December 29-30, 2020 marks the last Full Moon of the 202nd decade of the Gregorian Calendar; the decade that began 2010. To some, the last Full Moon was in 2019, but to the purist it is now. It is marking the end and the beginning; a new venture. This is also the second Full Moon in Cancer this year; the first being last January 10, 2020, right before the first announced fatality of Coronavirus and what would have marked the most bizarre and different years many of us have ever experienced. To be frank, we are praying for an end and a resumption to normalcy. I find it so interesting that 1 year ago I was talking about how I could see us focusing more on the home and moving away from the corporate grind. I saw it in the stars and my Guides had been prompting me about these turning events since 2017; never in a million years could I have intuited or guessed at how this would show up. Last January’s Full Moon in Cancer, Sun in Capricorn was a focus of energy towards our personal values versus the values of other people and their money versus our money. This Cancer Full Moon will be focusing on the home, the family and our status that we are known by.
The Full Cold Moon. also known as the Long Night Moon, will be at 8° in the 10th House, opposing the Sun in Capricorn also at 8° and in the 4th House. Ironically, they are in the opposite of their typical House placements. It had me thinking of flipping roles, nurturing what we are known for (usually our career), a softening and maternal energy and doing our work from the home- Cap in the 4th; isn’t that what most of us have been doing this year? It has come full circle in a sense. I also have the thought of us treating ourselves better when it comes to working outside of the home, doing what we love and following our hearts and emotions when it comes to work and ending the forcing ourselves into positions or situations that do not nurture best interests.
You will find this Moon shining brightly at the feet of the Gemini Constellation and in direct alignment with the fixed star Alhena; also known as the wound in Achilles Heel. She brings a beauty to our thoughts and words, but could also be slowing us down – this is not a time for travel as the wanderer is weary and rest is needed to heal. Communications, surprises are in store with the planetary aspects; a semi-sextile to Uranus asking us to try something new, an opposition to Pluto, Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter makes me think that Mercury showed up in Capricorn just in time to have a difficult conversation with Pluto aka Hades, Lord of the Underworld, who happens to be Trining Uranus and promoting a big change that is coming and not yet seen. A Square between Venus in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces could lend to illusions, dreams, lucid dreaming, wishing big; conversely, it also tends to promote lying and delusion, which has been showing itself already in some fashion.
What popped in to my mind this weekend is “people cannot lie their way out of commitments anymore” or “Lie their way out of difficult situations or conversations” People’s excuses aka bullshit, just won’t fly anymore”. Our intuition (bullshit detectors) are heightened with this aspect and little annoyances of these indiscretions and show of bad character will get you an escort to the Exit Sign. Also too, people cannot “fake” a fever or illness to get themselves out of a prior engagement without quarantining for two weeks, if you know what I mean?
And, if you are wondering why the Full Moon in Cancer would actually be in the Constellation of Gemini, you are not alone. It has to do with the procession of the Equinoxes and how the Earth’s rotation and axis appears to us from planet Earth. It is merely a visual illusion to being Earthbound, but is in fact in Cancer.
What is the timing of the Full Cold Moon in Cancer?
December 29, 2020 at 3:28 p.m. UTC – London
10:28 p.m. EST
9:28 p.m. CST
8:28 p.m. MST
7:28 p.m. PST
5:28 p.m. Alaska
2:28 a.m. Sydney December 30th
Wish big, think big fore we are starting a new decade. Take this time leading up to the Full Moon to culminate each year of this decade 2010 through 2020. All of it; the good, the bad, the ugly and most of all, the beautiful. How did this decade begin? What has happened along the way? What must we leave behind? What are ready to invite in?
The picture that I chose for this Full Moon, woman rising up above the tumultuous ocean waters, ascending above the emotions and the turbulence, up above the rocks that the waves are smashing against; floating in the Air to a higher plane. This symbolizes everything about this time and the shift of the planetary energies. It is perfect.
I suppose I have always had a very vivid imagination; when I think about some of the things that I thought to be true, I crack myself up laughing and yet at the same time, maybe they really are true. Like how when we are new to this world we can remember our past lives and see beyond the veil before we are jaded by the material heaviness of parental reality. My imagination or reality was always nurtured by my family so I never lost it, so I have to wonder if Father Time and Baby New Year are still real beings and my imaginative self says OF COURSE THEY ARE! When I was little, we were allowed to stay up on New Year’s Eve to bang the pots and pans, see the ball drop and wait for Father Time to come running through, followed by the Baby New Year, ushering in the new era. I used to watch the television, eyes fixated on the screen, Dick Clark counting down – 10, 9, 8 … and I would try to catch a glimpse of Father Time and Baby New Year as the ball dropped in Times Square. My family would joke with me and say “Oh there they are!” “You blinked and missed them!” They thought it was funny, I was always saddened and disappointed to have missed them yet again, only to wait another year.
Whether or not you see Father Time or Baby New Year – I wish you all happiness, joy, good health, love, peace and your wildest dreams to all come true in this next year and next decade. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021. xoxo Kim
Here is your Weekly Wisdom Video and Card Reading for All Zodiac Signs for the Full Cold Moon in Cancer – en-JOY!
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