the river Styx – the river that creates the boundaries between Earth and the realm of Hades. The water from the river has many magical powers. Iris uses it to make those who perjure themselves go to sleep. Like Hermes, Iris carries a herald’s wand.
Like the rainbow, Iris is the link between god and human-kind, heaven and Earth. Through the unity of sun and water, she creates the full spectrum of colors and brings harmony with her wherever she goes, maintaining communication between the realms.”
The Message: “If you have drawn this card, it is time to pay attention to your feelings. If you are experiencing conflict in your relationships, it may be time to find out why. Are you happy in your heart? Are you looking after your inner needs? Are you confident and comfortable within yourself? Do you listen to yourself and honor your word to yourself? All of these things directly impact your relationships and your ability to communicate with the world around you.
This is a time for restoring harmony, first to yourself, then to the world around you. This card is about harmony of the heart, and that harmony can exist only when you take care of yourself. This is a good time to write in a journal or sit in a reflective space and focus on what you are feeling and what you need at this time in order to feel nurtured and whole within yourself.
This is the time to find the loving space that exists within your heart and truly open yourself up to love, kindness, generosity, and forgiveness. In order to do this, you may need to take the time to feel love and kindness toward yourself. Only when you have nourished yourself can the abundance of love and joy that exists within you flow out into the world. And it is only then that you will be able to create true harmony with others in a clear and balanced way.”
Persephone – Inexperience brings us the energy of a new set of eyes or a new perspective. When I originally pulled this card, we were just emerging into the Spring Season here in the Northern Hemisphere, yet I never got around to writing and posting about this Goddess until now. Everything is in perfect timing, nothing is ever “late” and we are still in the Spring Season for another month.

Spring brings us the hope of newness. After a long Winter in contemplation, darkness, cold barrenness of the Earth new life begins to emerge. It often inspires us to also wipe our slates clean and start anew. Maybe the timing of this card’s positing is perfect as we are slowly emerging from where we were a year ago as a planet and some things are returning to a former “normal”. People have been crying out for months for their normalcy to return and this is something I have been thinking deeply about for just as long. Is it a feeling of safety or security that people want to get back to? Have we not learned anything that we are wanting to rush back to what? How many of us saw that a year ago, wildlife was beginning to thrive again with less human traffic and pollution? Is it our own inexperience and selfishness, similar to Persephone’s that landed her in the Underworld with Hades, that we cannot see that our “normal” was really not working for at least 90% or more of the population? My thought is, if we are rushing back to our old normal, then we should open our eyes of inexperience and innocence and rethink a new normal; one that is of more harmony and balance, similar to that of the Seasons and Persephone’s existence. Persephone is both the Greek queen of the underworld and the lost daughter of the goddess Demeter (Ceres). Young and naïve, she was captured by Hades and held against her will in the underworld. At her mother’s insistence, she was eventually allowed to return to the living world. When the messenger god Hermes (Mercury) came to collect Persephone, her naiveté allowed Hades to trick her into eating pomegranate seeds, robbing her of her innocence and forcing her to stay with him in the underworld for a few months out of the year. Spring marks Persephone’s reemergence.
This week we are being invited to be in that space of open-hearted learning and curiosity. You can choose to allow “not knowing” to be your gift. See everything with new eyes and you will begin to see things you’ve forgotten to notice.
With Venus and Mercury (Hermes) now in Gemini and Mercury (Hermes) preparing to take his Retrograde period in Gemini next week, we will have the opportunity to review this last year and what new treasures we can maybe find in the coming months.
Power Goddess Morrighan comes through this week as we are sloughing off the Full Pink Moon in Scorpio and Pluto Retrograde, asking us to discard that which no longer serves. The old, the dead, the spent, the ghosts of the past, the weights that hold us down, the shadows that we bury deep within our subconscious are emerging and ready for release and this Goddess is perfect for letting all of that go, but we still have to do the work to get to the bottom of our demons and clear out those skeletons in our closets. In essence, she is a goddess of war, death, and transformational magic. She serves to remind us that we must move beyond our old conditioning, our cracked foundations, and faulty projections on the screen of life that cause us pain and harm, and we have to let them die. We can’t fight against our shadows either, as we will lose if we try to battle them. She really challenges us to let go and let die the things we feed that are dangerous and suffocating our true divine expression. Like winter dies, so spring can be born. But if we don’t believe that spring will come, if we cling to the cold of winter refusing to see the natural changes, we will be lost in a barren battlefield of illusion. Resentments are uncanny living things that trick us into avoiding being accountable for our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions. You will be glugging poison yourself hoping the other person will die and, well, we all know that doesn’t work.
Morrighan was known as a Phantom Ghost and a Shape Shifter often disguising herself as a Raven. Her adaptability allowed her victory over her enemies and she reminds us that we need to be in constant shift and change in order to grow otherwise we could turn to stone if we continue to hold on to the old, the past, the lost and worn.
Now is a time of clearing, transforming and reinvention. Allow the Goddess Morrighan to clear away what must go.
So this week, trust in this new cycle, let the things fall away that hold you hostage.
Arianrhod representing Time. Arianrhod was the Celtic Goddess of fertility, rebirth and the weaving of cosmic time and fate. Her name has been translated as silver-wheel, a symbol that represents the ever-turning wheel of the year.
Arianrhod is linked with the Moon and North star, living in a realm known as Caer Sidi which means “revolving castle.” She carried the dead back to the heavens on the Corona Borealis and decided one’s fate before being reincarnated. Her main weakness is not letting go of the past or living in the past versus the present.
Her message to us this week (as I am posting this a week late) is to remind us that there is always enough time as we are eternal souls that never die, our timing is always perfect and divinely orchestrated and that everything we intend, and desire has a specific relationship to its own time and will come to us when the timing of both ourselves and that intention and desire converge in synchronicity. We never have to worry as everything is as it should be.
Where we may feel resistance or disappointment is when our timing is premature or impatient, therefore, patience, dedication and quiet anticipation is key when Arianrhod appears; she will remind us to become still and centered, chop wood and carry water while we wait.
We are steeped in Aries energy with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Ceres and Chiron residing in this fiery Sign. We want to get moving and we want things to happen. Our thoughts, words and hearts are moving quickly, but we are being asked to look out our needs and values and some personal wounds as well. We are also on approach to a New Moon in Aries that will breathe fresh air on to the flames of these fires. Plan and Pace is the key; there is no need to rush anything right now as Arianrhod says “There is always enough time.”
Cerridwyn and Potential is the Goddess for this week. She is here to remind us of all the possibilities that lay within our hearts and minds. Anything is possible at this time, everything we need is coming together right now as if our lives reflections were shining brightly in a Golden liquid of Cerridwyn’s magical, transformative cauldron. Imagine greatness and there will be greatness; envision peace and there will be peace. Choose love, gratitude, and choose faith in the divine magic that flows through us. These are the only ingredients needed for this goddess to work her transformational magic on our behaves. Remember this: dream and trust that everything you need exists to make that dream a reality and that we are the only limitation standing in the way.
When we become complacent in our comfort zone, we run the risk of never moving beyond where we are. Our true potential remains dormant and inaccessible. This may feel like a vague boredom, and envy of others, or an anxiety accompanied by a sense of low self-worth, reinforced by habit or an addiction to feeling like life will be amazing for everyone else but us. Or in many cases it’s just been trained into us from generation to generation upon generation of repression and conformity. It is now time for us to course correct. Our alignment task is to turn this around by releasing all judgment towards ourselves and others and reclaiming the dreams that we seem to have lost. Write down those dreams and set your intentions. Then look in a mirror, imagining that we are looking into Cerridwyn’s transformative cauldron, and say them out loud as if they had already happened. We are so much more than we allow ourselves to be. Only good will come from our growth. Our dreams and cherished desires are important to the Universe. The way is simple and profound. Just say yes with gratitude in your heart, and you will be led to your highest good.
YHI – The Sun Goddess of Aboriginal origins comes to us this week to announce the return of the Sun in the Northern Hemisphere and the Slumber of the Sun in the Southern Hemisphere. She is preparing us all for the changing of the Seasons. This Goddess of Light and Creation lived in the Dreamtime of the Australian Aboriginals; their story of the beginning of life begins when Yhi opened her eyes from her slumber and light shone upon the Earth. With every step green things grew around her upon the Earth. Soon the Earth was filled with plants and flowers. She then decided she would like to create creatures to dance amongst the flowers and plants, so insects, birds and animals came into existence. One day, she encountered a single man that she had not created and was intrigued by his being. While he slept, she put her focus on a special flower that bloomed into a woman companion for man in the morning light and they lived happily ever after? Well, that is how the story goes anyway.
This week we put our focus on the Light and the Warmth that is around us. We look for the beauty in all that surrounds us regardless of the Season we are entering. Yhi is a good reminder to find the beauty in nature every day. With Pallas Athene moving into dreamy Pisces this week and a New Moon in Pisces, our senses, emotions, intuition and connection to a greater force is heightened. With all of this Pisces energy, especially when the Moon crosses over Neptune this week as well, we could be walking around with rose colored glasses. And while being in a state of enhanced illusion can be quite beautiful, we still need to maintain a sense of brutal reality as well so that we are not taken for a ride by a smiling stranger or lured back into a severed relationship that we were once previously clear about not so long ago. I suppose the word I am looking for in all of this lusty energy is Discernment. While we can allow our senses to blossom like the first flowers of the Spring, remain discerning as Venus is also in Pisces and Mercury will be here soon enough, and aspecting Mars in Gemini, making some of our promises too good to be true. When the Veil lifts, you don’t want to be on either side of the blinders; whether dishes out false truths or receiving them, just know in the moment everything is true until we awaken from this milky state.
The bright light of Yhi attracts a lot of bugs, some may try to hinder our own personal light with their smallness and lower vibration. Yhi asks that we continue to shine our light with kindness and compassion for all creatures; radiate out so brightly that the buzz cannot penetrate our blinding aura.
The Goddess Lakshmi – The Goddess of Fortune and Prosperity came flying out of the deck this morning
when I was shuffling and preparing to pick our Goddess of the week. So it is. I did look through the
remaining cards in doubt of this choice. Is there a better Goddess to represent our week? Why do I
always second guess my choices?
She is a supreme Hindu Goddess and known by 93 names. I continue to recognize that many of our
Goddess and Gods have many names as their energy often spans many cultures and traditions, although
they all carry the same energy. Lakshmi not only brings us prosperity, wealth, joy and good fortune, but
also beauty and the ability to see beauty all around us. She has been known to be frivolous with her
gifts, haphazardly dispensing them here and there. We never know when she may show up. Born from
the milky ocean of clarified butter or the muddy pond beds emerges the Lotus Flower and known as the
Lotus Goddess as this beautiful, rare beauty can only grow in the muck; she reminds us that beautiful
things arise from the muck. She is here to remind us of our purpose, wisdom and skills we already
possess. The luck we always carry is ready to be shared with others; she shows us that when we apply
gratitude for the gifts we already have, more shall be showered upon us. We become a magnet for
miracles during this auspicious time!
Have you ever fallen prey to the idea that someone might take away what is yours? Or perhaps you
think someone else’s success or happiness means there will be less for you? We might not be conscious
of this, but we feel that there is not enough to go around, not enough love, not enough money. We
worry about growing old, missing out, and struggling for the resources we misperceive as limited. We
might also feel miserly and stingy, afraid to share in case there will be nothing left. The goddess Lakshmi
says that kind of thinking must go if we want to live a rich and vibrant life. Our alignment task is to stop
and be mindful of the direction of our thoughts and reframe them to focus on what we truly intend.
Repeat this mantra, What is mine will not go past me! When we feel the green gremlin of envy creep
into your heart, bless the other person and say That which I desire is also for me! Our true limitations
are only what we set for ourselves. Don’t let our conditioned mind and faulty beliefs rule our lives.
Break free. The world is unlimited if we let ourselves open up to the wealth of our imagination.
Venus, the Morning Star, Goddess of Love has moved into Watery and Dreamy Pisces allowing us to
dream from the depths of our hearts and the ethers of our imagination. What are your wildest and
biggest dreams? The Full Snow Moon in Virgo, brining in the energy of the previous Goddess Demeter,
comes in to wake up the land and begin to produce sustenance for us all. They all work in unison when
we stay in an energy of higher vibration and optimism. There is a Grand Kite in the Sky with this Full
Moon bringing us a sense of well being that we have not felt in quite some time.
The biggest challenger as of late has been Mercury; in Aquarius, out of Retrograde, yet still in his/her
Shadow until March 13th, but preparing to move into Pisces on March 15th and join Venus to sprinkle
some sweetness for a change. We may have been argumentative, unfocused, unsure, clouded and
confused as of late, but the fog will be lifting soon!
Speaking of Challengers, Mars, the planet of War will move out of slow and steady Taurus and into
quicksilver Gemini on March 3rd. This is probably the one to watch for while Venus has us swooning
because Mars in Gemini is fast, can be conniving, deceitful. He is still close enough to Uranus in Taurus
to bring us some surprises and confusing information, shocking information is about to come down the
Pike. Expect shocking news to come forth over the next two months. Maybe we will get some clarity
to confusing media information and it is also possible that we will be getting some good news for a change! Mars will also be Trining Saturn and Jupiter during this time and I predict he will be announcing
some fruitful abundance and joy with Jupiter and possibly some new discoveries in science and medicine with Saturn. Possibly a handle on the global pandemic? Lest we forget the outlier of Uranus in Taurus shaking things up with currency, the land, Earth and our senses in addition to Pluto in Capricorn, clearing away old structures and foundations still so that we can all rebuild a new way, a new world and new normal? I have the vision of the Goddess Lakshmi riding shotgun along side of Jupiter and Venus
bringing all of us a glimmer of hope for the coming Seasons!
Mnemosyne -the Goddess of The Past, Memories, Remembrance, Language and Words. Pronounced NEM O SEEN, was the Mother of the Nine Muses -she herself was also thought to have been a Muse. This is where poetry, music, written works, art, dance, tragedy, comedy, history, lyrics and astronomy. She and her offspring are what inspire us all.
I love that she showed up this week, at the end of Mercury Retrograde, yet still in his Shadow for the next 3 weeks allowing us to review and remember the lessons of the past, look over everything that came up over the past month and decide what are the stories we tell ourselves from the wounds of the past; whether they were wounds created by ourselves or others – we have a tendency to hold on to these stories and they become who we tell ourselves and others as a means of explaining who we are. The are the excuses we use for why we do certain things and why we do not do certain things, these stories allow us to hold ourselves back for what is waiting for us – No? On approach to the Full Snow Moon in Virgo in the 8th House, this is the perfect time to unwrap those stories that are buried deep within our physical bodies at this point and take a look at them in order to let them go and so that we can start a brand-new chapter. This Full Moon in the 8th House says that we are killing off a part of ourselves that no longer serves so that we can transform and rebirth a new version of ourselves. A new day is dawning and it fast approaching the horizon. We can no longer carry our junk and bullshit excuses around with us any longer.
Mnemosyne also presides over one of the 5 rivers in Hades, The Underworld and opposite to River Lethe, the River of forgetfulness. The Dead drink from the Lethe so they do not remember the life they just had lived, they forget those they love and loved them. Mnemosyne encourages some of those souls to drink from her pool of memory so they do remember, hence stopping reincarnation and transmigrating into the next life.
There are certain moments within your personal history that hold great treasure for you now. When you examine your memories, which are the domain of the Greek goddess Mnemosyne, empowered wisdom is revealed. The lessons you find are like sacred talismans, contained within your past like fossils in amber. Right now, you can trust your instincts that if something brings to mind your past, it indeed has a kernel of the old in the new. This is an amazing opportunity to make informed choices and do things differently.
This goddess has another powerful message for you. There are many choice points in life where you have the power to make beautiful changes and become more creative, empowered, and alive. Yes, sometimes memories that live in the cells of your body will trigger palpable fear. But you can move beyond your past to discover new territories, and a new vision of freedom will come to you. You won’t see the past the same anymore, as wisdom replaces numb acceptance. The memories will change, because you’ve changed.
This freedom is gained by willingness and curiosity. Relationships become rich with potential, and all your natural choices will no longer fall into old patterns that are not serving you. The goddess Mnemosyne wants you to experience this miracle.
The Alignment Message says our stories can hold us hostage to past that no longer serves us. The goddess of memories, Mnemosyne, reminds you that running away from painful memories and pretending that wrongs haven’t been committed does nothing to help you truly find meaning and purpose. Your alignment task is to stop and take inventory of the past and the stories that keep you tied to it and defined by it. She calls you to be rigorously honest about the areas in your life where you have been wounded as well as where you may have wounded others. Dig deep to uncover your unconscious biases and triggers. Know that it may be a messy experience as you surrender to the truth that you cannot control the outcome or other people’s reactions when you are ready to make real shifts. The world is changing and to be a part of its glorious unfolding you are being invited to do this deep work. Miracles are waiting for you once you set yourself free and allow your memories of the past to lead you to the truth. Transformation comes with a price. Leaving some of your old stuff behind is not easy, but it is necessary to become the one you have been waiting for. Summon your courage. The goddess Mnemosyne will help you. You will rise up from this mess, and only beauty and strength will remain.
Demeter Card # 11 Nurturer- with the grain in her hand, this Greek Goddess of the Harvest, Motherhood, Nurturing, Fertility of the Earth, Sacred Law, cycles of Life and Death and yes, Grain instantly brings me to the energy of Virgo who is co-ruled by Mercury and Chiron; communication and our personal wounds and how these two energies play out in the current week and with this Goddess. The 11 is Integrity and Authenticity, the Virgo and Chiron energy suggests when we heal the wounds we can stand in Integrity and with Authenticity; we no longer need to run from who we are or who we were, we can just be and be proud. Demeter reminds me of Virgo. To the Romans, she was known as Ceres.
Demeter is most infamously known as the grieving Mother of Persephone, who was captured by Demeter’s brother, Hades, lord of the Underworld (Pluto) and forced (?) to live with him. Demeter’s pain and anguish caused the Earth to die (Winter) as this grief stopped the growth of agriculture in which she was the Goddess of. Father of Persephone, Zeus (Jupiter) had to intervene and a compromise was made to allow Persephone the return to the Earth for 6 months each year, bringing joy and happiness back to Demeter therefore returning growth and life to nourish its inhabitants, we mark this time of the return as Spring. Seeing this card makes me think of the soon coming change of the Seasons in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The precipice of Winter and Spring (depending on where you live).
So, what could she mean for us this week? She is the energy of Giving; she is accustomed to giving of herself to nurture others but let us consider a reciprocal exchange of receiving as well. Boundaries and rules also come to mind as well as gratitude. Nourishing of the Self as our giving must be balanced by the receiving. Setting healthy boundaries around others so we are not taken advantage of. If you are an over giver, you will eventually become an empty well, if you are not already. Generosity can attract others who are needy and want to be looked after and are searching for a people pleaser to take advantage of. If you find yourself on either side of these patterns, now is a good time to take a good look at the why, the personal self-worth, the boundaries or lack of and find a health balance. Remember, Demeter paid a steep price for being too generous; it is time to be generous to the Self.
Mercury is in his last week of Retrograde motion; one last attempt to do some personal review. Communications can be open and honest with Mercury, Venus and Jupiter Conjuncting (getting along really well) each other, however, Mercury is semi-squaring (conflict) Ceres (Demeter) as he is bringing up that nagging wound (Chiron) – she wants Spring now, he is not ready yet.
The bigger elephant in the room this week is Saturn in Aquarius Squaring (arguing/challenging) Uranus in Taurus. Taurus who prefers stability, does not enjoy Uranus (the wild card of surprise) in his Sign. Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, which makes us think of Aquarians as spontaneous, curious, adventurous and eclectic. However, Saturn (stable and traditional) is the traditional ruler of Aquarius. This may have some of us scratching our heads if you know any Aquarians, but if you really know them, you will notice they do enjoy stability and tradition, but if they start to stagnate in it, they will swing towards their Uranian tendencies; so really they are both. So, what does this all mean? I would think that Taurus may prefer the Saturnian energy and may buck against Uranus. Saturn wants to hold on to the old ways, Uranus wants a new and exciting shake up of chaos and where might this be? In Aquarian ruled themes of technology, telecommunications, electricity, air, inventions, innovations, humanity, hive mentality, oneness or Taurean ruled themes of Earth and land, finances or currency, our homes or the things we place value in, items of beauty and the senses? This is the first of three (3) Squares between these two in 2021, so we can expect the unexpected in any of these areas and I am only listing the basics of each. I don’t think it is anything to really panic about as we have probably been feeling the anxiety for a few weeks already, which means this could just be the crescendo of that energy and then the relief and breath of fresh air follows? I guess we will see!
The Greek goddess of romantic love, Aphrodite, represents a state of ecstatic being that she now invites you to cultivate within. She comes at the perfect time, right before A beautiful conjunction between Venus and Jupiter on the same day as the Aquarius New Moon, the beginning of Chinese New Year and right before Valentine’s Day! This is a powerful week with so many celestial bodies in Aquarius, the symbol of the water’s ripples, the symbol of frequency. Frequency and the ripples we create is the focus this month as we are being called to retune and increase our frequency on a higher vibration; the vibration of Love. Mercury Retrograde is asking us to go back over past behavior and decide where to align ourselves; we certainly have the choice to decide which road we will take and that will determine the ease of our journey (hint the high road comes with blessings from Venus and Jupiter). Also, we are changing our minds about past actions and thoughts in order to come in to a higher alignment.
Known to the Romans as Venus, honored as a goddess of war, marriage, fertility, wealth and abundance in addition to lust, passion and acquisitions. Her heavenly aspects this week could bring a surge of all of these attributes mentioned! Aphrodite says we can experience the world as a sensual, expressive, creative being if you allow yourself the freedom to explore what this means to you. Perhaps this is a portent of a new partnering or a deepening of one you already have, or perhaps this is a time for you to claim this aspect of your nature, which may have lain dormant awhile. Aphrodite invites you to fall in love with your life now and choose to look for the essence and expression of love all around you. By doing so, love will increase tenfold, and you will see evidence of it everywhere you turn. This is your sacred task when Aphrodite chooses to aid and empower you.

Spider Woman Goddess comes in this week to remind us that we are the creators of our reality. She is the Navajo Goddess that rises up from the rich, red Earth and spins her web of creation. In many native cultures, it is believed that the Stars, Heavens, the Earth, planets and Universe were created by this Goddess and she weaved all of her dreams into the creations that we now have the pleasure to enjoy. She reminds us that our vision and the form of our wishes are not as important as the essence of our desires; the feeling that those desires bring to our hearts. Knowing why we want to create something, what is our motivating force, knowing what inspires us and our desires are the keys to manifestation and the beauty that we bring to our dreams. Sometimes we may get caught up in the strands of the web itself that we are weaving, getting caught up in a perception of the next sparkly bauble that catches our eye and has the appearance of what we think we want or desire; there is much illusion that surrounds us and takes us away from creating something that is esoterically and wholesomely beneficial. These glittery desires look like they match what our hearts want, but remain empty in the end.
We are to be impeccable in thought, feeling and word for it is that energy that creation is formed from. She says that we are to be accountable for our creations, especially when we discover they are not truly reflective of our authentic desires or when they belong to only our Ego. It is not enough to turn our backs and hope our creations will ust go away. If we have hurt someone, we must repair the damage. If we have manifested something we are not prepared to commit to, be humble and release it. The form is rarely the same as we imagined it to be and we can alway begin again by calling on Spider Woman’s powers of creation and wisdom and assistance as a co-creator. Remember that we cannot control the form of how our creations show up. Accept life on life’s terms, remain open to what shows up before you. I get the vision of being tested by an old beggar; dirty and disheveled as if by a trick to see how pure and generous our hearts are, only to find out the the poor beggar is really a rich and wealthy magician that was merely testing the grace in which we live. Do not be fooled by looks of anything that shows up.
Besides our individual desires, there is a collective of wishes and dreams that are being woven into the world simultaneously. These webs show us how everything is connected to the other. With Spider Goddess’s help, we can step outside of seeing separation everywhere to see the truth that all life is interconnected and sacred. With multiple timelines and realities running side by side we are all creating from our emotions; the entire spectrum. Be mindfully conscious what energy we are putting out into the creation of the world.
We know when we are calm and serene and creating from a peaceful heart. We usually do not realize in the moment of Ego that a fiery or angry heart is also creating. What energy and creation would we like to be responsible for on a global level? The more we are creating from a loving and peaceful space, the more that we will begin to see that showing up around us!
Brigid the Goddess of the Creative Spark, Goddess of the fire of inspiration, smithcraft, poetry, healing, and divination. Her inspiration was vital to the bards (poets) who called upon her freely. Legend says that Brigid was born with a flame reaching out from the top of her head, connecting her with the universe. The new (Christian) and the old (pagan) Brigid were merged into St. Brigid in AD 450. St. Brigid, daughter of a druid, was a goldsmith and healer. Nineteen priestesses/nuns guard her sacred fire in Kildaire, Ireland. On the twentieth of each month it is said she appears and tends it herself. Also, maiden Bride, maiden nurturer, fertility and Spring, a new dawn and a new day. Coincidentally (ha ha not) there is a festival in her honor on February 1st, so that falls within this week’s wisdom time frame perfectly.
I actually forgot to pull a Goddess card this week and was prompted from my slumber by a mouse in my dreams that told me I had forgotten some details this week (message of the mouse) while I was “dream” cleaning my basement. I sprung from my bed in the wee hours and pulled this lovely Goddess. I love how she comes on the toes of the Full Wolf Moon in fiery Leo! Perfect set up and message for us during a time of much Air and Earth.
I also love how the card is number 8. The number of infinity and automatically made me think of the Spider, with her 8 legs and 8 eyes and her body in the shape of an 8; the Spider is said the be the weaver of creativity in the Heavens. Perfect once again! Her message is apropos to yesterday’s Breathe card in reverse position – the meaning of inertia and sluggishness. She will provide the needed spark we could be craving!
Brigid comes to ignite you with inspiration. Are you feeling a lack of direction? motivation? energy? Has your path gone out of focus, your life become unclear? Are you yearning for something but can’t quite put your finger on it? It is time to nurture wholeness by taking in the sparkle and crackle of inspiration. Brigid says that a life without the fire of inspiration is dull indeed. She further counsels that by allowing inspiration to nurture your life you become sharper, clearer, and more energetic. She asks us to move out of our current slumps and to think back to a time when you were young and playful, possibly happy and unburdened by adult obligations. A time when we used our imaginations to spend our days, unfettered by electronics and technology. If you were as lucky as I was and did not grow up in a time of electronic entertainment, we had glorious imaginations, adventures of the soul. Go back to that time and find yourselves again. Free yourselves from the expectations and burdens of the outer world, if even for a few moments each day and watch your spark come back to you!
Green Tara sets us up for the week with the energy of Salvation? The Tibetan Goddess of She Who Saves.
We come into this world with an assignment to explore life through certain perceived limitations. We are meant to learn about life in all its complexities, especially learning about how to be in community with others. Green Tara says that we will never be alone in life’s journey. This compassionate saviour goddess of intimate friendship will ensure that the right people will show up for us at the right time. She reminds us that our needs will always be met and we don’t need to know exactly how because that is her domain. We just need to trust and let her use her magic on our behalf. We are safe we, we are secure and we are always in the care of the Divine.
Tara originated as a Hindu goddess, a Great Goddess — the Mother Creator, representing the eternal life force that fuels all life. … In Sanskrit, the name Tara means Star, but she was also called She Who Brings Forth Life, The Great Compassionate Mother, and The Embodiment of Wisdom, and the Great Protectress.
Within Tibetan Buddhism, Tara has 21 major forms in all, each tied to a certain color and energy. And each offers some feminine attribute, of ultimate benefit to the spiritual aspirant who asks for her assistance. This week we are focusing on Green Tara, but feel free to explore the other 20 Taras, their color and energy they may bring.
The Moon…New Moon in Capricorn at 23° coming
Empowerment Message:
Mama Killa, the Incan goddess of the moon, presides over the power of cycles and seasons. The moon rules the night sky, returning full 13 times in a year. The ancients marked time by the moon to know when to plant, when to harvest, when to store food, and when to celebrate fertility.
Right now, you are invited to see what is familiar and decide whether you need to improve on it or leave things as they are. The answer to your inquiry can be found in the timing of things and the cycle you’re in. You can apply the idea of natural cycles to relationships, creative projects, personal growth, and more. If you are honest with yourself, you will see there is no way to control these cycles, only to use the creative energy they offer to help you.
If your relationship is unclear yet brimming with potential, you might turn to the new moon energy that shows up in the spring cycle of life. In that case, you just need to allow the relationship to grow naturally, and be clear in your intentions. When your outer world seems to be slowing down, with obstacles rising up and temporarily blocking your every move, do not put up a resistance. Instead, take advantage of the need to rest and recalibrate your intentions as you wait for the cycle to change.
No matter what, like the cycles of the moon, there is divine order in everything that is happening in your life right now. Once you know this, the goddess Mama Killa welcomes you to her divine moon dance of co-creation.
Hecate, Hekate pronounced HECK A TEE- also known as Bimo and Trivia.
Decisions are hard for all of us. Which way do I go now, which path is the right one, what do I do next, or, most urgently, where do I go from here? Life is never easy and some decisions can be hard ones, very hard. And, at times, it can seem as if there is no answer, although we know that is untrue and every situation has a solution, no matter how hard it can be to glimpse it at times.
This is where Hecate or Hekate comes in. Hekate is the goddess of the crossroads. She is also the mistress of the magic arts, and is included in the grouping of the Moon goddesses. In ancient portraits she is shown to have three heads and they look in each of three directions.
When we are at a crossroads Hekate is there with her torch light and her ability to transcend both heaven and hell and her dwelling place on the earth. She can bring both the conscious mind and the unconscious mind together, and the need to live in day to day reality home to us. She is the one to go to for direction when we don’t know which path to take and which road makes the best choice.
Hekate uses the wise owl as her messenger and she relies on the willow tree for sustenance. She is a goddess of the Moon, and when the Moon is dark she can use her torch for light and in search of the best pathway to take. When we need to make a hard decision for ourselves we are calling on Hekate for guidance, since she travels through the realms of sky, earth and Hades, the underworld.
Hekate is called the most lovely one of the Moon, and Hekate is there when a child is brought into the world, as she is the goddess associated with midwifery. When Ceres lost her daughter Persephone, Hekate used her torch to help Ceres look for her in the underworld. When we are unsure of ourselves or when the light around us is fading, and everything looks dark, we are traveling by night in the most metaphysical sense.
I believe that Hekate’s province as goddess of the crossroads led inevitably to her status as goddess of the magic arts. One would naturally lead to the other. Who better than Hekate would know how so often our indecision leads us to call upon the energies present in the universe to ask for help and guidance when we cannot figure out what to do. Once a decision has been made, asking the powers that be to help incarnate that desire would naturally fall upon, who better, the goddess who shows us all the different roads available to us.
Hekate is the 100th asteroid, named and discovered on July 11, 1868. In her manifestation as 100 Hekate, her asteroid designation, she is the place we go to in our charts to find out what we need to do to discern our direction in life. She is the also the place we go to find those parts of ourselves that were lost. When we are in need of using our magical selves to find or answer questions, Hekate as goddess of magic is there.
By looking up her placement in our charts we can see what astrological sign and house she occupies. She is currently at 3 degrees of Aquarius. Where does that land in your chart? She is in my 5th House which is Libra/Scorpio consciousness and joined by my Neptune in Scorpio in the 5th. Totally makes sense to me that I always seem to be at a crossroads in that area of my life. She must have been in Capricorn (foundations) when she became very persistent to me and that occupies my 7th House of relationships! Now, with her transiting Aquarius, my 7th & 8th Houses, I do seem to be at a crossroads with the themes of those Houses.
The In-Between
Empowerment Message:
You are standing in the liminal spaces between what was and what will be—who you have been and who you are becoming. The Greek goddess of crossroads and the in-between, Hecate, welcomes you to her domain and reminds you that neither place is your home. You’re being tasked to carefully choose the direction of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions. Now is not the time for hasty action or stubbornness, but a fierce self-inventory. Bless the past for what it has provided, and release all attachments to the stories of what was. Now is the time to understand the responsibilities required of you as you move forward into a new version of yourself that is as yet unformed.
Who do you want to become? What kind of life are you prepared to live, and how will you wisely yield your power to co-create a new world beneficial for others not just yourself? You have the magic of Hecate pulsing through you and calling to you to answer. Say yes and step into the unknown to discover what is not yet manifest. As soon as you do, the goddess Hecate will bring her eternal torch to light your way.
With the Sun in Capricorn at 14 & 15 degrees with a Virgo Moon – super grounded energy is exactly what we need right now to soothe and prepare us for some shocks and shifts coming up this week. Gird your loins. Deep breaths, stay in your lane, stay present and stay positive; nothing lasts forever.