Fire allows for rapid transformation. It provides the avenue to let go of the old story and drama, to transform, to renew and to be reborn. Through fire ceremony, you honor your lessons and old belief structures by placing them in the fire and turning them over to Spirit. By releasing these old patterns and beliefs into the fire, you heal deeply at the level of the soul without having to experience them at the literal and physical levels.
Fire ceremony, one of the core ceremonies in many medicine traditions, is typically held around the full or new moon of each month when the veils between the worlds are the thinnest. In the past, when fire ceremony was taught, it was only done with a teacher for years and years before ever doing it alone. Now, shamans say that the earth and our civilization are in such great peril that fire ceremony should be held by anyone who is willing to step in. The fire itself will become your teacher and will let you know immediately if your intention is pure.
As a practicing Shaman, Spiritual Leader and Advisor I am asked every day for prayers; prayers of wellbeing, prayers of healing, prayers to take away chaos and unhappiness, disruption and sadness and although I keep all of you in my prayers every day and send love, well wishes and prayers for your peace, only YOU can pray, heal and change yourselves. I cannot go into Ceremony with YOUR intentions because how could I possibly know what YOUR intentions are or the intentions that the Universe has for you? The Self must want something bad enough to do the work, put in the sweat and tears to make one’s self whole again. It is not easy, but it becomes easier and we shed the weight and we become lighter, however, there is always something that needs to be cleared, there will always be a lesson or challenge that crops up; this is a daily way of living.
I was so lucky yesterday to start my morning finding a Blue Jay feather; an object that most would have walked past. I am not sure if the bright, electric blue color caught the corner of my eye or the whisper of my Spirit Guide telling me to look back and I saw it. I was already 10 steps away from it, but by remaining in constant presence and awareness, I was blessed for such a totem. I wonder how many messages I miss every day? I do not have to worry fore any message meant for me or you will keep repeating itself until found and discovered. The same goes with anything that is meant for us, it will never go by us as what is meant for us will always find its way to us!
The bold Blue Jay animal totem is a stern bird that is symbolic of royalty in the aviary community. … In addition to their loquaciousness and intellect, Blue Jays are thought to symbolize clarity, vibrancy, allegiance, curiosity, and determination. Blue Jay tells us to pay attention to the chatter of others behind our backs and to focus on ourselves and our own opinions. They are Bold and Brazen and ask us to act alike in times of fear and chaos.
It is also a notice to me that my Grandmother is nearby and telling me to pay attention and that she would be sending me messages. I later found a 1975 dime and a 1970 quarter; both years that symbolize a wonderful time in my childhood with my Grandparents.
Ceremony was held last night to honor the waxing Grandmother Moon and bring her into her Fullness. While we were preparing, Three Sentinel Crows flew overhead, squawking their caws as if they were trumpeting to coming of something wonderful and the official announcement to commence ceremony. Crow symbolizes great luck, an indication that change is on the way and they can also indicate a reversal of fates. The Sentinels are high up in the watchtower of the tallest trees offering protection to the feast below.
Immediately following the Crows, in swooped three Barn Swallows, flitting and playing in the air; circling and darting across the dusky sky. The swallow animaltotem brings in the sun rays of playful summer, showering your home with lots of love and even protects the home. Swallow Totem warns that you should pick and choose your battles wisely and that not every situation warrants a confrontation. My most favorite message of the Barn Swallow is not to worry about the things that you cannot change, letting people handle their own problems and to be objective about life. Once you realize these virtues, you will live a more peaceful and joyful life.
I felt as though I was a spectator in a play watching and listening to the various totems coming in; one by one showing up directly after the last had exited the stage. This is the most beautiful part of Shamanism (to me) is being so incredibly present that we see and sense all the animation around us; each and everything playing an important role in the synchronicities of our lives.
After the Swallows took a bow, in came the Chimney Swifts. Very similar in appearance and flight formation of the Swallows, just much faster. They speak of the use of speed, agility and accuracy in daily life. No lollygagging, no laziness and times are moving quickly and the Swifts rush by saying to me “This too Shall Pass.” The Swifts are the fluidity of thoughts and emotions. They bring heightened intuition so that we may avoid the storms of life, they bring a sense of warmth and protection as they live close to the hearth of the home. They show us how to be resourceful with what we have, they also bring an air of grace and show us how to maneuver through life with such beauty and agility.
The remaining totems of the evening included Spider (birth, creation, Mother, creating a new language and the way we speak and knowing that everything we think and speak becomes our creation in our outer world). Rabbit (fertility, abundance and total cuteness- rabbits are also not very smart Mothers as they leave their babies unprotected and out in the open for waiting predators). Geese honking overhead asks What is your True Path and calling? Are you following it or someone else’s wishes and expectations? And finally, Vulture was the last seen Totem, with his huge, black outstretched wings quietly gliding past to remind us that change is coming, things will die and they are the clean up crew that will handle the remains.
All this even before we even obtained our spirit arrow and built the fire! I feel blessed to know this, experience this and be so connected to nature that I am one with them. I know their language and feel my best when I am present and observing. If you have never considered animals and their messages as I have described, maybe you are moving to quickly through life to fully drink in the sweet nectar of what ever moment is offering you each day?
Here are the steps from world renowned Shaman, Alberto Villolldo. This may seem complicated, but it is mostly about INTENTION and setting the intentions and prayers for change. Be sure to ask for GENTLENESS so that your experience is not too overwhelming. I recommend drinking plenty of water for several days, soaking in a salt bath to cleanse and rid yourselves of whatever it is you are getting rid of and get plenty of rest as well. En-JOY!
credit to by Dr. Alberto Villoldo
The steps to the ceremony are simple, it is only important to remember that you are creating ceremony:
Before coming to the fire circle, create an offering out of burnable materials, typically a small stick. This “spirit arrow” can represent an issue or something that needs to be honored in order for you to let go of it. The offering serves to focus one’s attention in active meditation. The object can be decorated or left as is.
· Connect with what you are honoring, the gifts you have received, or what you are envisioning into being. Using your breath, blow this intention or prayer into the offering several times.
· Ideally, you would want to do your fire out-of-doors if possible. Though fire can be done indoors, even with a candle, creating the ceremony outdoors allows you to connect deeply to the earth, the star energies and the timelessness of the location where you are holding the fire. When you are first learning, it is recommended to hold fires at night. The darkness will help you notice subtle changes and learn from the fire.
To prepare the fire:

· Place kindling in the form of a Southern Cross and then build a short teepee of wood over it. Fill in with paper and kindling as needed. Remember, this is a small ceremonial fire, not a large bonfire. (For many years I would even use pie sized aluminum pan to build my fires).
· Sacred space should be called in (Calling in the Four Directions) and then the fire can be lit.
· As the fire burns there is a beautiful chant that you can use to keep you centered and to occupy the mind. The chant calls upon the spirit of the waters beneath the earth to take your offering to Spirit. Here is the chant.
Nitche Tai Tai, N-U-Y
Oro Nika Oro Nika
Hey Hey…Hey Hey
Ooo Ai.
The following is not a literal translation, but expresses the chants essence:
O Great Mother, Mother of the Waters
We call on you, waters of our birth
Waters of our sustenance
Waters that cleanse us on our death
Waters of life.
The fire should then be “made friendly” with three offerings of olive oil (you could also use sage or tobacco):
· The first offering honors the four directions and after your honoring, olive oil is sprinkled on the fire. The fire should be allowed to burn until you sense it is time for the second offering.
· The intention of the second offering is to honor the heavens and earth and again after olive oil is sprinkled, allow the fire to burn for some time.
· For the third and last offering, connect the circle around the fire by honoring “all” those present. This may include the spirits of the land or ancient energetic beings you may sense, but not see.
With the addition of these offerings, the fire will become “friendly”, change color and burn in a different manner. You will notice this change through discovery, practice, direct observation and experience.
· When the fire is friendly, approach the fire and silently put your offering into it. The fire will transform your offering(s) and prayers back to light, turning them over to Spirit. In the same way sunlight wraps around the stick as it grows, the offering now goes back to the light wrapped with your prayers.
· If you have someone attending the fire with you they can stand behind you to “hold the space” so all of your attention can be with the fire. If you are holding ceremony alone, invite the lineage to “stand” behind you.
· As your offering burns, put your hands briefly through the smoke and fire. Draw the energy of the fire into the three main centers of your body – into the belly, into the heart, and into the forehead. Legend and lore says if you come with pure heart and intention, the fire will not burn you. You can touch the flames lightly or go deeply into them. When you place your hand into the flame, it is not meant to be sensational or dramatic, but rather a way to focus attention and energy upon your transformation.
· One additional offering is then placed in the fire for the mother earth. It is typically called the “Pachamama” stick, or “mother earth” stick. Have each person in the circle blow their prayers for the planet into the offering before it is placed into the fire.
· Sacred space is then closed. You should stay with the fire until all the prayers are consumed. Ideally the fire is allowed to burn to embers. Water should not be placed on the fire to extinguish it, only dirt if necessary.
There is a two-week period following a fire ceremony in which “instances of opportunity” appear. These “instances” provide the opportunity to translate your intent for healing, into reality. You are advised to think of the fire ceremony not as an instantaneous magical change, but rather, an opening to heal and shift distinctive habits and patterns – to manifest a different dream. Remember to recognize this “opening” and seize the opportunity to create change – then let the universe take care of the details.
Fire ceremony allows us to source from our soul and to re-remember how we have sat around sacred fires throughout time. Any time you feel “blocked”, or are working on what you want to dream into your life fire is an incredible tool to help you change and shift. My children love to participate in fire ceremony with me. They often bring their personal “stick” offerings for what is going on in their lives. We encourage you to invite family and friends to your fire ceremony. Many Light Body graduates hold monthly fire ceremonies in their own communities. These ceremonies are often open to the general public.
At this time of tremendous change, our souls long for ceremony. As you work with fire as ceremony, you will develop your own unique rituals.
Take the leap now! Join medicine men and women throughout the world in fire