Cicada has shown up for many of us lately and I just noticed them today and in full force. The hot, sweltering summer days have brought them out from the dark, safe dormant hibernation and they are all singing in unison. The two photos here were taken today in my garden. One was found in a spider web and the other was found in the pool filter. It made me sad as I know they wait so long to arise from the ground that I wonder if their mission was fulfilled before their demise.
The days have been as thick as pea soup with high humidity and the temperatures have been record breaking scorchers. When I awoke this morning from my frozen bed chamber slumber and slugged out into the kitchen at 7:30 a.m., I saw the thermometer was already a blistering 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Knowing that it could only get worse as the day moved along, I took advantage to take the dogs and sit outside, in the overgrown garden, and enjoy my coffee and some grounding peace and quiet. In this quiet all I could hear was the blaring sound of hundreds, if not thousands, of Cicadas, thrumming their tune. I sat in my own silence to allow the meditative purring buzz of the Cicadas to soothe my mind, body and soul into another oppressively hot day. I thought about what does the Cicada Totem symbolize? What does it mean? The height of the summer, the birth and renewal of a creature that lays dormant for up to 17 years until it is ready to be born. Yes, the Cicada gets to choose when it will be born. It feeds and nourishes itself on roots found underground until it knows when it is time to emerge. So, my inner being says “Patience, Timing, birth of new and renewal, grounding.
Interestingly enough is the fact the Cicada chooses when to be born and they do not sing their songs alone. They all sing together in harmony, as a team, and all for the sake of love. It is the males that we are hearing, calling out to their potential mates to say “We are here, we are ready to give you our all”. So, further symbolism indicates teamwork, love and listening to the advice of our friends and family when it comes to perfect timing, love and relationships.
The Cicada is saying all of that and most people never stop long enough to quiet themselves to hear their message within the chorus.
With all of this being said, if you are hearing the Cicada, pay attention. The Cicada is telling you everything happens in perfect timing so be patient. New beginnings are now possible and you have the right and ability to choose in your own perfect timing. Stay grounded and confide in and accept the good advice of family and friends on matters of the heart regarding all relationships right now that you may be having issues with. Now is the time to start thinking about Love and being open to a new love. A new you is awaiting a rebirth and renewal. There is a transformation and resurrection in the making!
New beginnings
Good Advice
xoxo – Kim
So it is a good sign :)… ~my cicada fly away though, thankfully, i’ll be sad if my cat killed it >_<
Yes, it is a good sign! !! I’m glad he got away though; )
Sorry took me so long to reply, I have not been feeling well