Mirror Mirror by Molly E. Carlisle
Ever since the Sun moved into Cancer on June 21st I have been crazy emotional, with each day escalating my loss of emotional control. It feels like I am PMSing ; I have anxiety, I could cry at the drop of a hat, people are annoying me to the point I want to tell the world “F You World”… what is this? Is it the Sun in emotional and watery Cancer? Is it Chiron in Pisces Retrograde? I thought I have over come all of these lower vibratory behaviors years ago and now the well is overflowing and the sunken ships of the past are coming to the surface. Could it be the Full Moon?
When I looked further into this Full Moon alignment –

Full Buck Moon 2017 chart
the chart was evident that something pretty big was about to occur. The Full Moon will be in Capricorn at 17° and the Sun in Cancer will also be at 17° – they oppose each other; they are direct opposites. That is the Push and Pull tugging that we are feeling. Also, Pluto, in Capricorn, is sitting right next to the Moon at 18°, in what is called a conjunct position. That is when I realized that Pluto (the Planet of Death and Endings) would play a major role in this Full Moon’s effects on all of us. I can feel the grief of the collective; the grief of endings is palpable and I feel the sadness that is coming.
Queue the circus organ music (the sound inside of my head when it is trying to process great amounts of information) – since Pluto is our Blind Spot in life (the area that we think we know everything about, but really know nothing about) would this Full Moon illuminate that area that Pluto is in our own charts or cause and ending and disruption in that area? Would the effects take place in the 10th House that it is occurring this weekend or the House that our Pluto is in when we were born?
It is fairly easy to break down as Pluto does not change signs very often and each generation typically has their own Pluto, with the exception of when Pluto goes retrograde and slips back into the previous sign. Those of us that are living have Pluto in either of the following signs-Pluto’s purpose is to transform these areas :
Cancer 1914-1939 Instincts and Protection in what you value
Leo 1937-1958 Creative Impressions and Legacy
Virgo 1956-1972 Perfectionism, Analytical obsessions
Libra 1971-1984 Diplomacy and Harmony
Scorpio 1983-1995 Unlocking Secretive hidden obsessions
Sagittarius 1995-2008 Freedom and Tolerance
Capricorn 2008-2024 Power over others and Money
Of course, you have to allow for Retrogrades and should always check your chart for exact placement to be sure.
Now, let’s look at the houses of Pluto. We are often striving for the theme of where our Pluto lies and it becomes our soul’s struggle and many times we bury what lies in the house that holds Pluto as a result of it being too painful to look at or deal with; we need to deal with these issues in order to grow and expand as a human and it could very well be one of our purposes that our souls chose to overcome in this life time.
“truths and deeper meaning. This area of life may be associated with change, upheaval, power struggles, and issues of control. Intensity, fear of loss or betrayal, passion, obsession, paranoia, and self-protectiveness are themes in these areas of life. We might be driven in the areas of life associated with the house that Pluto occupies”, as quoted from Cafe Astrology.

Astro Wheel of the Houses -click to enlarge
To get a look at your own chart and discover your Pluto sign and the house in which it lives,- (astro tip-if you do not know your time of birth… use your best guesstimate and place a time in the slot, otherwise the chart will not show the houses… your Rising Sign or Ascendant AC will NOT be correct, but your Pluto placement will be).
you can obtain a free chart here: astrochart
Deeper Meanings of Pluto in each House as quoted from The Astrology Place:
Pluto in the 1st House- Pluto in the 1st house may need to deal with issues of power – their own and others. The individual resents being controlled, and this may perhaps cause them to go to extremes in asserting their will. This often results in power-struggles, and they are profoundly influenced by powerful and charismatic figures whom they model themselves after. For some who have this placement, the world is not seen as a safe place, and they keep tight control over themselves and others, so learning to use personal power appropriately is an issue for them.
Pluto in the 2nd House- The second house rules the foundation of the material world. Wealth, possessions, finances, social background, income, talents and tangible values are all found in this domain. All of your self-esteem is surrounded by your financial & material holdings or lack of…this is a very difficult placement for Pluto for you are living with turbulent times and the fear of never having enough.. here is a link to dive deeper into this – a look at the good, the bad & the ugly of this placement…. Pluto in 2nd House
Pluto in the 3rd House- Pluto here has a deep well of resources in the 3rd house: writing, communicating, and speaking are areas in life where they have a profound effect on others. What the person says carries emotional weight and it is not taken lightly by anybody. Pluto in this position enjoys deep conversations and reaches the heart of the matter. Healing through all these channels is also possible, but sometimes there is difficulty in conversing with other people and there is a secretive, hidden, and extremely quiet manner. On the other hand, they may even be a compulsive talker, sarcastic and will possibly seek to dominate by force of speech, ideas, and intellectual confrontations.
Pluto in the 4th House- This is where my Pluto lives and as true as this is, this is Me being vulnerable to all of you; to show you how deep my grief runs and I am hoping that this Full Moon fixes and heals this dark park of Me…
Those born with Pluto in the 4th house may have experienced something dramatic in the family home, and whatever it was, it can sometimes make them feel isolated and rootless. Perhaps there was much that was hidden or secret in their childhood, and this has changed them indefinitely. Crisis, deep transformations, fated occurrences and experiences that are intensified find their way into the home and family. At the deepest roots of their life, Pluto will be cleansing and transforming in the sphere of family relations and sense of belonging.The fourth house is closely connected with our deepest self, psychological roots, feeling of protection, and it is also connected to a sense of belonging. The 4th house can also signify the death of one of the parents, or actual abandonment. The death of a family member often impacts the child deeply. Perhaps the parents may have been struggling to come to terms with a significant loss at home. The family may have been torn apart, lost its home, and suffered bankruptcy. Pluto here is often deeply private and secretive about their early life. One of the best outlets for this placement is to “dig up” the family history and explore old secrets. However, there may also be a compulsive need to explore their ‘roots’ forcing old issues out into the open, sometimes giving rise to power struggles, confrontations and upheavals.The complexes and traumas formed in early childhood, if unresolved, often seethe below the level of conscious awareness, and the individual carries a hefty weight of grief and resentment over old hurts.
Pluto in the 5th House- Pluto in the 5th house- There is a powerful urge to express creativity, and art may be pursued with obsessive passion. Artwork and hobbies are expressed with drama, intensity, and even heaviness. Creative gifts may be out of the ordinary and have a profound effect on others. Those with Pluto here have strong creative forces in whatever they do, and they want to do it to the fullest. The individual will need to do something totally, passionately and even become obsessively involved. However, these people may have to confront psychological blocks and re-examine early childhood and see what type of encouragement was received and how others responded to their taste for drama.
Pluto in the 6th House- Those with Pluto in the 6th house can have an obsession with routine and ritual. The 6th house rules over our day-to-day routine of life. The 6th house also describes how we get along with our co-workers and the people we are serving and who serve us. People with this placement of Pluto may possibly have power-struggles in the place of work, and sometimes the individual gives the impression of being threatening, intimidating and hostile to other people. In another case, those at work bully or threaten the individual, and betrayal, treachery, jealousy, bitchiness and intrigue is not uncommon. This position of Pluto does not react well to criticism at work and they can be ruthless with others on the job.
Pluto in the 7th House- An individual with Pluto in the 7th house will find that partnerships are the catalysts or agents for personal transformation and change. It is the area of relationships which plunge them into deep emotional complexes, testing the depth of their unions, building and rebuilding contacts with others. Pluto, the planet of optimum energy, in the house of marriage, involves an unmatched passion in a sexual and emotional association with a partner. Frequently, the individual will find that they are in a love-hate affair. It definitely doesn’t lack desire, and there is a powerful craving for romance. Those with Pluto in the 7th house need to distinguish between their great aches in love and their attraction to explosive drama.
Pluto in the 8th House- Those with Pluto in the 8th house possess the power to drastically change the lives of others. Pluto is placed in a very powerful and dominant position, but when its natural energies are obstructed it can lead to a build-up of repressed desires, which burst through consciousness, and all hell breaks loose. Many astrologers believe that when Pluto is placed in the 8th house of the horoscope the individual will experience at least one major life change. Pluto can plunge the native into the intensity of the underworld through a connection with profound issues such as sex, death, power and survival. Partnerships may involve power struggles, physical or emotional violence or the breaking of taboos. Some have a propensity for troubled relationships, and it involves a long-drawn-out conflict over inheritance, sex, business deals and divorce settlements. Relationships can be damaged, as a result, and we can recognize this pattern in many couples with silent stand-offs, withdrawal, ambivalence, distrust, anger, blame and an emotional tug of war.
Pluto in the 9th House- An individual with Pluto in the 9th house may go through a philosophical overhaul and dramatic crisis in life that comes as a result of a belief system. This placement suggests a fascination with alchemy, archaeology, pre-history, magic, or the occult. It is also an excellent placement for anyone involved in psychology, research and things of an investigative nature. Since this house rules a higher power, the image of God is often characterized by a deep, personal experience of transformation. The individual also holds the idea that knowledge is power. Those with Pluto here are often keen on studying, and there is a feeling that one must root out this greater knowledge for themselves. Pluto will tear everything apart until it finds the hidden meaning. You could become obsessed with the need to evolve or be driven by a compulsion to fathom the deeper laws which govern existence. There could be a total or all-consuming commitment to your beliefs or spiritual path. Nothing else will matter as much.
Pluto in the 10th House – this COULD be where this Full Moon has a deep affect-A person with Pluto in the 10th house has their compulsive nature focused on worldly ambitions, and expression of authority.They are likely to find themselves in positions of power and there is an insatiable drive towards success. The individual has a strong striving for impact and influence in society, and may be completely obsessed with their calling in life. They can become consumed by their career and their need for professional success is always intensified. Pluto in the 10th house may be responsible for transforming society and tearing down old systems that have become outworn and outdated. The individual also lets nothing stand in the way of their ambition, and they want to remake and change the world in some significant way.
Pluto in the 11th House- An individual with Pluto in the 11th house may find intense emotional experiences through groups, friendships, and society at large. They may wish to transform society to knock it down and rebuild it from scratch. In fact, they can display extraordinary passion towards groups of people, social ideals and movements. The forming of any of these alliances creates profound and life-altering change in the individual. The people they are acquainted with are the catalysts for growth. Pluto here might find themselves resentful, jealous and mistrustful of friends. The need to control and dominate a group may also be a problem; they find themselves feeling disturbed, isolated and deeply impacted within social networks of people. When Pluto is in the 11th house, the soul also feels that these activities can become demanding and overwhelming dominating the life.
Pluto in the 12th House- Those with Pluto in the 12th house have a deep interest in secrets, the unconscious, and anything mysterious. Psychoanalysis, investigating dreams and other methods of uncovering mysteries are interesting to them. They may be exceptionally perceptive intuitively or psychically. Stephen Arroyo: Astrology Karma and Transformation points out that the twelfth house reveals influences beyond our conscious control. Planets here symbolize forces which often overwhelm us. Therefore the individual born with Pluto in the 12th house sphere has the challenge of not feeling overwhelmed by the collective shadow of suffering, sadness, and grief. Pluto here has unfathomable and complex emotional guilt and feelings of persecution, and it is not unlikely for this individual to take on the role of family scapegoat. It can symbolize an obsessive survival instinct operating below the surface of consciousness, and way back in the psyche of the family. Frequently there is a dark history of abuse, brutality, or violence, and the individual senses that there is something shadowy lurking in the background.
My Full Moon Wish –
As I conclude this article, I have a Full Moon wish for all of us and that is “I pray for healing”, healing of the selves which will perpetuate healing in the world. If we can all see that little bit of the other in ourselves we can hold a tiny grain of compassion for the other – The Other in the Mirror, for everyone that shows up in our lives is really just a mirrored reflection of what lives within each of us. When we comprehend that we all are mirroring the other we can reach an olive branch out to the other and therefore heal that shadow that lives within our own hearts. xoxo-Kim