Northern Hemisphere

Southern Hemisphere
Is it Mabon or Ostara? Depends on where you live.
It is hard for me to wrap my head around it being Ostara when I am so accustomed to September being Mabon; that is because I live in the United States of America; Northern Hemisphere. I include this as many of you lovely friends, readers and faithful followers are living half a world away and I always like to include everyone; I also dislike how most Americans think that the good ole U.S. of A. is the only country that exists on our planet. I am happy that my friends will be experiencing Spring, as I am happy that we are slowing down and the crisp Autumn air has finally arrived! Although, I have noticed those that are overly ambitious and have already begun decorating for Halloween and Samhain here; embracing their perfectly crafted Pumpkin Spice Latte’s as early as mid-August, I personally have a few rules about Autumn: 1. No PSL (Pumpkin Spice Lattes) for me, I like my coffee as regular as it comes or I may splurge for a Venti Cappuccino with three shots of Espresso on occasion as a mini-treat. 2. No Halloween decoration before October 1st – ever (and I never have an issue keeping them up through Thanksgiving and into the 1st week of December, when I will succumb to my family’s demands for some Christmas Holiday decor; against my dire wishes for none). I find myself wondering what it is like celebrating the Equinoxes on opposite ends. Halloween (Samhain) on Beltane and Yule (Christmas) on Litha? It is absurd to me, but that is just because I am accustomed to the way it is here. Maybe I am so used to our Wheel of the Year because technically the Celts, Druids and Pagans originated the Wheel in the Northern Hemisphere. But surely there are those in the Land Down Under that follow the Wheel; so I honor you all.
So what is the Spiritual meaning of Mabon and Ostara? Taken from RhythmsofPlay.com:
Spiritual Meaning of Mabon
On the equinox day and night, dark and light, inner and outer, masculine and feminine, are all in balance before the night takes over…
Bringing darkness along with the death of winter.
All things must die before they can be reborn, and all spiritual ascent requires descent first. We are a reflection of the universe that surrounds us, what takes place outside of us, also takes place within us.
This means that those who long for the light must first face the darkness within themselves.
It is on the autumnal equinox, that this stage of inner preparation for enlightenment can begin. In order to make way for the return of the sun on the winter solstice, and it’s rebirth on the spring vernal equinox.
This is why it is so important to use this time of universal balance to hold gratitude in your heart for the life lessons that have helped you grow, and let go of everything else.
For the soul, the autumnal equinox is also a time of harvest.
Celebrate autumn equinox, or Mabon, by harvesting your inner fruits of awareness and finding gratitude for the seeds that you have both reaped and sown… The good, the bad, and the ugly.
May your inner and outer harvest be bountiful!
Ostara in the South would be the bringing back of the light, sowing the seeds that will be harvested later, setting intentions of balance and gratitude; full of celebration as well, but from a different angle.
Below is the Astrological Chart of the Equinox from my Eastern Standard Time point of view; as I interpret the meanings; this will also be the same chart used around the world, the planets will be aligned the same in your specific time of the Equinox, but at your specific time. You can Google what time your Equinox occurs, knowing this is the alignment of the planets regardless.

Here is my interpretation of what I see and feel the energies of the Universe are generating and pointing out the most important aspects:
The Midheaven, or our Goal for this Equinox, is 16 degrees Taurus; I love and I am open to following my intuition for manifesting my dreams. Vesta, also in Taurus, but at 27 degrees has us focusing on the home and hearth and getting tasks accomplished in and around the home and family. Making a cozy and comfy space for the coming change of the Season; whether we are closing down for the coming Winter, or opening up for the pending Spring, we must clean and declutter and prepare our spaces. The Moon at 15 and North Node at 14 degrees in Cancer in the 11th House supports the coming of celebrations and social good times in our homes; we Host.
Libra will be Ruling the second (2nd) House; depending on which House System we use (Placidus versus Equal) we will enjoy the energy of The Sun, Mars, Venus and Mercury in Libra, in the 2nd House.

From AstrologyZodiacSigns:
On a personal level, this is the house that represents the value we give to ourselves and everything we do. In it, we are able to materialize our energy into something we can touch, use, or hold in our hands, as if it was a natural consequence of the energy we carry in our body represented through our first house. The second house of our chart is the field of habit, the food we eat, with the purpose to feed our hunger created by the animal we carry in the first house. It is a source of income that strengthens our body, leading to thoughts with quality. It correlates with the sign of Taurus, speaks of one’s wealth, and is also called the house of value. Its Latin motto is lucrum, meaning “wealth.”
Areas of Life
Matters of the second house are matters of personal belongings, possessions we want to have in this lifetime, and the food we love to eat. It represents the point that defines the first, materialistic goal of our existence. Seen through philosophical connections, it represents the influence our choice of eating habits has on our financial situation. Cleansing our body through fasting or a healthy diet will set us free from negative substances that accumulate in it. Consequentially, this will cleanse our mind, leading to clearer financial choices instead of stealing the energy from our first house. This is our personal recipe for empowering our strong financial background.
The second house is a reminder of the energy we focused in the right direction. Every accomplishment we are not satisfied with because it didn’t provide us with what we needed in the material reality, simply means our energy is not well-focused or used on matters in sync with our body and our material existence. As soon as we start making money, we can be sure we are in some kind of correlation with our true selves. However, if we are still not satisfied, we probably haven’t followed our true calling that will someday make us whole. Whatever our situation, the second house speaks of our level of personal fulfillment through material matters, the way we accept them, and the way they satisfy our inner hunger.
The Second House in Libra
When the second house is set in the sign of Libra, this gives an individual a sense of self-worth through relationships with other people. In a way, this can be problematic and lead to envy and all sorts of assessments that the Soul is not ready for, while at the same time providing one with a lot of material blessings through partnerships or a chosen spouse. In a poorly set position, this can make a person see their partner thought their possessions, vain and turned to belongings of other people. Luckily, this is not very often, but it is still challenging to value oneself with all the influences they get from the outer world. This is a predisposition to make money working with other people, in a team or through relationships, partnerships, law, or the chase for justice.
With the transit Sun in our 2nd house, our focus is on our material wealth. We may try to work out our finances so we feel as though we have more money, or do some extra work to make more. Having more disposable income makes us feel more secure, as well as having more objects that are of value, so we may purchase something that will be worth more over time. Just make sure you don’t spend too much on it now. We may seem more grounded and practical, and we don’t want to rock the boat. We likely won’t start much new during this time, and instead continue to work on the projects that we’ve already started.
Mars in the second house also indicates that the most lucrative careers and activities suitable for this individual may be those that involve physical action, so get to work is what that is saying.
Mars in the 2nd house suggests there may be a proclivity for taking risks with money through investments and gambling. Individuals may enjoy the rush of playing high stakes for the chance to win big. Although gambling may be one of our vices, we are likely to manage our finances skillfully. With Mars in the 2nd house there may also be a passion for art and aesthetically pleasing objects.
This can manifest as superficiality and materialism in our personalities. Nevertheless, we know what we like and we tend to have strong opinions about everything we observe. It is likely we tend to present ourselves as something of an authority on what’s good and not good. Although others may take exception with their covetous ways, it is a supreme compliment if someone takes a liking to us.
Mars in the 2nd house can manifest as a strong sense of values and ethics which may exhibit an emphasis on a warrior-like ethos. Of course, if Mars is negatively aspected within the natal chart, this can result in a lack of morality virtue where the ends justify their means. Such individuals may display antisocial, selfish and sociopathic tendencies. Their self interests must be satisfied even at other people’s expense. Under healthier conditions, this placement simply indicates a very cunning and resourceful person who loves to rack up trophies in part as evidence of what they’ve done and are capable of.
When Venus transits the second house, it is likely to bestow or stimulate good luck and positive developments especially in the area of finances. Venus in the 2nd house encourages us to take care of the things we own and look after them with great love and attention. This may encompass regular maintenance, and or mending and repairing broken or old objects and restoring them to better condition. Venus in the 2nd house emphasizes what we love and cherish most. It is what we care deeply about and prize to such an extent that we are likely to become connoisseurs and keen aficionados send that domain. When Venus is transiting the second house, we become more motivated to add to our collections and indulge ourselves in our materialistic vices.
Passing through the second house stimulates greater generosity and willingness to share the love and be charitable. Love and affection is often expressed through gift-giving and favors. Now is a good time to make money or spruce up your wardrobe. Good things may come your way in the form of promotions, bonuses, and other blessings. You may find that people are more generous, charitable and willing to make sacrifices on your behalf or do favors for you. You seem better able to get the things that you want at this time thanks to the positive spirit of Goodwill and conciliation in the air. Investments and business deals are likely to turn out favorably and prove profitable. This is also likely to be an opportune time to make romantic purchases such as engagement rings and spontaneous surprise gifts for loved ones.
When Mercury is in Libra, we are diplomatic and friendly. During this cycle, we are able to bring a more rational approach to one-to-one relationships. It’s a good time to think about ways of improving our negotiation skills. In an attempt to see both sides of any given situation, Mercury in Libra can be a vacillating energy. It can be more challenging than usual to make quick decisions, as we can sit “on the fence”. We may too easily accommodate others’ opinions in order to keep the peace. In our negotiations, we don’t want to assert ourselves in such a way as to appear to be the “bad guy”. However, this is a good period for considering others’ points of view. We are more inclined to arrive at fair conclusions. With this being in the 2nd House, we are focused on money, earnings, improving or increasing earnings. 3rd House would be focused on siblings and their health or communications with them and others.
The Ascendant in Leo at 23 degrees puts a focus on the Self; what we feel, believe and think of ourselves as a whole, who we are and how we act as supported by asteroids at 9 degrees in the 1st House. Juno in Virgo at 13 degrees, 1st House, interestingly enough is the goddess of relations, is steadfast and committed to the Self and selfish wants and needs; to the point of nit picking narcissism. Beware of how you treat others during these aspects as that will show the world how you either love or hate yourself. Mars in Virgo at 23 degrees could be an inner fight with your own personal integrity, yet pointing the finger of blame to whomever is nearest during your temper tantrum.
Reminder, the Equinox is about Balance; luckily, Venus and Mercury (our Heart and Mind) are already in Libra; there may be a slight tug of war going on with Ego versus Heart, especially with Eris is fiery Aries at the heart centric degree of 24. I feel temper tantrums of a toddler emerging and will be a clear sign of those who are most in need of true Balance.
Another important aspect of note is Saturn; finally direct and at 13 degrees in his home Sign of Capricorn asking if we have learned our lessons, trials and tribulations this year thus far? Or have we been digging ourselves an even bigger hole that Pluto will have to salvage us from? Who is awake? Who is aware? Who still has Karma to pay back or who will reap the bountiful harvest? Are you a brat, always complaining and making excuses? Or Grateful at any turn? So many are still so blind and bitter they do not see they are on the hamster wheel of Saturn’s fate; the Cosmic Father teaching the lesson of tough love. Those awake and aware will ascend and be blessed at Jupiter (who also recently went direct in his home Sign of Sagittarius) is assisting his buddy Saturn (Kronos) dish out some blessings, favors, ills and spills. Chop Chop, wake up quickly before he gets to you!
Last, but not least, Neptune in his home Sign of Pisces at 16 and Black Lilith 15 ; our dreams and illusions and Fears conjunct this whole menagerie wondering 1st anything negative about myself is the other person’s problem because there is nothing wrong with the Me of Me and Fearing and second guessing ourselves and our behavior. We dislike what the mirror reflects back, but it is all and illusion or delusion.
Either way, the main point of this even is to get our shit together and become better, more balanced and more centered and grounded human beings. If we are not striving for balance at this time and think that we are; then think again, that is your Ego talking and that impending 23 degree Leo Rising!

How to balance, you may ask? I always perform the Tree Position in Yoga, on each side. It determines what is and is not in balance; Left is Masculine energy, Right is Feminine. If I topple when I have my left leg in pose, then I am being too Yin, not assertive, too open and too giving. The same for the Right; if I topple, then I am being too assertive and aggressive and taking too much. I do this once a week to maintain a balance in my energy. Equinox is a perfect time to try this!
Of course, salt baths, walks in nature or garden work will always center one and bring the body, mind and spirit into balance.
There is also our external world to ponder. Do we have a work life balance? Are we working too much and not spending enough time with our family and friends? Are we getting enough sleep and eating well? How are our finances? I spoke about this in last week’s Weekly Wisdom as I prepare for the Libra Season theme of Re-Calibration. Reassessing and re-aligning for a perfect life balance. You should check it out if you haven’t already.

Now Here is Your Weekly Wisdom Video, Cards for Each Sign and a chance to Pick a Card for the Equinox! en-JOY xoxo-Kim
Hello, I would like to have a reading with you, please!
I have 2 friends ( Helen Gilmore and Marianne Sheldrake) that have had readings with you!
Thank you Darlene 🙏
Hi Darlene! Thank you so much! You may click the shop up top in the menu above and browse and choose which reading sites you best. Please let me know if you need additional assistance. Xoxo Kim