Balance comes back to planet Earth on September 23, 2023 at 2:50 am ET; conversely it is the Vernal Equinox in the land down under and in the Southern Hemisphere. Take note that on the West Coast, the Equinox will occur on September 22nd just before midnight. No worries as the Equinox takes place over three (3) days of equal day and equal night. The exact Equinox is marked by the Sun ingressing into Libra the Sign of the Scales and Balance.

Let’s take a look at the chart for this moment. The Sun, our vital life force, is in the 2nd House of Values, Self-Worth, and Money. Those are some of the main themes that will come to the fore for us all. The next placement is the Moon. In Capricorn and in the 5th House of Pleasure, Romance, and Children, we may just not want to handle our responsibilities and take more time to spend on life’s little pleasures and play more; remember, we are balancing out our lives in the Season. Work may just not be that important, however, this Moon almost sextiles and almost squares the Sun in that 2nd House of values and money; we may be forced to work more than we desire. There is a pull to play, a pull to work; are we being pulled in too many directions? Venus in the first house plays off the Sun and Moon surrounding creativity when it comes to allowing us to play while earning. Finding every day beauty in ourselves and the world is the key. It has been said that when we are doing what we love, then it does not feel like work.
Other placements that caught my eye are Hygia in the 6th House of Health indicating that we could continue to see health issues on the rise. It specifically aspects Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune all indicators of colds, flu, Covid and the like; take heed. Hygia is often associated with health and healing. There will be some great healing during this time for some. But I am sticking with the Caution Warning for us all. Take your vitamins, eat well, rest and sleep well and get plenty of fresh air, sunshine and moderate exercise to boost the immune system.

Black Moon Lilith in the 1st House making an Inconjunct to Pluto in the 6th House interests me as a collective mental health indicator. What we do not like about ourselves crops up as finger point and blame towards others. As an astrological symbol, Lilith seems to show the unfolding of the ancient archetypal feminine power of creation, growth, stasis, decay and destruction. It is connected with maturity, especially emotional maturity, and seems to be involved in working with turbulent feelings, jealousy and rage to a point of inner balance and harmony. This leads to Black Moon Lilith’s gift of self-empowerment. Its dark face is revealed in volcanic eruptions of destructive anger, intense passion, emotional manipulation and disordered aggression. There seem to be themes of spiritual (or even material) renunciation associated with Lilith, and these then create resonances with Ketu, the South Node of the Moon. THE BLACK MOON IN THE 1ST HOUSE says -If we are happy then everyone around us is happy. Conversely, when we are upset it follows that other people are also upset. We think that this is because of other people’s behavior, but we are the one who has an impact on those around us. Whether we realize it or not we have a dark side of our nature, in that we inadvertently lash out when we are upset. Occasionally this placement of the Black Moon in the 1st House of a chart can indicate withdrawal from the company of others. Whether we withdraw or lash we, we blame others. We accuse others of doing wrong, and yet it is our unhappiness that is unsettling our colleagues or loved ones. Sometimes our own dark feelings can affect your physical or mental health. Once you claim our own feelings and break the cycle of blame, we are free of self-defeating behavior. Self-understanding and acceptance bring relief, and perhaps joy into our life. We gain wisdom and may also choose to counsel others. With the assistance of Pluto (Transformation) we can make the necessary healthy mental changes that are necessary or help us to seek the professional help that can get us there. The Trine from Venus in the 1st to Chiron in the 9th is another indicator that we can truly heal during this Season. Mercury Trining Jupiter will allow us to see a new picture, a new view and perspective. It will allow our minds to expand or learn something new. The planets in the upper quadrant feel like gas and oil prices; rising and unstable. Terrible coming into the colder months in the Northern Hemisphere; although Mars will conjunct the South Node in Libra and is an indicator of dropping markets; this will happen on October 4th. Markets are so volatile at the moment and typically expected to soften when coming into election times; however, this may not be the case as governments have been trying to hold off a recession for 2 years now that a recession is inevitable.
I will attempt to take a deeper dive into the economic aspects with the October Forecast- Stay tuned!