The Full Sturgeon Super Moon in Aquarius at 19° 21’ is on approach and exact August 11, 2022 at 9:36 pm EST – Rising alongside or Conjuncting this Full Moon is Saturn giving us the energy of restriction, constriction, a lack of warmth in this cold Moon and we could feel deflated or just plain old burned out leaving us feeling less self-confident and needing a respite. The Peak of the Perseid Meteor Showers begin in the wee hours tonight producing up to 150 meteors per hour over the next two days – best viewing time is between 3-4 am as the sky will be darkest and the waxing Moon will be setting. This will be the last Super Moon for 2022.
This Moon and Saturn also Square (tension) to the North & South Nodes and this speaks of life’s harsh lessons that are only learned by experiencing them. Considering the Moon in Aquarius is the Collective, Saturn is Restriction, the Taurus North Node speaks of the Economy, goods and needs in addition to the Earth itself. Add the Squaring aspect of Mars & Uranus in Taurus; just to add fuel to the fire and OH Venus at the anaretic 29th ° of Cancer and readying to enter Leo tomorrow; I hear the words Molotov Cocktail!
This Aquarius Moon is aloof and detached, but in need of the illusion of safety and security through possessions or feeling as though one has enough. The Aquarius Moon in good light can be ridding of old possessions, old technology and mind sets and preparing for the new influx of these things including new ideas when one is not weighed down by the old. Old outworn relationships fall to the wayside in order to make room for new refreshing and growth inspiring connections.
If you missed it – the Weekly Wisdom for this Full Moon also includes Oracle Cards for each Zodiac Sign and can be found here: