I am offering Answers to Your questions with any donation made!
- Ask for a Tarot, Angel, Goddess or Oracle Card guide for the Month
- Ask about your Astrology Chart- where are your blocks & wounds
- What is your personal Animal Totem of the Month
- What is your personal Crystal of the Month
- Looking for me to write an article on a special topic?
Expressions of the Universe has been offering free Ad Free Content since 2013 and always will. Why you may ask? Well, because I really dislike surfing the net and landing on what appears to be an informative page only to find that it is loaded down with pop-ups and ads that not only hinder my reading pleasure, but often prevent me from scrolling through pages with ease. If I abhor it, you must too! You will never find ads on this site, my Facebook or Instagram page and hopefully YouTube as well.
With each donations, you will be directed to the PayPal check out, please leave your question or request in the comment area, be sure to leave a valid email address so that I may respond (especially if I need additional information from you).
I am currently booked through February 2020, so this would be a great way to get a quick mini-reading without the wait.
As always, thank all of you for your continued support – Without YOU, I would just be talking to myself.
xoxo- Kimberly McGrath-Expressions of the Universe