Today feels like walking through a veil of fog, yet at the same time having to shield our eyes from the blinding light. Mercury, although Stationed Direct, has not moved since June 18th at 16°, « Continue »
Weekly Wisdom June 26 – July 3, 2021

Today feels like walking through a veil of fog, yet at the same time having to shield our eyes from the blinding light. Mercury, although Stationed Direct, has not moved since June 18th at 16°, « Continue »
The Wheel is Always Turning, never stopping, sometimes yearning, maybe growing or even learning, the Wheel of the Year is Always Turning- original "ism" from me -KMcG. June 20th marks another notch « Continue »
This week I have an Angel Card Pick A Card as we are coming off the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini and entering in the second of three Squares with Saturn and Uranus. When exploring this « Continue »