This year is all about Authenticity. This theme has been building for months, years, decades and really for centuries.
I have been wanting to write this blog for a few months now, however, earlier was not the right time. Now that we are half way through 2015, it feels more appropriate to discuss what I feel is this year’s theme of authenticity and it will be an ongoing theme for a very long time.
Isn’t true freedom and living all about being authentic? Being true to not only ourselves, but to all that we encounter; all those who see us.
I have noticed over the years as people are connecting and ascending they are removing their masks and coming into their authenticity. The most recent and famous act of authenticity could be seen all over the news, social media and discussed everywhere would be Caitlyn Jenner, formerly known as Bruce Jenner.
I am not writing this to promote Caitlyn, however, I want to point out just how much bravery it took for her to step out into her true authenticity for the entire world to see, knowing that she would be supported by many and reviled by many; ridiculed by those that are ignorant, unloving and afraid. Most of all unsure how the people who she loves the most would or would not accept her. That is the risk that all of us that remove our masks and embrace our authenticity take.
I know that we all want to be authentic, we all feel the need to be true to ourselves, but many of the world covets this most basic need due to fear of the masses, fear of the reaction of those we love. Conversely, if we start out as an authentic being, showing the world who we truly are, there is less fear of wanting to be accepted because everyone that we surround ourselves with will know only our true selves. Only those that love us for who we are will be the ones that fill our lives. In light of the hatred in the world the fear of those who do not know who we really are is warranted. This all starts at home. How we are raised as children or how we are raising our children. How we as humans treat other humans, animals and nature. Everything that we do is teaching our children how to be, not only now, but when they become adults and have more of an impact in the world. Choose how you live so that you can teach those around you about love and acceptance.
I am usually not affected by the media and all of the horribleness that happens in the world. For the most part, I only watch the news for the weather and traffic reports and then I shut it off or change the channel. I tend to skip past those posts on social media as well because I really do not want to change my vibration and get sucked into the mass grief that the world feels they need to take on and put on display so that their friends and followers can “think” they are good humans because of their pseudo compassion. Yet, I happened to see the reporting on the South Carolina church massacre this week and I wept. I felt so much sadness in my heart that these people were shot down all because of their skin color. 150 years after Emancipation Proclamation, they have to live in fear of their authenticity, live in fear of who they were born as. It is time for this to stop.
The Politicians and Leaders of our world bring hatred to the forefront and shun authenticity. I say, it is time we take up (our loving) arms and support authenticity. Support people in this world to be whom and what they want to be; to love who they want to love and stop the need to label everyone and everything we see. Labels too are the enemy and I have always refused to be labeled anything. I will be the first to answer up and tell people when they ask if I am a witch or if I am religious or a Shaman or psychic or this and that; that I Am All that IS, plain and simple – Do Not Label Me.
One can only hope that in our lifetimes, this particular lifetime, that we will see this acceptance of human authenticity.
I would really love some feedback on this topic and hear some of your opinions – all of them good, bad, indifferent. Thank you.