Crown Chakra – Sun in Sagittarius
I saved the best for last, the 7th and final Chakra … well not really as some say there are 8 or 12 or 14 and ancient practitioners claim 114 with 72,000 Nadis or nerve endings connected to them. Really, they are energy centers in and around the body and aura. Some may say Chakra mumbo jumbo, but if you think about your emotions and actions and when they are working in harmony with each other you feel good and you definitely know when you feel off kilter; any slight misalignment is directly linked to a specific Chakra and the health of that Chakra. When we are able conquer the material aspects of life and healthy in one of the lower Chakras it is easy to ignore the others and feel like everything is o.k. within you and being able to take the world by the horns and; if the upper Chakras are in tune it is easy to ignore the lower ones as those that are spiritually connected feel euphoric while their personal life is falling apart around them. When the Crown Chakra is, open and flowing, great ideas of inspiration and calm flood the body and soul; the signs from our spirit guides are seen, heard and felt like never before – who would not want that and more of it? Having an open Crown Charka is almost like a drug that you cannot get enough of and all it is is an energy center; how cool is that? A higher consciousness and that of knowing, it is where most psychic ability comes from, happiness and positivity live here and by working on this area you too can improve your life and develop your own gifts and most people that chose to work on this Chakra are destined to a path of a higher spiritual nature. Who is to say that you stumbling across this article is not a message from spirit guiding you to the messages that are meant for you!
The Sun in Sagittarius seemed perfect for this Chakra as it is the sign of Belief and Higher Consciousness. Sag’s are some of the funniest people that I have ever encountered, they are naturally happy and playful and believe the sky is the limit when it comes to life and living
Purple, white and blues are the colors that unite the Crown Chakra. Amethyst is the most common stone to use for opening the Crown Chakra and connect you to the Divine, but did you know that many crystals classified as Angelic also work well here. Shown here are some of my favorites; Selenite, Apophyllite, Blue Kyanite, Amethyst Seer Stone, Purple Fluorite, Amethyst cluster and druzy, Aragonite, Labradorite, Lemruian Quartz, Crackled Quartz, Clear Quartz, Rutilated Quartz Lepidolite and Blue Celestite. You might also notice in this photo that I have included Black Tourmaline, this is because the use if these stones can make you lose touch with reality and your body and Black Tourmaline will help to keep you grounded. I also recommend making sure you eat something like a piece of fruit or chocolate after doing any higher spiritual work to also help ground you. Use any of these stones to meditate with and directly placed on or near the head. The only way to truly open and heal this Chakra is to meditate and practice moments of silence, peace and breathing; so, slow it down and take a few minutes each day to open the Lotus Flower space within you and while you are at it, place coordinating colored Chakra stones on the other Chakras to keep it all in balance, flowing and healthy!
Check out the rest of this Chakra/Astrology series here:
Root Chakra Sacral Chakra Solar Plexus Chakra Heart Chakra Throat Chakra Third Eye Chakra