It is difficult to fathom that 3 months of 2023 have come and gone and yet, here we are, at the beginning of April, represented by Aries the Ram and the beginning of Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere. Time flies and the older we get, the faster it goes. April will not disappoint with some really amazing Astrological aspects, a Full Moon in Libra, a Hybrid Solar Eclipse and a New Black Moon in Aries (2nd New Moon in one Astrological Sign is known as a Black Moon), not to mention the Sun moving or ingressing into Taurus, Earth Day, including a Mercury Retrograde; April is sure to stir it up.
April does not have a multitude of difficult aspects and life should feel lighter and brighter. The majority of the daily transits are Moon (emotion) related, combined with Mars in Cancer we could be on a bit of an emotional roller coaster. As mentioned in the March Mid Month, we can track the Moon and discover how each Sign’s Moon effects our emotions. As of this writing, the Moon is in Leo; fiery, creative and flamboyant. My Natal Moon is in Leo, so this is my monthly Lunar Return and I am feeling really good and obviously in the mood to create. You can easily find out what Sign your Moon is in right here https://astrostyle.com/cosmic-calculators/moon-phase/ . Each month the Moon moves through all Moon Signs and 1 Sign twice. In this video, I speak about Lunar and Planetary Returns… https://youtu.be/e50Yf0XUgXw . In this video, I show you how to pull your own Astrology Chart https://youtu.be/OFfUbcqXU1o . Another fantastic resource for what Sign the Moon is in throughout 2023, including the Signs for all Planets is this ephemeris or Planetary calendar here https://cafeastrology.com/2023-ephemeris.html . As far as April goes, it may not have a lot, but what it does have is powerful and will pack a punch, in a good way to launch us forward, finally. It has felt like we have been up to our knees in mud and yuck of so much bull crap in the World, with daily events and tragedies, governments gone mad, human rights in the balance and at long last, March saw the Planetary shifts that can help us pull ourselves up and out of being stuck; April is the beginning of a new adventure for us all!
Here are the Astro Highlights for April 2023

Health Indications for April: Aries/Libra axis Rules the Head, Kidneys, Hormones, Adrenals, Blood, Blood Pressure, Eyes. There is a caution to temper tantrums, migraines, stroke. Hyperactivity, blood flow surges. Mars in Cancer could cause stomach issues. Later in the month when the Sun moves into Taurus the Taurus/Scorpio axis Rules the Ears, Nose, Throat, Neck, Genitalia and Bowels. We could find obstructions in these areas, allergies, thyroid, teeth pain, migraines, STDs.
Here are the mini Horoscopes for each Zodiac Sign:

After my little rant and statement below of self-indulgence, is the April 2023 video with your Stars and Cards for all Zodiac Signs! I will break down the most important aspects and provide card themes to help where we can each place our focus for the month.
When I began Expressions of the Universe nearly 20 years ago I was content to blog and share my wisdom in the metaphysical realms, the stars in the sky and the cards that would foretell of wishes to come. Technology was slowly advancing, but still basic and simple. Social Media was in its infancy; it was new, fun and exciting. However, over the last few years, even over the last decade, the World has changed so much. Social Media does not even look the same anymore. Can you remember back when you could watch a YouTube video without seeing an ad? Can you remember the last time you searched online for something without being inundated by popup after popup or scrollable advertisements? If you have ever noticed, I have never embedded ads in any of my articles over the years. Some could say I was foolish to not capitalize on this, but I despised ads so much, I made a vow to never compromise my content for the sake of a dollar. The algo rhythms have always been wonky in order to try to develop and maintain an online presence for a business; I have never been one for conforming or caring about any of that. My mission and goal was “If I could help even 1 person with my words, then I’ve made a difference in the World.” A World that is often unkind and cruel with little compassion. I just wanted to shine a bright light that could burn for another. I feel like I have done that, but in the midst of all of that, I somehow feel like I began to get lost myself. It was in the moment a few weeks ago when I received my “weekly phone usage report” that a lightbulb went off. The report indicated that I had been spending 7 1/2 hours on average on Facebook and Instagram per day!…. That is every single day! What the heck was I doing? Well, besides looking for content, posting content, I was responding to anywhere from 250-700 messages per day. No wonder I am so exhausted all of the time. No wonder why I have no time to blog anymore or lost the desire to create my Weekly Wisdom let alone take care of myself, my home and the things that are real and that really matter. That is not saying that you don’t matter, that is not true, but I really needed to make a decision and get back to basics, get back to myself and the only way to do that (for now) was to return to a very simple way of living; a living before all the chaos that Media, Social or otherwise, creates. I just need to take a step back for a little bit. Take a breath and fully disconnect. It has been 4 days since cutting the cords to Facebook and Instagram, I have not opened either application. One of the beauties in having a business account and advanced technology, I can still post to those platforms if I chose to do so without ever having to open the app! There is still fresh coffee brewing every morning, I am just enjoying it an hour later and thinking of all of you. In just 4 days, my mood has lifted, I feel more rested, a little antsy trying to acclimate, feeling more fulfilled and happier. I was able to listen to 3 audio books and read a little, enjoy a fire pit circle with my friends, cook some great meals. I still feel out of place, but I am loving all this extra time and best of all, I am not exhausted and burned out like I was even a week ago when I was a hamster running on the wheel. My wish is to get back to the basics of Expressions of the Universe; write, share, create with my words and with my art and from the space of a full heart instead of a hardened obligated space… I don’t want anything I do to feel like an obligation. So much of mine and our lives have changed over the last decade. We find ourselves having to deal with difficult situations, toxic environments and people all while keeping our highest light as a means to survive and thrive. I did not expect the Planetary shifts of late to have an immediate impact, but it is the possibility of continuing to hold on to the old had become a futile and uncomfortable effort in my overall happiness. It is hard enough for me to process all the loss and grief over the years, but having to do so in a horribly toxic, old regime and greed based capitalistic good ol’ boy profession has me reaching for something more and leaving all behind in search of my own sanity. As I hold the Star Card in my hand and close to my chest, the symbolism of Hope shines through; the Hope that Pluto entering Aquarius wipes away these old world mindsets, opens up a new world for us all and yes, I am looking for Eutopia – aren’t we all?
Enough of this… Let’s get on with the Stars and Cards for April 2023.