Root Chakra Crystals and Stones
The Sun just moved into Earthy Taurus and with it she/he brings the energy of Manifestation, Values and Material Goods. The Keyword for Taurus is “I Have”. It is also about meeting basic needs and a feeling of security. The soul lesson of Taurus is Non-Attachment to the material they manifest. This is a great time for all of us to manifest our desires, however, we are challenged with 5 planets in Retrograde motion and that can bring out our deepest insecurities when it comes to wealth and abundance; or the lack thereof. I want to make sure that you are equipped with an arsenal of tools to help you manifest and release your insecurities, which are all based in our Root Chakra. If our Root or the base of our body is not strong, clear and aligned it can intensify those insecurities.
Is your Root Chakra closed?- Here are 30 signs as borrowed from http://www.sarahpetrunoshamanism.com/blog/30-signs-of-a-blocked-root-chakra And according to this list I am in major need of these crystals daily, so I will be taking my own advice and I am passing it on to you!
30 signs of a root chakra blockage
- Craving comfort foods
- Feeling disconnected and distant from the physical world
- Feeling spacey and out of it
- Several days of grumpiness or unexplained irritability
- Exhaustion and tiredness
- Having a hard time getting out of bed and starting the day
- Wanting to stay home more than usual
- Increase in appetite or lack thereof
- Leg cramps or muscle spasms
- Swelling or edema in the lower limbs
- Restless leg syndrome
- Decreased circulation in the legs and feet
- Numbness or feeling like your legs are falling asleep more often
- Increase in worry about finances or job stability
- Questioning or concern of your life or career path
- Increase in nervousness or anxiety in general
- An urge to get off the grid or disconnect from electronics/social media
- Spending more time in the produce department while shopping
- A desire to go to local markets and farms (can include seasonal activities)
- Feeling drawn to more neutral tones in your wardrobe or color palette
- A desire to be more domestic – organizing the home, cooking, baking, yardwork, etc.
- Noticing a tendency to align your sleep/wake cycles more closely with the sunrise and sunset (matching your circadian rhythm with natural patterns)
- Urge to partake in more physical activities, like going for a walk or a run
- Desire to connect and reach out to family members, friends, neighbors, and members of the community
- Feeling distant from your pets and loved ones
- Wanting to move or leave your job
- Desire to dedicate more time to outdoor activities like gardening or hiking
- Increase in desire for more self sufficiency from creating your own things to building projects to canning and pickling.
- Questioning your career, life path, or choices thus far
- General confusion of what you’re supposed to do or need to do in order to move forward, or a lack of clarity or confidence in next steps
If even one or a few of these signs resonate and speak to you, it can be a sign that you are experiencing a root chakra blockage. The more you connect with, the greater the likelihood and potentially the greater degree of the blockage.
My Solution, Use Crystals!- The photo above is a small showing of my favorite Root Chakra stones. Starting at the upper left I have Bloodstone, Smokey Quartz, Hematite (bracelet), Garnet, Black Tourmaline, Carnelian, Black Onyx (bracelet) and in the center Petrified Wood from Oregon. Place these at the base of the body/spine when meditating or carry them in your pocket or close to your body at all times; sleep with them under your pillow. They will help to heal, clear and open this Chakra therefore strengthening it and helping you to feel more secure with your situation and finances. The Root Chakra is the 1st Chakra and without this being healthy, it will throw the other 6 Chakras off balance. Here are the properties and qualities of the stones shown:
- Bloodstone- Builds Courage, Comfort and Strength and helps you to regain your personal power.
- Smokey Quartz- Protective and Grounding; if you are in a bad mood this stone will help you to see the humor in difficult situations and help you to see situations logically.
- Hematite- Protective, Grounding and Balancing. It helps to repel negative energy and send it back to whence it came. I often find that once the hematite has been used for a while it shatters; it becomes so full of what it has collected that it is of no use any longer so it self destructs and lets me know when it is time to replace it.
- Garnet- Regeneration, Vitality and Order- this will give you a boost of energy, help your metabolism and it will also help to bring order to chaos; whether internal or external chaos. Helps to release bad karma, sooth dreams and nightmares and excellent for manifestation.
- Black Tourmaline- Protective and Grounding. Most powerful protection against negative energy. Encourages happiness, good luck and a good attitude regardless of your situation.
- Carnelian- Motivation, Clarification and Action. If you need to put a fire under your butt, this is the stone as it will stimulate your drive, help you manifest and help you move in the right direction on your path.
- Black Onyx- Protective, Prevents Energy Drain. Aids in handling stressful situations and past life issues.
- Petrified Wood– Grounding. Helps to connect the body and spirit to the Earth. Great for city dwellers that cannot connect daily with the Earth on their feet. Helps you to put your “Root” down into the Earth and when we are deeply grounded, nothing will knock you off your perch/
Of course these are just a few of many stones and crystals that can be used to help cleanse, heal, clear and open your Root Chakra. My rule of thumb is anything Red or Black will work on the Root. It often helps to visualize the color Red or to wear it. Once your Root is nice and strong, you will feel better all over and then we can move on to the next Chakra which is the Sacral Chakra. Work on your Root for a bit and I will be back to help you in the next step so be on the look out for my blog on the 2nd Chakra – Sacral! xoxo-Kim

Chakras Description