It is Gemini Season as the Sun has moved in to the Sign of the Twins. It is also Eclipse Season and big changes and shake ups are about to happen. Let’s wrap up the month of May with a breakdown of the upcoming astrological and astronomical events and my Weekly Wisdom video and a special card reading for each Zodiac Sign!
May 22 – Mercury Squares Neptune – until July 10th. This can cause fogginess, cloudiness all of the mind, our thoughts and communications. It could also lead us to not be thinking realistically. Delusions of grandeur if you will. During this time, Mars and Venus will also pop in and out of Square with Neptune creating passionate encounters that may appear to be more than they are. Be careful falling in love with someone or something that is not as true on the inside than they or it appears on the outside.
May 23 – Saturn goes Retrograde until October 10th, joining Pluto to make was for some revisions with our structures and foundations. Time to clean up some messes we may have left. A time to review and revise where it is we are going. Energy is not horrible until Saturn Squares Uranus (the Great Eliminator), we will be cleaning out the proverbial closets.
May 26 – Full Flower Super Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius at 5° – that is a mouthful, but just be ready to release old beliefs, old baggage, outworn habits and thought patterns. It is time to make a change. See more in my video below.
May 27 – Venus Squares Pluto – Pluto is all about Death, Endings, Transformation and New Beginnings, following this Full Moon, Venus will Square Pluto to soften the blow of what it is we are moving away from and letting go of. Like Marie Kondo says, if it does not spark joy, it has to go.
May 29 – Mercury conjuncts Venus – bring our mind and heart together as one. In addition – Mercury goes Retrograde until June 22nd. The pre shadow period began on May 14th and the post shadow period ends on July 7th. Covering only 8 degrees; from 16° to 24°. Look at see where this falls in your chart as Mercury passes back and forth over that area three times to make sure you learned your lesson.
Upcoming important astrology/astronomy will be the New Moon in Gemini with a Solar Eclipse at 19°.
Here is your Weekly Wisdom video including a mini card pull for each Sign