We all use them, we cannot avoid them; the advancements in technology and the convenience they bring has us loaded up with devices that do make our lives easier, but are they causing health issues that could actually be shortening our lives?
EMFs or Electromagnetic Frequency, which can include Radiation is emitted from anything that is plugged in to operate or any device with a battery and blue tooth technology. EMFs and Radiation are invisible waves of energy.
I recently went to a Medical Qi Gong class and the first comment from the instructor, as she was looking directly at me while addressing the whole of the class, described how wearing a fitness tracking device blocks our body’s energy circuit, most specifically, the heart line energy as I was wearing mine on my left wrist. The left side of the body is where energy enters our body. I immediately removed the tracker, which I had won a few months ago in a raffle at work. Previous to that I had not even worn a watch since the 1990’s as my own energy destroyed watches and I have a box full of very expensive and beautiful time pieces that no longer work. I was also known to blow out street lights when I was younger, similar to Stephen King’s characters Carrie or Firestarter! Years ago, Jawbone made one of the first fitness trackers and was a rudimentary thin band that had to be plugged into the ear jack of my mobile phone to download the data. I loved that band. It was like wearing an attractive, slim bracelet. A device similar to that did not pose the threats that today’s devices do as it had no blue tooth technology.
I decided to try an experiment and keep the tracker off after the Qi Gong class to see if my own stress levels reduced and my sleep improved. Qi Gong is a system of movement, breathing and meditation used for the purposes of health, spirituality, healing and martial-arts training. I had been gaining weight, despite tracking everything and was experiencing so much anxiety at night that it was resulting in poor sleep tracking. Before my Qi Gong class, I had been reading some articles that indicated tracking everything could cause stress, anxiety and depression which could result in weight gain and poor sleep because the need to perform was constantly on our minds when wearing a tracker. Thinking about the instructors comments, I also wondered if the energy being emitted from the device, especially worn on my left wrist, be causing my anomalies. I had only had positive results when I wore the basic Jawbone. Today marks 5 days since wearing my Fitbit and I have had a solid, restful sleep each night since. I have not had any trouble falling or staying asleep.
Earlier today, a friend sent me a video showing how an Xbox plugged in emits high levels of EMF since the box is constantly scanning for WIFI, similar to a fitness tracker, a mobile phone and many of the smart home devices we are using in our homes, including that WIFI router. So, how much of these invisible waves are our bodies being exposed to on the daily and how are they related to overall dis-ease and illness in our bodies, but most importantly, Cancer?
It is no coincidence that a recent conversation with a friend that works in Oncology shocked me when he said that the majority of the patients he speaks to are between the ages of 18-35. Think about it, anyone older than that would not have had a lifetime of exposure to any of the above previously mentioned. Yes, there is electricity exposure, but not WIFI or Blue Tooth. Those in the category of 18-35 would have had at least half if not all their lifetime exposed and willingly using multiple devices. Now it makes sense why the Qi Gong instructor turns off her WIFI when she is not using it. For most of us, that would greatly hinder our lifestyle. For me, I stream all television, with the exception of live antenna channels, I am always on my laptop and mobile phone; it is how I conduct my business and daily work.
For a visual of EMF and Radiation – here is an image from Cancer.gov I will also be sharing some important data from this same website.

Now, there are good EMFs called Non Man Made Non-Ionizing EMFs and they come from Mother Earth. Think of the Electromagnetic Field or magnet at the core of the planet that helps the needle on a compass to point North! This is grounding energy. Electricians will ground the wiring of a home or building to this same grounding force so that we do not become electrocuted! I speak about Grounding all the time. Taking our shoes off and standing on the Earth is one of the body’s most beneficial treats! It neutralizes our energy, balances out exposure from devices and people. Grounding will even take pain out of the body. The man-made EMFs are what could make us ill.
The top device causing the most exposure would have to be our mobile phones and computers. Televisions, microwaves and WIFI. We really cannot avoid EMFs and Radiation, but we could become more mindful of how much we do use them and take frequent breaks from our devices. Get out in nature more to neutralize exposure. We could also use EMF blocking products for our phones and devices, especially anything with Blue Tooth. Turn off Blue Tooth whenever possible and limit use.
Here is the link to Cancer.gov with more information:
UPDATE SINCE PUBLICATION: I totally forgot to mention that the ingress of Saturn into Pisces for nearly 3 years and beginning on March 7, 2023 and Pluto’s initial ingress into Aquarius on March 23, 2023 is setting up for a possible increase in overall illness and mortality rates directly linked to environmental causes. Pisces plays a ruling role in our immune systems and Saturn restricts where it resides. Aquarius is the technology and electronics, Pluto being the planet of death and endings coinciding with Saturn in Pisces would alert us to focus on doing everything we can to keep our health and immune systems in tip top form; as if we didn’t learn anything over the last few years of a global pandemic. On the upper hand side of these transits, new medicines and medical treatments, leaning more in the holistic arena, could emerge during these transits as well. Still, anything we can do to promote better health will be a plus, especially since the effects of the 20-year transit of Pluto in Aquarius may not be seen for decades.