What does the Fox say? Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow! (from that silly song)
I woke up this morning haunted from a dream that I had last night and the word Volpe was in my dream the entire night. I ran around frantically telling everyone to pay attention because it was Volpe, or that people were not understanding that we had to understand Volpe. Since I do know several languages, I knew that Volpe was the Italian word for Fox. Why would I be dreaming about Volpe and seeing the word flash across the screen of my closed eyes over and over again. The dream shocked me out of my slumber and here I am awake and searching for some type of meaning to this Volpe.
Upon returning from my snowy walking of the dogs, I scuffled across the living room and into the kitchen to make myself a hot cup of coffee and ponder my newest obsession. As I entered into the kitchen, I saw what appeared to be a small paper card in the middle of the kitchen floor. I bent down to pick it up and as I was placing it on my kitchen table, I discovered that it was a photograph, circa 1970, of my Grandmother and Grandfather. It put a smile on my face as I had been asking my Grandmother for a sign that she hears me and is present – especially since it was her birthday 2 days ago. Was there a Volpe connection there? I cannot think straight, my head is still foggy with sleep and the dream. Then it hits me “How did that photograph get on the floor in the middle of my kitchen”? It is not the first time this has happened; last Mother’s Day a photograph of my Mother was floating in her dog’s water bowl in my kitchen, I suppose this is how my family gets my attention – place a photograph that is tucked away somewhere (in another room) on the kitchen floor and “she” (me) will see it and know that we are here. You must think I am nuts right about now, but this is how things happen in my house—-30 seconds later a tupperware lid comes flying down the stairs and lands in my kitchen (where the heck did that come from)???? I pick it up, place it on the cool granite countertop and glanced up the stairs waiting to see the accompanying bottom half, a cat or something to be descending after the lid. Nothing. …o.k. it will be that kind of day today—Bring it On, but help me figure out Volpe.
I know that the Fox is Crafty and sly. He waits for the right moment and is quiet and stealthy. Is that the message he is sending me? He is quick, witty, cunning and is full of Magic. He can camouflage himself so that he can stay hidden and observe before making his move. The Chinese believe that the Fox can take on human form, Native American’s felt the Fox brings healing, other cultures believe that the Fox watches over the dead….hmmm….a connection to my kitchen adventures. Is my family giving me a warning to stay back and be an observer and not to make a move until I am sure? This is how I analyze my dreams and adventures here at home.
If this was not an important message, I would have woke up and forgotten the dream immediately without another thought, but because I am obsessing about this – I feel compelled to peel away at the meaning.
Fox is among the most uniquely skilled and ingenious animals of nature. Being a night creature, fox is often imbued with supernatural powers. Foxes are usually seen at dawn and dusk. Dusk starts off their day, and the dawn is its ending. This is the time, when the world of magic and our every day realities cross paths. Foxes live on the edges of forests and open lands, the border areas. As fox is an animal of the between times and places, it can be a guide into the faerie realm. Fox has a long past of magic and cunning associated with it. It can move in and out of circumstance restoring order or causing confusion, depending on the occasion. -Shamanic Journey
I know that I have Magic around me all of the time. Sometimes I do forget during my busy day….maybe this is all to remind me of the Magic and that even my dreams are subject to Magic happenings. Maybe, while I was sleeping and my Grandmother was placing the photograph in the middle of my kitchen floor, my body knew that Magic was a foot and my subconscious picked up on the knowing that Magic was happening!
The Fox knows how to get out of situations that are not beneficial to him and it could also mean that I need to be more discerning and discreet with my personal information; who I trust and befriend. A reminder, if you will, that I should pull back into my solitary shell and protect what is mine. Fox has been thought of similarly as the Raven – as tricksters or liars — it is their Magic and most people do not understand it so they feel deceived or outsmarted by The Fox or The Raven (that is just injured Egos feeling that Fox and Raven are liars)—could this be a warning of a Liar in my midst and a warning from the “Otherside” to be on the lookout for someone that does not have my best interest at heart?
Fox’s messages bring us Shapeshifting, cleverness, observational skills, cunning, stealth,
camouflage, feminine, courage, invisibility, ability to observe unseen, persistence, gentleness, swiftness, wisdom, reliable friend, magic, shape shifting, invisibility. They eat tiny amounts of food many times a day – enough to satisfy, yet not weigh them down and this could be my message as I over indulged in a gastronomic feast last night that had me up and sick half the night.
I could over analyze this for days and I usually do over analyze everything that haunts me. I want to know they meaning and understand. Just because I get messages and signs does not mean I know the answers. That is the most difficult part of Magic. The best advice is to stop thinking and analyzing it, relax and go do something to take my mind off of it. Spirit will be persistent if it is important until I figure it out or it will just come to me once I relax about having to know the answer immediately. Other great advice is to just acknowledge seeing the signs, getting the messages and be cautious until it is figured out!
Like the Wolf, the Fox loves his family and very similarly to the Dog (they are all from the same family) stays loyal to his family – so that is the plan today – stay close to me and mine, good and nutritious food in small quantities, sit back and relax until the Magic has been revealed. xoxo Kim