The beauty and tenderness of the universe. Zodiac Virgo is a cosmic love. Feel this love.
The Sun moves into Virgo and the energy is the love of Mother Earth, calming, analytical, dedicated and humble. I often find that Virgos are perfectionists and a little OCD; the opposite or an afflicted Virgo is usually perfect on the outside, hoarder on the inside. It goes to extremes. They are typically loving mothers and stern loving teaching father’s. At their best their knowledge base is quite extensive and they do not just skim the surface like a Gemini, but they learn everything with depth and teach it with love and kindness. Usually when I meet a Virgo I know right away they are probably in the field of animal or human services; many nurses, doctors, caregivers, financial advisers, hair stylists or cosmetologists fall under this sign. They love helping people. This is the energy we will be immersed in for the next 30 days and so we begin our Astrological journey back to the beginning steps and learning the daily degrees from this Earthly perspective…
Learn the daily Astro Degree energy to launch you into a higher more positive perspective- Each morning, Monday-Friday, I post on Facebook, Instagram (and a short on Twitter) a daily card with the Astro Degree energy combined with the card energy and a crystal to use for the day’s energy. I used to do this only for myself, but over the last few weeks I have been sharing this wisdom for all of you, so please check it out and get a daily perspective of the day’s energy and how you can navigate through it from a positive point!
Roadtrip to Salem Massachusetts!- This coming week My daughter and I as Expressions of the Universe will be taking to the road to explore Haunted, Witchy Salem Mass. I will be broadcasting live on Facebook and will upload afterwards to YouTube (so be sure to subscribe so you do not miss anything) and when I return I will write about our adventures. Not sure what we will find on this journey, hopefully it will be packed with some ghosties and tales of the unknown! We are staying in one of the most haunted hotels in Salem (did not realize this until after I booked it) and we have some great tours set up to explore 1692; a most terrifying time in humanity and human history- a time filled with intolerance to the mankind- not much has changed in 324 years as we are still a nation that is divided and intolerant. Maybe we will capture some EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena) or some things that go bump in the night! So stay tuned for next week’s special broadcasts and blogs!
Here is your weekly wisdom video- this week the energy is pointing us in the direction of Forgiveness and staying in a high road energy, good times and celebrations are ahead, but beware of someone that could be a wet blanket and want to bring your fun times to a hault. Be on the lookout for some new ideas popping in and keep a journal handy so you can write down anything that inspires and motivates you; it is the beginning of what could turn out to be a great calling for all of you if you take the time and put in the work to see your dreams come to fruition! Have a great week and Enjoy! xoxo-Kim