Feng Shui Friday! Broken Things
This week I would like to talk about broken things around your home that are messing up your good Feng Shui Chi. Just like clutter, broken things zap your energy. So while you are de-cluttering your space, take a good hard look at whether your belongings are still serving their true intended purpose.
Here are some very basic rules about Feng Shui and good Chi energy when surveying your home:
- Look at things/areas that are cluttered
- Look at things that you no longer like (regardless of sentiment)
- Look at things that are broken
Any of the above 3 items that create a negative feeling in your gut has got to go. That includes heirlooms or hand-me-downs that make you feel bad when you look at them.
The next 3 Rules of Thumb are the 3 “R”s:
- Replace
- Repair
- Remove
This applies to anything that makes you feel crappy and therefore creates negative Chi. However, when it comes to Repairing, if you cannot make it more beautiful than it was before (and you can afford it), you are better off Removing and Replacing the item. Sometimes repairing something does not bring it back to its previous value and a half assed working or looking item is still considered negative Chi.
There is the ancient art of Kintsukuroi, which mean repair with Gold. The philosophy is to make something broken beautiful again.
Make sure you are surrounding yourself with things that make you smile, happy and joyful. Beautiful home = beautiful life. XOXO-Kim