What started out as a little personal blog has grown beyond what I could have imagined, which goes to show what 5 years can do.
I have been thinking about a lot about time in 5 year increments lately; not because of the cliche’ of “Will it matter in 5 years?”, but because I can see how much life can change in just 5 years; half a decade. A decade feels like a long time, but 5 years not so much, yet it can be profound. We never know where 5 years could lead us and I have been thinking much about what has happened in my life over the last 5 years. The accomplishments, the losses, the smile and the tears. Maybe I notice 5 years more because I am older now; I can look back through nearly 6 decades of events and the most profound occur in 5 year increments. Five years can give us hope that our entire world can turn around when we are down and of course the cliche’ to always remember – “Will it matter in 5 years?”
The cliche’ is a good way to measure moments in our lives, a good way to pick and chose our battles in the moment and a good way to measure drama filled decisions – Will it matter is 5 years? If yes, then by all means make the most of it; like I did with my blog and business. If no, well then, have a good chuckle, shrug it off and move on. So many of the little things that get under our skin and anger us will not matter in 5 years; the people on the other end of these little things will most likely not even be a part of our realm in 5 years so why waste precious energy on people and things that are so insignificant? Focus on only what will matter 5 years from now. Look for the bigger picture; the grand perspective.
If you would like to take a look at where Expressions of the Universe began; please do by clicking this link here—-> Expressions of the Universe- original blog Much of the content and messages are very similar; which pleased me that I have not wavered much over time. xoxo-Kim