A Grand Trine in Water, ahhh, sounds so soothing, but it really could be a nightmare. We have nearly one week left of this and I need to get off this roller coaster pronto! Venus, Neptune and Jupiter all residing in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces has us tuning up, tapping in, giddy, gleeful little cry babies all within the same minute, wanting our blankies and baa-baas and a long nap.
On a good note, this Grand Trine could not only add to our luck in the love department, but we could also intuit in our soulmates; at least have a vision or dream of them. Just pay attention to the Signs that are popping up along the way. If you are already attached, your love affairs could be emotionally filled and
dream like; or you could just be day dreaming about how you would like your love life to look and feel. If you are lacking in the love vibes, your emotions may be throwing a pity party. Which ever your relationship status, I am sure your heart and ego have been on a playground see-saw and with the Sun in Gemini (The Thinker) you could be thinking of greener pastures that will have you packing come the Mars Retrograde in two weeks. To say 2018 has been rough is an understatement and the planetary party has barely just begun- but I will fill you in on July soon! Let us soothe out hearts this next week, because if any of you are feeling like me, I have this pain in my heart, it feels broken and for no good reason; nothing out of the ordinary has occurred for me this week, yet I feel it, it sucks and it is deep, so much so that my stomach hurts. All this emotion has me exhausted as well and just wanting to nap the day away, but there is too much work to do and too much sunshine to enjoy outside; the smell of the roses and honeysuckle are intoxicating and that is enough, for now.
The irony here is that when our emotions are out of control, our intuition is shut off; so the key in this is to do our best to keep emotions even keel – nurture the self, baby the self and give the self whatever makes you feel cared for and comfy. Stay busy, listen to music, as that always can lift a cruel, heartbroken vibe. Listen to inspirational speeches from some of our great motivational speakers and remember, only you are creating the feelings that you are experiencing and these are the junk drawers of our soul that need cleaning and disinfecting. What I am saying is don’t ignore your feelings, but don’t let them take you over either. Observe, look within, search for the root, call out to the Angels or your Spirit Guides for some answers, then be quiet and wait for the answer. And always remember, the vibe you emit is what you will attract, so stay positive and know that like all things, this too shall pass.
Now here is your Weekly Wisdom – xoxo en-JOY! Kim