As public as I am, Mundane Political Astrology is an area that I have kept close to my chest and withing a protected circle of Master Astrologers. Politics can be such a touchy subject, even when analyzing a subject from an unbiased point of view. I have been sitting on this data for years. I have made a concerted prediction within my close knit circles, but never publicly. I do not intend to make a prediction on this election’s outcome. My intention is to provide data and analytics for informational purposes only. Let the viewer decide based on the Astrology and based on History.
I get so excited when I am looking at Astrological aspects. I attempt to explain what it is that I am seeing when I am reviewing a chart. But to the lay person, it is all Greek. People do understand that the planets can have an effect on one’s life and I do not believe it is a coincidence. That is why I am so enamored with the scientific study of our Universe. My primary hesitation in providing a presentation sooner is due to the amount of information available on this subject and the analysis of the candidates. In the wake of the Eclipses of Autumn, I had an epiphany; a way to show and present my information in a different way that may resonate with more of you. I am tempted, at this writing, to also present the traditional views and Astrological Wheels, but I do not want to get into the minutia of too much data…. that is where I could lose you all to boredom if you cannot follow my analysis.
The method for my analysis is called Secondary Moon Declinations and Progressions – A Secondary Moon Declination Graph is a visual representation that tracks the declinations of the Moon over time, showing its position relative to the celestial equator. This graph helps astrologers understand how the Moon’s movements can influence life events and emotional states. The Moon is progressed 1 day for 1 year of life. The Moon takes approximately 28-30 days to complete one full cycle from a New Moon to a Full Moon. Therefore, the progression cycle that will be shown in the graphs for each person will represent about 28-30 years of their lives.
Looking back at history and historic events in the World or a public person’s life, it is easy to see when they have had peaks and valleys in their lives and it can be predicted when looking into the future what types of events, highs and lows, they will experience. The same can be done with an Astrological Wheel and different types of Progressions, but this Graphic Ephemeris of Time is such a great, quick visual to those peaks and valleys. When I was recently viewing one, it hit me how easy it is for anyone to see if someone is coming into a highlighted period of their lives or if they are on a down swing.
Introduction to Astrology and Politics
Astrology has long been a topic of fascination, intertwining celestial movements with human affairs. In the context of political events like the US Presidential election, many enthusiasts turn to astrological predictions to gain insights into potential outcomes. This blog will explore how astrological alignments may influence the 2024 election, offering readers a unique perspective on the candidates and their prospects. This is a companion to the video I recorded that further breaks down my findings.
You will have to watch the YouTube video on my channel for the full breakdown. https://www.youtube.com/@ExpressionsoftheUniverse
This blog is to provide you all with copies of the charts that you can click on and view and provide a little background into what I am doing in the video.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Key Astrological Events Leading Up to the Election
The 2024 US Presidential election will be shaped by significant astrological events. Notable transits, such as eclipses and planetary retrogrades, can provide clues about the political climate. For instance, a solar eclipse occurring in Aries could symbolize new beginnings for candidates who embody assertiveness and leadership qualities.
Candidate Profiles Through an Astrological Lens
Each presidential candidate’s birth chart can reveal strengths, weaknesses, and potential challenges they may face during their campaign. By analyzing their sun signs, moon signs, and rising signs, we can gain insights into their personalities and how they might resonate with voters.
Public Sentiment and Astrological Trends
Astrology often reflects societal trends and collective moods. By examining how planetary movements correlate with public sentiment leading up to the election, we can better understand voter behavior. For example, Jupiter’s transit through Taurus might indicate a focus on economic issues that resonate with voters concerned about inflation.
The Intersection of Astrology and Electoral Outcomes
While astrology cannot predict outcomes with certainty, it offers a fascinating lens through which to view the upcoming election. By considering astrological influences alongside traditional political analysis, readers can gain a more holistic understanding of what lies ahead in the 2024 US Presidential race.







Collective of Astrology Wheels used in this presentation