Now publicly offering my Astro-Fertility Consultations and Services!
Offerings to choose from:
- Basic list of Fertility Dates for 1 year -based off Astrology Natal Chart – $50 delivered via email. This can be used for conception or contraception.
- Basic list of Fertility Dates for 1 year -based off Astrology Natal Chart & 30 minute Zoom- $75.00. This can be used for conception or contraception.
- Complete Full Services as described below. 1 year of Fertility Dates, Genders, and Delivery Dates. Included is 90 minutes of Zoom Consultations over 2-3 sessions and emailed package with all data and instructions – $350.00.
Booking can be made directly here – https://ExpressionsoftheUniverse.as.me/
small sample of the information you will receive (for proprietary reasons, I cannot reveal the entire packet)

Using the conception enhancing lunar phase method designed by Dr. Eugene Jonas in combination with my own cosmobiological techniques. Dr. Jonas’ methods were practiced with 83% success rate for thousands of women for many years. Gender preference of child can also be enhanced by these methods, as much as 80%. Also in combination with direct studies through the Academy for Astrological Medicine and Judith Hill.
I have successfully helped many women conceive after years of trying without success, including my own Daughter. My best success story begins in my own home. After trying for over 2 years, my Daughter came to me for my Astro-Fertility Services and conceived on her first try! Not only was I able to successfully calculate her conception date, but also the delivery date of my beautiful new Granddaughter!
Another of my favorite success stories include a couple that came to me for a regular Astrology Consultation to see if they would ever be able to have children; having tried without success for close to 5 years. I was just starting out in my Fertility Services and offered them calculations for conception for three months. They were able to successfully conceive on their second try and upon learning this wonderful news predicted the gender of the baby, which contradicted what they thought the gender would be *they wanted to be surprised* – needless to say, I predicted a boy and my client gave birth to a healthy baby boy 6 months later!
Although I have personally had a 100% success rate, the typical success rate for these services generally run at 85%.
There are many factors that come into play that will determine a successful conception, pregnancy and deliver of a viable baby. One of the most important factors include the Health and Age of the Mother and in part the Father. The Health and Pregnancy history of the Mother. The Accuracy of the Mother’s Date and TIME of Birth, including location. The Time of the Mother’s Birth cannot be guessed at and generally requires a Certified Birth Record for accurate calculations. Even a few minutes of an inaccurate time could completely change my calculations.
Does this mean that if you do not have your time of birth this method will not work? Yes and No! It is complicated. Accuracy will be reduced. It is possible to conceive. You will be given a range of Fertile days versus specific timing. Some of the thorough details for viability could be unknown due to the unavailability of a Birth Record. It is recommended to get two source accounts of your birth by asking family members of a timing range, although, it is important to remember that even a few minutes effects the calculations and accuracy.
What can you expect with this Service? What will you get? You will submit the intake forms that will allow me to create your Natal Chart and calculate your Fertile times. Before I begin any calculations and research, we will meet, via Zoom so that we can discuss your goals and plans, review your Health information, questions, concerns and allow me to collect additional personal data to assist me in providing you with accurate information. We will set up your second Consultation for the delivery of my Services. After the first Consultation, I will look at all harmonious and disharmonious aspects and their timing (best days). This is an extensive process that takes as much as a week or two of extensive research to ensure your best dates for a viable pregnancy. We will meet for a second Consultation via Zoom, you will also receive a packet of information and instructions sent to you via email that we will review together. You will also have email access to me for questions and follow-up and if need be an additional Zoom consultation. The total of Zoom consultations are roughly 90 minutes in total.
There are also methods available in these consultations for insemination dates that work in combination with traditional fertility methods.
These methods can also be used in combination as a form of contraception.
Some frequently asked questions:
- How long does it take to get pregnant? It is a very individual matter, whether you get pregnant on the very first date shown in a calculation, or whether it will take longer. Statistically, during the first year of using our calculations two thirds of the women become pregnant, in the second year the next half of them and in the third year usually also the rest of the women.
- Does age affect the probability of getting pregnant? Female fecundity, so the time, when a woman can conceive a child, is limited by age. The optimal age for childbearing in women is from the biological aspect until 25 years. After 25, fertility gradually decreases and the time needed to get pregnant is prolonging. The first turning point in fertility occurs after thirty, the second after 35, when the fertility declines significantly. At the age of 40, the probability of conception is only about 4%. I.g. if a 25-year-old woman becomes pregnant after 3 months of trying, at 40 conception would occur after 15 months of trying. Age is one of the important factors and cannot be influenced.
- My period is very irregular/absent, can I still get pregnant? Not every woman has a regular period every 28 days. Usually the cycle fluctuates over several days, which can be caused by various factors such as illness, stress, etc. However, there are also women who are menstruating only once or twice a year or not at all and medical examinations do not show any health problems. Even in such cases our calculations have proven to be successful, because the absence of menstruation does not automatically mean that a conception is impossible. For example, even women just after childbirth who are not yet menstruating can become pregnant. The earliest case of pregnancy after a childbirth we recorded was just 5 weeks after delivery. If period is not present due to menopause, when the ability to conceive ends, pregnancy will no longer occur.
- I am interested in Sex Selection/ Viable Child Calculation –; unfortunately I do not know my time of birth. Is it possible to find out this piece of information? The time of your birth should be included in your medical record. Or you can try to ask the maternity ward archives or some of your family members who could provide such information. It is most appropriate to have information from at least two sources (e.g. from medical records and from the mother), and indicate the range, as the time of birth in the health card does not always correspond to the actual time. If you do not know the exact time (e.g. 11.08am), at least the approximate time of birth is sufficient for the calculation, e.g. around 8.00am, between 8 – 9.00pm. Even a few minutes of inaccuracy affects the accuracy of the calculation.
- If you do not know the time of your birth, only the calculation for fertile days or contraception can be calculated.
- Can we succeed despite the fact I and my husband have certain health problems? The calculations of natural conception control show your fertile days, i.e. the days when you can conceive. Therefore the calculation can be used when a spontaneous pregnancy is possible (i.e. at least one of the woman’s ovaries is functional as well as the oviduct and womb; and in the man the sperm is present). Otherwise the health problems have to be consulted with and eliminated by medical specialists.
- I was diagnosed with endometriosis / PCOS. Can I still get pregnant? About 50% of our clients suffer from these diseases. Calculations have been successful even in these cases. It is very individual though. Please mention this in your application form. In order to improve your condition (period cycle, endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, strengthening the wall of the womb, other), the lady’s mantle tea (Alchemilla) has a positive effect. The tea should be drunken 6 days a week; the seventh day is without tea. For instance, the tea is drunken from Monday to Saturday, on Sunday no tea. This cycle 6+1 is repeated. It is good to start with 2-3 cups a day and gradually reduce the dosage to one cup a day.
- My husband has a problem with sperm formation, can I nevertheless get pregnant? The problem with sperm formation is, unfortunately, very common nowadays. But for a conception one single sperm is necessary. The condition might be improved by changing habits. Vitamins C and E have a positive effect on sperm formation. The grape seed extract, which is rich in antioxidants, is very beneficial. Another option is an extract from the plant Lepidium meyenii (maca). Food types such as dairy products, eggs, lean red meat, liver, nuts can also help. Limit the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes. Naturally, this is a long-term process.
- Uses for these methods include:
- determination of dates for conceiving a viable child
- for women who have had complications – miscarriage (abortion), premature birth, stillborn child, death of the newly-born child within a fortnight after the birth, developmental defects of the child, genetic disorders, etc.
- calculated according to the biorhythm, no medication is taken
- no negative effects on the body or pregnancy
- possible with irregular or absent period (e.g. after miscarriage or childbirth)
- optimal dates are evaluated for each woman individually and previous complications must be accounted for.
Should you have additional questions, please feel free to email me @expressionsoftheuniverse8183gmail.com
Kimberly McGrath -Expressions of the Universe.